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1、Lesson 3 An unknown goddness1、 unknown1) not be known by name 无名的2) not well-known 不出名的-Im nobody.-Im a small potato.反:a household name 家喻户晓VIP (Very Important Person)-He is somebody.a big shot (口语)2、 goddess 女神god 男神 神仙 immortal 仙女 fairy (maiden) fairy tale 童话-ess 阴性词词缀,表女性或母性hostess 女主人;女主持人stewar

2、dess 空姐mistress 情妇tigress 雌老虎mother tiger tiger 母老虎表示动物的性别:可在动物前加male,female,he,she熊猩猩 a male gorilla母象 a female eleplant雄山羊 a he-goat母狼 a she-wolf3、 archaeologist n.考古学家arch 拱门arch- 主要的,重要的 archbishop 大主教-ology (scientific study)研究-ist 人architecture 建筑学-ologyanthropology 人类学 anthropoid 类人猿psycholog

3、y (psy- 跟精神,心理有关)philosophy (philo-喜爱 sophy-智慧)physiology 生理学-ist 人,家Specialist 专家 a heart specialist Buddhist 佛教徒 racist Terrorist pacifist 反战主义者4、 explore v.考察,勘探exploration n.explorer n.IE (Internet Explorer)explode v.爆炸 exploit v.利用,剥削exploit child labor5、 promontory n.海角cape The Cape of Good Ho

4、pe 好望角Channel n.海峡English channelStrait Taiwan strait6、 prosperous adj.(经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的prosperity n.同: thriving business booming marketFlourishing The plants are flourishing.反:slump n.衰退A slump in stock 股价下跌slack adj.(市场)松弛的,疲软的in low time -The business is in low time.-生意萧条。7、civilization n.文明Civil adj.

5、公民的,国家的civil rights civil lawcriminal lawcivil engineering civil wardomestic market domestic violence8、drainage n.排水drain n.下水道brain drain 人才流失-age 名词后缀Postage hostage orphanage9、fragment n.碎片Fall into fragments =fall into piecesFraction 小部分In a fraction of minute/second 片刻,眨眼间Fracture 骨折10、classica

6、l adj.(希腊和罗马)古文化的,古典的;人文科学的Classical musicpopular music(pop music)classical educationClassic adj.第一流的,经典的-This is the classic example of love at the first sight.Classic n.杰作,经典之作-This joke is classic, it is really funny.Class n.阶级,等级11、reconstruct v.修复(re- 重新,再次)Construct vt.构造,建造Construct a sentenc

7、e/a broken statue/a houseConstruction n. constructor n.Constructive 有教育意义的同:set up/establish/found Set up students union establish a school/ruleFound a country12、full-length adj.(裙衣)拖地长的Full-dress 盛装Full-dress welcome 热烈欢迎A full-length photo 全身照a half-length photo 遗照shoulder-length hair 齐肩发waist-len

8、gth hair 齐腰发13、identity n.身份Identify v. 鉴别 identification n.ID card (=identification card)Text:1、 (L3)stand 1)表高高的坐落于,矗立与-The great tower stands on the amount.同:lie in /be located in/be situated in2)身高Yao Ming stands 2.26m.2、 (L4)enjoy 享有enjoy a long history-China enjoy a long history of over 5000 y

9、ears.enjoy supportsenjoy good healthenjoy large sales 畅销 enjoy a hand some income3、 (L6)withA man with a beard 山羊胡A man with a moustache 小胡子A man with a whiskers 络腮胡子4、 (L9)worship n.崇拜Worship god worship moneymoney worship 拜金主义同:admire、adore、idolize(idol)Warship 战舰5、 (L10)B.C. (Before Christ) (befo

10、re the Chris of birth)A.D. (Anno Domini 拉丁语)A.M. (Ante Meridiem)P.M. (Post meridiem)6、 (L10)跟 Rome有关的成语:-Do as the Romans do when in Rome.-入乡随俗。-Every road leads to Rome.-条条大路通罗马。 (殊途同归)-Rome wasnt built in a day.-冰冻三尺非一日之寒。7、 (L10)sacred adj.宗教的,神圣的(greatly respected)Sacred cow 圣牛,不可侵犯的人或物同:holyHol

11、y city (耶路撒冷)Religious (religion)8、 (L10)译:-在庙中在神圣的一间殿堂里发现了 15尊陶制雕像的碎片。-Clay fragments of fifteen statues were found in the most sacred room of the temple.-In the most sacred room of the temple为了强调地点,所以放于句首。完全倒装:-There comes the bus.-The bus comes there.-Now comes your turn.-Your turn comes now.-The

12、re is a desk.-A desk is there.9、 (L11)represent v.代表比较:1)represent(具体)-The Foreign Minister represented the country at the conference.2)stand for (抽象)-Pigeon and green stand for peace.3)on behalf of 代表(身份)-I will destroy you on behalf of the Moon10、 (L16)rest v. 倚放,放置1)place(正式)-The professor placed

13、 the examination paper in front of me .2)put(非正式)-He put the book on the table.-let me put it this way.(口语)3)lay(把某物放在某物的表面)-She laid her hand on my shoulder.4)rest (考某物支撑)-He rested his elbows on the table.11、 (L16)wear Wear a dress wear make-up wear perfumeWere contact lenses wear a sad look 一脸愁容Wear a pistol 佩戴手枪12、 (L16)despite 尽管=in spite of+n./doing/the fact that-Despite her being old ,she is still graceful.-In spite of the fact that she was old ,she is still graceful.13、so far 引起完成时Untiluntil now up toup to now By now ever since


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