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1、安徽高考英语新增词汇1. absolute adj. 完全的,绝对的No one dare challenge her absolute authority. 没人敢挑战她的绝对权威。I look upon this as an absolute necessity. 我认为这是绝对必要的。2. accommodation n.住处;住宿(有时包括膳食)They were living in temporary accommodation.他们住在临时住所。The building is used exclusively for the accommodation of guests.此楼是专

2、为客人提供住宿的。3. aggressive adj.攻击性的,好斗的;有闯劲的,积极进取的The dogs are trained to be aggressive.这些狗被训练得具有攻击性。Watching violence on TV makes some children more aggressive.看暴力电视节目使一些孩子变得更具攻击性。highly aggressive marketing techniques 极富进取精神的营销技巧4. album n.相册, 邮票簿 , 照片簿 ; 唱片集family album I keep the photographs in an a

3、lbum. 我把照片放在相册里。5. alongside adv.在.的侧面; 傍; 沿靠; 与.并排The two ships lay alongside of each other.这两艘船并排靠着。6. appendix (pl. appendices/appendixes) (书或文件的)附录;This book has two appendices.这本书有两个附录。7. appetite n.胃口, 食欲 ;对的渴望(或爱好)The baby has a good appetite.这个婴儿食欲很好。Reading the first story increased my appe

4、tite for more.读第一个故事激起了继续读下去的欲望。8. appropriate adj.适当的,合适的It is appropriate that he should get the post.由他担任这一职务是恰当的。9. authority n.权威, 权力;官方, 当局He has the authority for handling this matter.他有权力处理这件事。The local authorities decided to build a suspension bridge over the river.该地区政府决定在这条河上建一座吊桥。A good

5、dictionary is an authority on the meanings of words.一本好词典是词义的权威。10. awesome adj.令人敬畏的; 使人畏惧的; 可怕的; (非正式)绝妙的;极佳的the awesome power of the atomic bomb.原子弹的威慑力The band is truly awesome! 乐队真是棒极了!11. bakery n.面包房The baker bakes his bread in the bakery.面包师在面包房内烤面包。12. bacterium n. (pl. bacteria)细菌Bacteria

6、are invisible to the naked eye.细菌是肉眼看不见的。Bacterial reproduction is accelerated in weightless space.在失重的空间,细菌繁殖加快了。13. bishop n. (基督教)主教He was appointed Bishop of Ely. 14. bleed (bled , bled) v.出血,流血The cut was bleeding steadily.伤口不断流血。If you cut your finger, it will bleed.如果你割破手指, 它会流血。15. boom n./v

7、.繁荣,昌盛 Business is booming.商业蓬勃发展。He is booming as a teacher.作为一位教师, 他日趋成功。16. booth n.公用电话亭;摊位;饭馆中的小隔间Where can I find a telephone booth? 我在哪儿可以找到电话亭 ?Therere many booths at the exhibition.展览会上有许多摊位。17. buffet n. (火车站的) 饮食柜台, (火车的)餐车, 自助餐Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding? 想在

8、婚礼中摆桌宴还是搞自助餐?18. champion n.冠军,The final game decides who is the champion.最后的一局比赛决定谁是冠军。19. choir n.合唱团;(教堂)唱诗班The church choir is singing tonight.今晚教堂歌唱队要唱诗。20. circumstance n.情况We wanted to marry but circumstances didnt permit.我们想结婚,但是条件不允许。The artists are living in reduced circumstances.艺术家们生活拮据。

9、21. comedy n.喜剧;喜剧性事件 喜剧作品 Do you prefer comedy or tragedy? 你喜欢喜剧还是悲剧 ?At last he saw the comedy of the situation and laughed.他最后看出这一场面的喜剧性, 于是笑了。22. commitment n.献身;投入 ;承诺;保证I could not fault my players for commitment.我对我的队员们的投入程度没什么可挑剔的。I cannot make such a commitment at the moment.此刻我不能作出这样的承诺。23

10、. component n. (尤指机械或车辆的)部件,零件;(构成整体的)组成部分,成分A chemist can separate a medicine into its components.化学家能把一种药物的各成分分解出来。24. constitution n.宪法;构成;体质According to the American Constitution, presidential elections are held every four years.根据美国宪法, 总统选举每四年举行一次。The constitution of a primitive society is not

11、necessarily simple.原始社会的结构未必简单。The child had a weak constitution and was always ill. 这孩子体质很弱,总是生病。25. convey v.输送; 表达;传达;Pipes were laid to convey water to the house.铺了水管,将水输送到住宅。Mr Harvey and his daughter have asked me to convey their very kind regards.哈维先生和他的女儿让我转达他们最诚挚的问候。I cant convey my feeling

12、s in words.我无法用言语来表达我的情感。26. correspond v.相符;一致; (通信)联系Margaret corresponded with him until his death.玛格丽特和他保持通信直到他去世。The doctor and I corresponded for more than two decades.我和医生通信达 20 多年。The carved heads described in the poem correspond to a drawing of Edgcote House.诗中描述的雕刻头像和埃杰科特别墅的绘画完全一致。27. corr

13、upt adj.腐败的;堕落的The play can do no harm since its audience is already corrupt.这个戏不会带来什么坏处,因为它的观众已经堕落了。28. departure n.离开; 离去His departure was quite unexpected. 他这一走很出人意料。29. dignity n.高尚的品质; 尊严Only a truly free person has human dignity. 只有真正自由的人才具有人的尊严。She doesnt stand on her dignity and treat the re

14、st of us as servants. 她没有端著架子把我们当作仆人对待。30. dioxide n.二氧化物Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. 树木吸收二氧化碳并释放氧气。31. elegant adj.(相貌或仪态)优雅的, 文雅的, 高雅的She will look elegant in black. 她穿黑色会显得很优雅。an elegant woman/coat/style of writing 文雅的女人、 高雅的外衣、 优美的写作风格elegant manners 优雅的仪态32. entry n.进入(权) ;(写

15、进清单、 日记、 帐本等的)项目;参加比赛的人或物The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher. 老师突然进来把孩子们吓了一跳。We cant go along that road because the sign says No Entry. 我们不能走那条路, 因为牌子上 写著禁止入内。33. eventually adj.最后; 终于He fell ill and eventually died. 他患病而终于不治。Eventually he was tired of trying so hard. 他最

16、后厌倦了这种艰苦的尝试。34. evolution n.进化; 进化论;演化; 演进; 演变The forms of written languages undergo constant evolution.书写语言的形式经过了不断的演变。35. fantasy n.想像, 幻想;幻想出来的东西; 荒诞的或不现实的念头Stop looking for the perfect job. Its just a fantasy. 别想找十全十美的工作了- 那简直是幻想。Most of what they told us was pure fantasy. 他们告诉我们的大多都是幻想。36. ferry n.渡船;渡口The last ferry sails at 4 p.m.最后一班渡船下午 4 点开船。37. forecast (forecast, forecast) v.预报; 预测Rain i



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