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1、第 1 页2017年7月英语辞职报告范文一般用正面积极的语言,以下为常用句。 1、state ou are resigning our speifi positiontitle and the effetive date. as e have disussed, i am offering m resignation as sstems analst, level 1. i ant to make the resignation effetive date as onvenient for ou as possible, but no later than marh 1. please ons

2、ider this letter as m resignation from m position as offie manager, effetive marh 1. i ill be leaving m position as general ounsel on august 31. after six long months of ontemplation on m future advanement in hhh, i have deided to resign m geologist position, effetive sometime in otober at our onven

3、iene. the deision has been quite diffiult for me beause i trul have enjoed the relationships i ve built here. i offer m resignation as training oordinator ith hhh. m last da ill be marh 1, unless ou have a replaement ho an assume the responsibilities sooner. 2、state our reason for leaving. ou ma be

4、as vague or as speifi as ou ish. bear in mind, hoever, our reason should be one that puts ou in a favorable light ith future emploers ho ma verif our emploment reord. this ne position ill offer me the opportunit to travel overseas, an adventure i ve looked 第 2 页forard to for sometime no. i have been

5、 onerned about the limited opportunities for advanement. as ou kno, i ve alas been one to thrive on hange and groth. i have deided to seek a job that ill allo me more freedom to use m problem-solving skills on non-routine matters. as ou kno, m training is in the finanial area, and i ve had limited o

6、pportunities here to make ontributions of that kind. m experiene ith previous emploers has been administrative ork, and that is the kind of job to hih i d like to return. as e have disussed, beause of hanges in m personal finanial responsibilities, i have had to seek a position that offered a higher salar although i understand our budgetar onstraints. i reall haven t deided pletel hat kind of job i ant to pursue, although i am interested in the possibilit of going into business for mself. at this point, i m toing ith the idea of turning one of m hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.12 内容。


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