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1、Lesson 37: Seasons and Weather课前预习:I翻译:AAutumn BWinter CSpring D.Summer 根据汉语及所给词,用正确单词填空。1Do you love green grass and (rain)days?2Lets play (外面)and have a good time.3.Its (snow),lets stay inside and drink some tea 4Do you want to go (滑雪) ,just youand me?新课导学:探究一: What day is it? 今天星期几?是对星期进行提问的特殊疑问句

2、。-What day is it? 今天星期几?-Its Monday, November 19, 今天是 11 月 19 日,星期一。【拓展】What day is it? 还可对节日进行提问。-What day is October 1? 10 月 1 日是什么节日?-1ts National Day是国庆节。【例 1】Its Friday today(对画线部分提问)is it today?【解析】 对星期进行提问要用 what day.【答案】what day探究二 How is the weather?天气怎么样?这句话使用的情境你知道吗?对于 weather 你又有多少了解呢?(1

3、)本句意为 “天气怎么样? ”,用来询问天气情况,相当于 whats the weather like?当询问某地的天气情况时,可在后面加 “inat+地点” 。 -How is the weather in Beijing?=Whats theweather like in Beijing? 北京天气怎么样?-1ts fine很晴朗 .(2)weather 是不可数名词,前面不能用不定冠词;a 或 an.I like nice weather我喜欢好天气。【温馨提示】谈论天气是西方人的保险话成了社交中互相寒暄、打开话题,摆脱冷场:面的最佳选择。【例 2】- is the weather2-I

4、ts hotAWhat BHow C Where DWhy【解析】 weather 意为“天气” ,询问天气如何要用 How is the wealher? 句型。【答案】 B探究三 Its Monday todayIts snowing!今天星期一,天正在下雪。句中的两处 it 有什么用法?第一句中的 it 指时间,第二句中的 it 指天气,同时还可指代距离、气温等。Its very cold today今天天气很冷。(天气)Its about 400 metres away from my home to hisborne从我家到他家大约 400米远。(距离)Its six oclock

5、now Its time toget up现在 6 点了,到起床的时间了。(时间)【例 3】-Whats the weather like today?- is cloudy and windyAThat BIt CThis DThe【解析】 本题旨在考查 it 的用法。it 可指代天气、时间、距离等,根据题意“今天天气怎么样,多云而且多风” ,在这里是指天气,故选 B。 【答案】B探究四 I love green grass and rainy days我喜欢青草和下雨的季节。表示天气的句子中常用表示温度状况的形容词(warm,hot,cool,cold 等)和表示天气的形容词(cloudy

6、,rainy ,snowy,sunny,windy 等)。后者均由“名词+y” 构成,其中 sunny 是由双写 n 再加 y 构成。sunsunny(阳光充足的)windwindy(有风的)cloud-cloudy(多云的)rainrainy(有雨的)snowsnowy(有雪的)【例 41】When the sun is shining( 照耀) ,its a dayAwind Bsunny Ccloudy Dcold【解析】 由前面 When the sun is shining(当阳光照耀时),可推知应该是一个晴朗的天气,sunny 作为形容词译为“晴朗的,阳光充足的 ”,故选 B。【答

7、案】 B课堂检测:知识点一:What day is it today?的用法1-What day is it?-Its ASundav B.OctoberC. seven thirty D.morning知识点二:How is the weather ?的用法2. - How is the weather today?(同义句转换)- the weather today知识点三:it 的用法3. -How far is it from here to the library?- about 7lilometres away.A. This is B. ThatsC. Theyre D. Its

8、作业:I 用括号中所给词的正确行使完成句子。1. She dosent like (rain) days.2. It is often (cloud) in summer.3. I like (snow)days,I can go sking.4. Its (sun) today.lets go to the park.5. It is (wind) in spring.补全句子。1. This is the sun Its a day2. This is is a windIts a day3. This is s is snowIts a day4. This is is a cloudIts a day教学反思:


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