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1、这是同济大学结构研一硕士上的高等混凝土结构理论期末考试的复习要点,希望对考博选考混凝土结构基本理论这门课的同学有所帮助。1Stress-strain curves of concrete under monotonic, repeated and cyclic uniaxial loadings. 单轴受力时混凝土在单调、重复、反复加载时的应力应变曲线。2Creep of concrete (linear and nonlinear) 混凝土的徐变(线性、非线性徐变)3Components of deformation of concrete 混凝土变形的多元组成4Process of fai

2、lure of concrete under uniaxial compression 混凝土在单向受压时破坏的过程。5Strength indices of concrete and the relations among them 混凝土的强度指标及其之间关系6Features of stress-strain envelope curve of concrete under repeated compressive loading. 混凝土单向受压重复加载时的应力应变关系的包络线的特征。7The crack contact effect of concrete and its repre

3、sentation in stress-strain diagram. 混凝土的裂面效应及其在应力应变关系图上的表示。8The multi-level two-phase system of concrete. 混凝土的多层次二相体系。9The rheological model of concrete. 混凝土的流变学模型。10 Influence of stress gradient on strength of concrete. 应力梯度对混凝土强度的影响。11 Tensile test of concrete and result. 混凝土轴心受拉试验及结果。12 Size effe

4、ct of concrete. 混凝土的尺寸效应。13 Non-objectivity of desending branch of stress-strain curve of concrete subject to tension (gauge length dependency). 混凝土受拉时应力应变曲线下降段应变观测的非客观性(标距依赖性)。14 Failure modes of concrete under multiaxial loading. 混凝土在多轴受力时的破坏形式。15 Strength theories of concrete and their forms of r

5、epresentation. 混凝土强度理论及其表述方式。16 Properties of failure surface of concrete. 混凝土破坏曲面的特性。17 Types of 3D stress-strain relations of concrete. 混凝土三维应力应变关系的各种类型。18 Stress-strain relations of rebars under different types of loading. 在不同加载条件下钢筋的应力应变关系。19 The bauschinger effect of rebars. 钢筋的包兴格效应。20 The val

6、ley of shear failure of concrete beam (Kanis valley). 混凝土梁的剪切破坏谷(卡尼谷)。21 Truss model of shear resistance and its failure modes. 抗剪桁架模型及其破坏模式。22 Shear failure zone. 剪切强度控制区。23 Features of shear resistance of T-beams. T 形梁的抗剪特点.24 Shear resistance of beams with variable depth. 变高度梁的抗剪。25 Beam action a

7、nd arch action of shear resistance. 抗剪的梁作用和拱作用。26 Calculation of stress in diagonal struts of truss model for shear. 抗剪桁架模型混凝土斜压杆的应力计算。27 Solution of the statically indeterminate truss in the plastic truss theory. 塑性桁架理论中超静定桁架的求解。28 Why should the angle of inclination of diagonal cracks duo to shear

8、 be limited? 为什么要限制剪切斜裂缝的倾角?29 Compression fan and compression field. 压力扇 和压力场。30 B-region and D-region. B 区和 D 区。31 The strut-and-tie model and its components. 拉压杆模型及其组成部分。32 How to determine which strut-and-tie model is better? 如何判别拉压杆模型的优劣?33 Analysis of flexural sections under given conditions.

9、在给定条件下混凝土受弯截面的分析。34 The contribution of tension flange to the flexural strength of the beam; shear lag concept. 梁的受拉翼缘对受弯承载力的贡献;剪力滞。35 Ductility design of structures. 结构的延性设计。36 The influence of confinement by stirrups on properties of concrete. 箍筋约束对混凝土性能的影响。37 Factors influencing curvature ductili

10、ty. 影响截面曲率延性的因素。38 Analysis of axial compression. 轴压截面分析。39 The approximate method for strength calculation by using the convex nature of failure surfaces. 利用破坏曲面的凸性的承载力近似计算。40 How to determine the effective length of a column. 柱的计算长度是如何确定的?41 How will the sidesway of a structure influence the effec

11、tive length of columns? 结构的侧移对柱的计算长度有何影响?42 Equilibrium torsion and compatibility torsion and their examples. 平衡扭转、协调扭转及其例。43 Try to deduce the expression for plastic ultimate torque of concrete rectangular section. 试导出素混凝土矩形截面的塑性极限扭矩的表达式。44 Sand heap analogy. 沙堆比拟。45 Torsional strength of complex s

12、ections made up of rectangles. 由矩形组成的复合截面受扭承载力。46 The angle of inclination of initial diagonal crack of a torsional member; the angle of inclination of critical diagonal crack of the member at torsional failure. 受扭构件的初始斜裂缝倾角与最终破坏时的临界斜裂缝的倾角。47 The curve of interaction between ultimate shear and ultim

13、ate torque. 梁受剪扭时,极限扭矩与极限剪力之间的相关关系。48 The expression for shear flow in an RC rectangular section subject to torsion.有腹筋矩形截面梁受扭时剪力流的表达式。49 The curve of interaction between ultimate moment and ultimate torque.极限扭矩与极限弯矩之间的相关关系。50 What are the factors influencing the bond stress between rebar and concre

14、te?钢筋和混凝土之间粘结应力的大小与哪些因素有关?51 The distribution of bond stress along the longitudinal rebar of a beam before it is cracked. 梁开裂前粘结力沿钢筋纵向的分布。52 The influence of the position of a rebar in concrete on its bond behaviour. 钢筋在混凝土中的浇筑位置对其粘结性能的影响。53 The cracks caused by bond failure. 粘结破坏的裂缝形式。54 The intern

15、al forces in a reinforced concrete slab. 钢筋混凝土板中的内力。55 The equilibrium equation that should be satisfied by the bending and twisting moments of a slab. 板中的弯矩和扭矩应满足的平衡方程。56 What is the use of torque in reinforcing a slab. 板中的扭矩对板的配筋有何作用? 57 The boundary conditions at simply supported boundary and fix

16、ed boundary of a slab. 板的简支边和固定边的边界条件。58 Factors influencing puncing shear strength. 影响冲切承载力的因素。59 The effect of opening on the puncing shear strength. 板中开洞对冲切承载力的影响。60 Features of prestressed concrete. 预应力混凝土的特点。61 The allowable zone of c.g.s. in a statically determinate beam.静定梁中预应力筋中心线的容许区域。62 Equivalent load due to prestress. 预应力产生的等效荷载。63 The concept of load balancing in designi


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