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1、模块 2 第 3 单元重难点实例解析一、考点出处:At the moment of Carnarvons death, the lights went out in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. (P43)考点提炼:go out 熄灭;出去;过时。A strong wind came, and the light went out. 一阵大风过来,灯熄了。Hearing the news, he went out in a hurry. 一听到这个消息,他匆忙走了出去。I think the fashion for boots has gone out. 我认为长靴

2、已经过时了。 考点例析:All of a sudden, the light _ and everything was in dark.A. went out B. went downC. gave out D. gave off解析:A。everything was in dark 暗示该空表示“熄掉” ,因此应填 went out。二、考点出处:It is believed that the mummys curse makes those who enter Egypt ill. (P44)考点提炼:It is believed that. 大家都相信过去分词也可换成 said / re

3、ported / announced / whispered / told / agreed,表示据说 / 报道 / 宣布 / 私下里传闻 / 告知 / 协商。It is believed that pollution can do great harm to man. 大家都相信污染可以给人类造成很大伤害。It is reported that China will set up another man-made satellite. 据报道中国又要发射一颗人造卫星。考点例析:_ is believed that the earth goes around the sun all the t

4、ime.A. It B. This C. That D. What解析:A。It is believed that. 人们相信,符合语境逻辑和句子结构。三、考点出处:However, nothing can compare with what I found today. (P45)考点提炼:compare vt. 比较 vi. 比喻,比作;比得上The results have been carefully checked and compared. 这些结果已经过仔细核对和比较。We can compare the young to be the morning sun. 我们可把年轻人比

5、作为早晨的太阳。I cant compare with you. 我不能和你相比。Compared with that article, this article is better. 和那篇论文相比,这篇论文更好。考点例析:Im afraid your handwriting cant _ with hers at all.A. compare B. competeC. struggle D. win解析:A。析语境可知,该空表示 “比得过” ,应填 compare。四、考点出处:Would you rather be famous or make a great contribution

6、to the world but be unknown? (P45)考点提炼:make a contribution to 为作贡献,to 为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。We should make contributions to our cause. 我们应为我们的事业作贡献。We must make a contribution to building our country. 我们应为建设祖国做出贡献。考点例析:Im told that he made a great contribution to _ our living level.A. improve B. improv

7、ingC. improved D. be improving解析:B。make a contribution to 中的 to 为介词,后面应接动名词做宾语。五、考点出处:Before his invention worked, Cai tried using many different parts of trees and plants, and old fishing nets to make paper! (P51)考点提炼:work vi.工作, (因素等)起作用;(不可数)n. 工作;(可数)n.著作、作品、工厂(单复数同形) 、工程(常用复数形式) ; All the worke

8、rs in our factory work very hard. 我们工厂的所有工人工作都很努力。The medicine is working and I feel much better. 药在起作用,我感到好多了。I have a lot of work to do. 我有很多工作要做。This is a work of art; I like it very much. 这是一件艺术品,我很喜欢它。This is the chemical works that we visited last year. 这是我们去年参观的化工厂。These defence works are ver

9、y strong. 这些防御工事很尖固。考点例析:I dont think your plan will _, so youd better improve it.A. work B. act C. perform D. behave解析:A。由语境逻辑可知,该空表示 “起作用” ,因此应填 work。六、考点出处:His name will go down in history with those of Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard. (P58)考点提炼:go down,被记录下来,被记得;下去,下沉。Hell go down in history as a great statement. 他将作为伟大的政治家而被载入史册。As we all know, the sun goes down the west. 众所周知,太阳在西边下落。I hope the price will go down. 我希望价格会下降。考点例析:Dont you think that his heroic deeds will always _ to encourage people?A. go off B. go out C. go away D. go down解析:D。由语境逻辑可知,该空表示 “被记录下来” ,因此应填 go down。


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