Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries

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Module 2  Developing and Developed Countries_第1页
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《Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries词汇达标 measure vt. 测定;测量;评估 educate vt. 教育;培养;训练 hunger n. 饥饿 income n. 收入 human n. (与动物等对比的)人 goal n. 目标 position n. 位置 transport n. 交通工具 development n. 发展 figure n. 数字 freeway n. 高速公路 语言达标 at the top of 在顶端 at the bottom of 在底部 make effort 努力 be connected w

2、ith 与有联系;与有关 be close to 接近;靠近 up to 直到;至多 charity n. 慈善团体 inhabitant n. 居民 location n. 位置;所在地 poverty n. 贫穷 语法达标 学习使用 but,however,although 和 while 表达转折和对比。 We are making progress but we need to make greater progress. Although developed countries gives some financial help, they need to give much mor

3、e. In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the challenges are still great. Norway is at the top of the list, while the United States is at Number 7. 高考词汇 similarity n. 类似;相似 tourism n. 旅游业 entertainment n. 娱乐 exchange n. 交换 crowded adj. ?砑返? polluted adj. 受到

4、污染的 smart adj. 漂亮的; 整洁的; 时髦的 homeless adj. 无家可归的 unfortunate adj. 不幸的; 遗憾的 vast adj. 巨大的; 庞大的; 浩瀚的 常用短语 make progress 取得进步 reduce to 减至 increase by 以的幅度增加 move out of 脱离;摆脱 be willing to do sth 乐意做某事 as much as 和一样;多达 拓展词汇 index n. 指数 expectancy n. (根据概率得出的)预期数额 household n. 一家人; 家庭 industrial adj. 工业的 过渡词汇 medium adj. 中等的;中间的


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