研究生英语综合教程(课件中词组) 熊海虹

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《研究生英语综合教程(课件中词组) 熊海虹》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《研究生英语综合教程(课件中词组) 熊海虹(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、研究生英语综合教程 熊海虹Unit 1 Planning Your Future CareerPart II (4-12)Traits of key players:Trait 1: The selfless collaboratorTrait 2: A sense of urgencyTrait 3: Risk toleranceTrait 4: Strength in interpersonal relationshipsPara. 1 hear about(be) involved ina handful ofcount onget the job donecant live witho

2、utbe essential toPara. 2part of (the story, a family)(be) intended to (do sth)make a changeplace a bet onPara. 3an educated guessones job as a (nurse)identify sb asPara. 4a great deal (talk a great deal about)deserve doingstand outPara. 5have a hard time doingmake the transitionwork together within

3、pursuit of(be) combined withPara. 6a contributor totransition toa division of (3M)annual revenuesa sense of urgencyPara. 7which meansone way that (sb does sth)not onlybuthave the courage to do sthact on (ones convictions)not exclusive toPara. 8be ok withthe ability to do sthmake decisionsstick ones

4、neck outPara. 9(be) defined bycomfort withget to the answeras much asfall in love with(be) based onmean toA skill setPara. 10a piece oftake chancesbe comfortable/have comfort talking about.(be) made upPara. 11make the transition toon the business side of thingsmake the differencespend ones time doin

5、g sthpeople skillsbe valued and measuredPara. 12it would be a mistake toin great measurework witha broad variety ofup and down the organizationUnit 4 Love and Loving RelationshipsPara. 1bothand be essential for (a) source of be deprived of be known to (do sth) a wide variety of last a lifetimeIn con

6、trast Gain weightScore high on (an exam) Para. 2to receive careget along with (sb/sth)do well at/in schoolreact toform and maintain a relationshipIt is for these reasons thatPara. 3self-lovethe way (sb does sth)self-centereddescribeasself-esteem: confidence in ones own worth or abilities; self-respe

7、ct 自尊( 心),自信be open to (criticism)be demanding of (others): making others meet high standardsseeasa prerequisite for: 的先决条件self-imagebringtogether: 使相识/相会/聚在一起Para. 4a variety ofaccording torun for ones lifeto mean by (saying) sthdepend onlove for sb/stha source offor many centuries/yearsPara. 5vary

8、 insocial contextat the very leastbe necessary fora loving relationshipa willingness to (do sth)even ifan acceptance ofas muchasconcern aboutthe loved oneones ownbe in lovePara. 6care aboutfor ones own sakein ones own waybe necessary forfor the purpose ofbe missingbe based onPara. 7long-termhave not

9、hing/something in common (with)because oflead toin factbe close(r) toneithernorbe/stay upPara. 8take turns (doing sth)in a romantic settingwhetheror notPara. 9each otherin the first placeout therebe meant formillions ofdue tosuch asPara. 10in a/the senselust for 贪恋lead sb to (do sth)fall in lovePara

10、. 11differentiate between A and Bin contrastbe engaged (in sth/doing sth)equate A with Bbe said to (do sth, be in a state)on longer“the good old days”Para. 12culminate in 以.告终;达到巅峰the same aseven thoughin additionUnit 6 Sanctuary or FulfillmentPara. 1bestow (a gift) on sb account for. the presence o

11、f.to a large extentdepending (a good deal) on.Para. 2be the concentrate of.集.于一身(一城)bring to a place sb=bring sb to a placefeel the vibrations of.at the momentin 90-degree heathalfway downbe affected by.受.影响,不能摆脱.hit sb on the nosesweat out.呕心沥血 /辛勤地做出.in full view of the publicbe washed of ones sin

12、sfor that matter 就这一点来说,这样想来from withoutPara. 3next to.around/at the beginning of the centurybe close to.understand a word of Englishtake a girl for your first datebe content with.participation in.link with.Para. 4blend.with.把 .和.融合在一起succeed in (doing) sthtake placein a fit of jealousy/anger/temper

13、/giggles 一阵嫉妒/愤怒/ 生气 /傻笑 之下 happen to do sthball grounds and horse parksPara. 5to absorb anything that comes along 包容一切,包罗万有inflict sth on sb 把.强加于某人身上in a sensethe choice is (not) with sbbe thrown to the Lions 与狮子会会员狭路相逢,被逼上狭路tune out 不理; 对无反应Para. 6insulate.from.feel the blow 感觉到打击(的疼痛)at any rate

14、 无论如何,不管怎样;至少 Para. 7in this regard(merely) to escapea positive effect on.Para.8to impart/convey a feeling of.depend on sb/sth for.chances of sudden rejuvenation 立竿见影的“重生”机会break away fromUNIT 7 exploring human naturePara.1(on) the basis of buildupon take the shape of (以形式出现 /存在)Throughout (ones) li

15、fe Para 2be capable of move (驱使) be swayed by (受左右) the pursuit of the (whole) world over para 3seeas as far asis concerned be in order 就应该be mistaken for para 4have (limited) control overdraw conclusions fromfit sth into (sth else)使与融为一体be true to忠实于hold to坚持have a chance to do sthunder pressuredis

16、appear from viewfor a period of timepara 5as (=since)to fundamentally change sthThis is whyto acquire areputationto re-establish oneself in public confidenceto know from experience thatNor doesPara 7as: in the way that好比,就像participate inassociation with (be associated with/to)take on (a new look) 呈现出


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