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1、2010 级研究生英语上学期期末复习资料一、词汇部分1、If an actor forgets his words, he sometimes improvises(即席而作;即席创作).2、It is mandatory (强制性的)to pay the debt within six months.3、“Better late than never” is a platitude(陈词滥调) that is very familiar to most English speakers.4、No men was allowed to infringe (破坏, 侵犯, 违反) on the

2、livelihood of his neighbor.5、She really enjoyed the film because it was a fusion(熔合) of history and contemporary events.6、When he tried to make a little joke, the judge warned him not to give frivolous(轻薄的; 轻浮妄动的) replies to the lawyers questions.7、What were your aggregate(聚合的) wages 工资 for this las

3、t year?8、The newspapers biased 有偏见的 their readers against the new government.9、He was quite explicit 明确的 about on what he thought about our plan.10、The book is highly endorsed 支持 by prominent people. 11、This book is about how these basic beliefs and values affect important facets(方面)of American life

4、.12、We can gain lasting peace only if we proceed with the understanding, the confidence, and the courage which flow from conviction 定罪/信念.13、Although afflicted 折磨 by serious eyesight problem, Alicia Alonso was one of the principal stars of the American Ballet Theater.14、In order to prevent a sudden

5、outbreak of hostilities, we must give our rivals no provocative 挑衅的 hints.15、When the old man was near death he lost interest in mundane(世俗的) affairs.16、I was so sleepy I could scarcely stifle(抑制) a yawn.17、And endless vista of tedious days and nights stretched before us.18、He prayed to God day and

6、night so that he would be endowed 被赋予 with power and wisdom.19、In the fifteenth century many people were banished 流放/驱逐 from England for religious reasons.20、The children tramped(重步行走, 踏) the woods looking for berries.21、Upset by an inexplicable anxiety, he has been in a bad mood for several weeks.2

7、2、His father is fairly tolerant, but not indulgent (纵容的) towards his children.23、The orders, which purported to be signed by the general, were an enemy trick.24、The government has scrapped(扔弃, 敲碎, 拆毁)its plans for earnings-related pensions25、It is natural for people to have hope, admiration, and jea

8、lousy. To inhibit 抑制 such feelings is cruel because it goes against human nature.26、Youd be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.27、The two groups of fans must be segregated 被隔离的 in the stadium.28、Details of the sex scandal are being revealed just to titillate 感到兴奋 the public, not in

9、form them.29、In short, every time the issue of family structure has been raised, the response has been first controversy (论争, 辩论, 论战), then retreat, and finally silence.30、Accuracy and expressiveness are the two requisites 必需品 in translation, the first is to express the exact thought of the original

10、 article and the second is to make the translation readily understood.31、His spirit was bolstered (支持) by the kind words of his closest friend.32、The basketball captain continues to bicker 拌嘴 with his teammates.33、The singer has repertoire(某个人的全部技能) ranging from operatic arias to folk songs.34、In a

11、divorce, the mother usually is granted custody (n.监护权;监管) of her children.35、The lock is activated 使激活 by a magnet key.36、Most human beings are susceptible(易受影响的, 易感动的) to kindness.37、The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of their only youngster, who had been importuning(强求,不断请求) for m

12、ore pocket money all the time. 二、同意句选择部分1、Here is where the company has pulled a fast one on its employees.(A) As a matter of fact the company asks its employees to observe the fast.(B) As a matter of fact the company has cheated 欺骗 its employees.(C) As a matter of fact the employees run very fast t

13、o avoid punishment.(D) As a matter of fact the company has lied to its employees 2、education has risen to the top of the national agenda(A) education has become the most important thing of the country(B) education has become the least important thing of the country(C) education is at the top of prog

14、ram of the country(D) education is at the bottom of program of the country3、Swimming off the coast of Argentina, a female right whale singles out just one of the suitors that are hotly pursuing her.(A) Swimming off the coast of Argentina, a female right whale chooses just one of the whales that are

15、enthusiastically running after 追求 her.(B) Swimming off the coast of Argentina, a female right whale chooses just one of the whales that are running after her in the hot mid-day.(C) Swimming off the coast of Argentina, a female right whale is running with other whales in the hot mid-day.(D) Swimming

16、off the coast of Argentina, a female right whale chooses just one of the whales that are enthusiastically searching for her.4、Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage.(A) Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those who didnt like to marry.(B) Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those who didnt reach the legal age to marry.(C) Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be th


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