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1、Dialoge 1Making CookiesLaurance-Would you like some cookies? I just made them.Soomy- Thank you. Yes, I would.Laurance-These are chocolate,and those are almond-flavored.Soony- I guess Ill try a chocolate one fu-st. Mmmm. this is delicious.Are they hard to make?Laurance-No, theyre really quite easy. W

2、ait a minute, Ive got the recipe right here. See.these are the ingredients, and then you just follow the directions.Soony- That does look easy. I think Ill make some tonight.注解:almond-flavored:有杏仁味的recipe:制作菜肴的用料及烹饪方法Dialogue 2Inviting a friend to dinner.Laurance- When can we expect you for dinner?

3、Can you come tonight?Soony- Not tonight. I promised to go to a concert with my sister.Laurance- Well . How about Friday then?Soony- That sounds fine.Laurance- Good. Shall we say seven oclock?Soony- Ill be there! Youre still a fabulous cook, arent you?Laurance- Thatll be for you to decide. Ive got a

4、new dish that I want to try out on you.Soony- Im ready. I think Ill fast all day Friday!注解:fabulous=wonderful try out on you:原意是 以你做试验.fast:动词,作禁食解.Dialogue 3CAR INSURANCElaurance-I need to get car insurance.Ya got any ideas?Soony- Well,you could try ny company.It seems to havefair rates. Laurance-D

5、o they insure older cars?Soony- As far as I know,they insure all kinds of vehicles.Laurance-How long have you had a policy with them?Soony- Oh,I dont know.Maybe five years.Laurance-And you say their rates are low?Soony- Not low reasonable.Ive always gotten good service from them.Let me give you thei

6、r phone number and you can call them.注解:rates:费用.这里指应交的保险费.vehicle:车辆,运载工具.Dialogue 4BUYING A SECOND-HAND CARLaurance- What kind of a car do you have?Soony- An old one.Laurance- I know its old, but what make is it?Soony- - Its a Chevrolet. Why do you ask? You going intothe car business?Laurance -Not

7、hing like that. My cousin is going to take ajob overseas and he cant take his car with him, sohes going to sell it - cheap. Its practically new.Soony- WelL I have been thinking about getting a newercar. I cant afford a brand new one.Laurance- Would you like to look at my cousins car?Soony- Is it a f

8、our-door or a two-door?Laurance- Its a coupe with a vinyl roof.Soony- Does it have automatic transmission?.Laurance- Yes, and it also has power steering, power brakes,and air conditioning.Soony- I guess I might take a look at it. How much is heasking?Laurnace- I dont know for sure, but hell make you

9、 a gooddeal.Soony- Okay. Set it up for me to see it, if you can.注解:make(名词): 指机械产品的类型,特别是厂家.a four-door or a two-door=a four-door car or a two-door car,前者指宽敞的大篷车,后者指轻便的小型车.vinyl roof:乙烯基塑料顶棚.automatic transmission:自动变速器 .power steering,power brakes:指有液动或气动装置使方向盘与刹车操纵非常轻便.set it up=arrange it.Dialogu

10、e 5GETTING SOMETHING FIXED(between customer and repairman)Laurance- How long do you think itll take to fix it?Soony- Hard to tell. Sometimes we can find the problemright away and sometimes it may take an hour ortwo.Laurance- Should I wait or come back later?Soony- Suit yourself, but its probably bet

11、ter to comeback later.Laurance- You will get it fixed today, wont you?Soony- I dont see any problem. We should have it readyfor you by three at the latest. But, better call before you come.Laurance- Okay. Thanks a lot.注解:suit yourself=do as you pleaseby three at the latest=not later than three ocloc

12、k,类似的短语还有:at the most/at the earliest/at the least/at the best/at the worst 等.Dialogue 6EXPECTING A PHONE CALLLaurance-Was i hat the telephone ringing?Soony- I didnt hear anything.Laurance-I thought I heard it ring two or three times.Soony- Sometimes when the windows are open, you canhear the neighb

13、ors phone.Laurance-Well, Im expecting an important phone call, andI dont want to miss it.Soony- Is it anything I should know about?Laurance-Not really. It has something to do with work anddoesnt really affect us here at home.Soony- Well, why dont you go ahead and do what you wantedto do outside. Ill

14、 call you if the phone rings for you.Laurance-Thanks. I think I will. Ive been waiting so longnow Im getting nervous. I need to relax outdoors.注解:1. Not really.= It is not really anything you should know about.2. have something to do with work:与工作有关.这是个常用句型.have 动词之后可用 nothing,something,anything 也可用

15、 a lot,agreat deal,little 等词替换.3. waiting so long now(that)Im getting nervous:口语中 so.that 结构中的 that 常省略 .Dialogue 7AIRPORT BUSlaurance-What time doesd the bus leave for the airport?soony-I dont know.It used to leave every half hour,butI think the schedules been changed.laurance-Do you know the telep

16、hone number to call?soony-Its Enterprise 7-4700.At least thats what itused to be.laurance-Yeah,Ill try it.(PAUSE)They dont seem to answer.soony-I expect that its a little too-early.I dont think they open until nine oclock.every half hour:是每隔半小时,类似的短语还有:every other day/every three weeks/every twenty daysEnterprise 7-4700:是较旧的电话系统.电话机上除标有数码外还有英语字母.所以拨 EN7-4700 即可.第八天NEAR ACCIDENTlaurance-H


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