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1、 1 / 17初三上 unit9unit10 词汇检测过关训练一、单词默写体貌描述1. beautiful adj.美的;美丽的2. pretty adj.漂亮的3. nice adj.好的;令人愉快的4. handsome adj.帅的5. high adj.高的6. tall adj.高的7. young adj.年轻的;幼小的8. fat adj.肥的;胖的9. height n.高度10. short adj.短的;矮的11. ugly adj.难看的;丑陋的12. weak adj.差的;弱的13. strong adj.强烈的;强壮的;强大的性格、处世1. lazy adj.懒惰的

2、2. stupid adj. 笨的;蠢的3. hard adv.努力地4. patient adj.耐心的5. careless adj.粗心的6. careful adj.小心的;仔细的;谨慎的 2 / 177. polite adj.礼貌的8. rude adj.粗鲁的9. serious adj.严肃的;认真的10. strict adj.严格的;严厉的11. humorous adj.幽默的12. useful adj.有用的;有益的13. friendly adj.友好的14. sweet adj.可爱的;亲切的15. character n.性格;品质;角色16. feature

3、n.特征;(复)相貌;特写17. shy adj.害羞的18. strong adj.强烈的;坚强的19. active adj.积极的20. brave adj.勇敢的21. dishonest adj.不诚实的22. honest adj.诚实的23. energy n.精力;能量24. energetic adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的25. lively adj.活泼的;充满生气的26. lovely adj.美好的;可爱的27. quiet adj.安静的28. kind adj.善良的29. helpful adj.有帮助的30. excellent adj.卓越的;极好的 3 /

4、 1731. cute adj.可爱的;聪明的32. wise adj.睿智的33. bright adj.聪明的;明亮的34. clever adj.聪明的35. smart adj.漂亮的;时髦的;聪明的36. creative adj.创造性的37. spirit n.神灵;精神38. courage n.勇气;胆量39. silly adj.傻里傻气的二、用所给单词的正确形式填空1There are a lot of excellent _ (director) in this country.2I try my best _ (solve) the problems.3You are

5、 too tired _ (go) to school.4It is fun _ (have) a party.5. There is something wrong with her eyes. She cant see things _ (clear).6We should learn how _ (deal) with difficulties.7It is easy for me _ (work) out the problem.8The _ (pain) expression (表情) on her face suggested that she had known the sad

6、news. 9Could you tell me where _ (go) to the hotel? 10Would you mind _ (do) his work?11Im thirsty.Could you give me something _ (drink)12I feel like _ (take) a photo. 4 / 1713 Do you know a girl _ (call) Yang Liping?三、单选训练1. I think _ not difficult _ English every morningA. that; keep reading Bits;

7、keep readingC. that; to keep reading Dit; to keep reading2. I dont know when _ tomorrow?I will call you as soon as he _.A. will he come; arrives B. he will come; arrives C.he will come; will arrive3. Tomorrow is Labor Day.He _ his uncle.Adropped by Bdrop by Cdrops by Dwill drop by 4. We are going on

8、 a school trip tomorrow. _.AExcuse meBIm sorry to hear that C Youre welcome DHave a good time5. Jack _ dislike the weather in Beijing in spring, because there is so much wind and sand.But now he _ it.A is used to; used to Bused to; is used to Cwas used to; is used to 6. Shall we go for a picnic tomo

9、rrow?Well, it all _ the weather.Abelongs to Bhappens to Cdepends on 7. Our plane is _ in a few minutes.Please be seated Aturning off Bputting off Ctaking off Dgettingoff8. You look sad.What has happened?Everyone _ us to win the match, Aexpects Bexpected Chopes Dhoped9. Jim, would you please clean yo

10、ur clothes? _, you are no longer a child. 5 / 17All right, Im coming.AFirst of all BAfter all CAs a result 10. Well go for a picnic if it_ this Sunday.Wish you a lovely weekend.Arain Bdoesnt rain Cwont rain Drains11. It is polite _ a smile when you visit somebody for the first time.Atake Btaking Cto

11、 take Dtake to do 12. The peaceful music in the CD made the students _ relaxed.Afeel Bfeels Cfelt Dto feel13. I found it difficult _ a language.Amastering Bmaster Cto master Dmastered14. Its nice of you _ me.Ahelp Bhelping Cto help Dhelps15. _ wonderful to spend our summer on the island.AWere BIts C

12、Thats DWhat16. Your T-shirt is so cool.Could you please _?Atelling me what you bought it Btell me where you bought itCtelling me what you buy it Dtell me where you buy it17. The man _ his shoes before entering the room.Acleaned dirt off Bcleaned dirt in Cdropped dirt off Ddropped dirt in18. I find _

13、 hard for me _ the work in such a short time.A. it; finishing B. its; finish C. it; to finish 19. George was heard _ just now.What happened?People was telling a joke.Ato cry Bcry Cto laugh Dlaugh 6 / 1720. Every student who _ in the same group takes part in his birthday party.Astudy Bstudies Care st

14、udying Dhave studied21. Huangyan Island belongs to China.Surely it does! We Chinese will never _ it up.Acut Bgive Cmix Dset22. It is all right if you comelate. A. a bit of B. a little of C. a bit D. too much23. You shouldnt kiss her. You are supposed to bow _ .A A. instead B. instead of C. either24. Im sorry Im late. I should get here 10 minutes _. A A. early B. earlier C. the earliest


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