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1、 江西理工大学 2011 届本科毕业设计1本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文)如需图纸 QQ题 目:武山铜矿北矿带深部 2000T/D 开采设计专题题目:通风方法专题学 院:资源与环境工程学院专 业:采矿工程班 级:071学 号:34学 生: 指导教师: 职称:高工指导教师: 职称:讲师时间:2011 年 6 月 1 日 江西理工大学 2011 届本科毕业设计2摘 要 本毕业设计是以武山铜矿现有地质勘探资料为依据,根据毕业设计说明书的要求,完成武山铜矿北矿带深部-400m 以下矿体日产 2000t 地下开采设计。主要设计内容有武山铜矿开拓系统的确定,采矿方法的选择,开拓、采矿、运输与提升、通风和排水


3、ABSTRACTThis graduation design is Wushan Copper existing information on geological 江西理工大学 2011 届本科毕业设计3exploration, according to the requirements of graduation design specifications, complete copper ore belt - north Wushan 400m orebody nissan 2000 tons below the underground mining design. Main desig

4、n content have determination of copper exploit system in wushan, mining method choice, pioneering, mining, transportation and ascend, ventilation and drainage equipment selection, the design of main engineering section, ventilated drainage system, the assembly drawing transportation. According to th

5、e annual design specification requirements, determine the ascension of the ore quantities and transport equipment, then chooses appropriate traffic volume of ascension equipment and transport equipment. In the design, the single skip pit lift, through scrapers stope mining mineral in will slip into

6、harvesters slip Wells. Then in various transportation stage, by electric locomotive traction harvesters will ore to the Lord in the middle, slip Wells ore discharge ore discharge to bottom crushing cavern, finally by crushing main shaft ascend to the ground. The primary design transportation tunnel

7、sections including the overall size determine the monorail transportation sections, layered roadway stage section etc. Scrapers In mining methods selection and exploit the strategy decision, finally chooses to path under tailings backfilling mining method of cemented filling with central diagonal ty

8、pe development plan. Ventilation system adopts the central diagonal type. Key words:Wushan Copper;deep mining;footwall shaft pioneering;back-filling method to stratification under;the central diagonal type ventilation目 录第一章 总论 .51.1 矿区概况 .51.2 设计任务 .5 江西理工大学 2011 届本科毕业设计41.3 设计依据 .51.3.1 设计的文件依据 .51

9、.3.2 设计的法规、规程、标准依据、设计参考书籍 .51.4 设计指导思想与原则 .61.5 矿山建设主要方案 .61.6 存在的问题与建议 .71.6.1 存在的问题 .71.6.2 对今后的建议工作 .7第二章 矿山地质 .92.1 矿区地理与气候条件 .92.2 矿区地质构造 .92.2.1 地层 .102.2.2 褶皱构造 .102.2.3 断裂 .112.2.4 岩浆岩 .112.3 矿脉分布、产状及规模 .112.4 矿区水文地质与工程地质 .122.5 矿石物理化学性质 .13第三章 矿山年产量及服务年限 .153.1 矿山年产量 .153.1.1 矿山年产量 .153.1.2 验证矿山年产量 .153.2 矿山服务年限的计算 .153.3 矿山工作制度 .16第四章 矿床开拓 .174.1 井田划分 .174.2 岩体移动范围 .174.3 阶段高度的确定 .174.4 矿床开拓方法选择 .184.5 阶段及矿块开采顺序 .204.6 三级储量 .21 江西理工大学 2011 届本科毕业设计54.6.1 开拓储量 .214.6.2 采准储量 .214.6.3 备采储量 .21第五章 矿山井巷工程 .235.1 矿山基本井巷工程 .235.2 井筒及阶段运输巷道断面设计 .235.2.1 阶段运输巷道断面设计 .235.2.2 主井井筒断面设计 .


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