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1、1附件 1:伊 犁 师 范 学 院本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 (设 计)论 文 题 目: The Transmission of Culture Information in CE Translation from the Perspective of Sentence Conversion 从句子转化看汉英翻译中的文化信息传递学 生 姓 名:XXX系 专 业:外语系 英语专业学 号:指 导 教 师:XXX论 文 完 成 时 间:2010 年 2 月 20 日伊利师范学院教务处制2摘要语言作为人们交流的工具,是文化的一部分。在这个世界上,有许许多多的语言与文化。不同的语言是不同文化的载体。然而

2、,是翻译将这两种不同的文化与语言衔接起来。因此,通过翻译,文化与语言之间的不同变得更为明显。当面临语言及文化信息差异翻译的困难时,如何将源语言的信息完整的传递到译入语,是这篇文章要重点讨论的问题。通过句型转换,可以有效的解决上述问题。 在句型转换的过程中,有些句子的顺序被颠倒了,但并不影响信息的传递。一般来说,有许多句型转换的方式,但是在这里,作者只是讨论了部分句型转换的方法与策略。关键字:语言;文化;翻译;文化差异;句型转换3AbstractLanguage, by which people communicate with each other, is a part of culture.

3、 In this world, there are so many kinds of languages and cultures. It is said that different languages bearing different cultures. However, it is the translation that bridges two different languages and cultures together. Thus, cultural and language differences become obvious through translation. Wh

4、en facing culture default and difference, how to communicate without any problems and carry most of the source information to the target language and culture is the core of this thesis. Sentence conversion is one of the efficient ways to deal with these problems. While during sentence conversion, th

5、e sequence of the source language was changed, but the information of the source language has been kept. Generally speaking, there are many types of sentence conversion. But in this thesis, the author just discusses some of them through supplying some strategies of the sentence conversion. Key words

6、: language, culture, translation, cultural differences, sentence conversion 41 IntroductionAs mankinds most important tool of communication, language reflects peoples thinking process, communication and understanding. Great England writer Edward Taylor on human culture in his book Original Culture h

7、as defined culture as “culture is a body, which includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, ethics, laws, customs, as well as on the rest of society with the purpose of attaining the ability to learn.” This shows the complexity and breadth of culture. Language is a rather special part of culture. Language, a

8、s an integral part of culture, reflects the rich and varied culture situations. Language and culture should not be completely separated, because language is deeply rooted in culture. Due to the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the two continents seldom communicate until re

9、cent centuries, so they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no interference from each other. Because of the isolation, translation shows its importance. Through translation, the differences of languages and cultures become obvious. Good translation can not only show the meaning, it can als

10、o point out the culture differences between the different languages. Good translation can transfer the culture information from the source language to the target language freely and effectively. Culture plays an important role in Chinese-English translation, which can not be ignored. If translation

11、only attaches the transmission of semantic information while ignoring the transmission of culture information, it is difficult to truly reflect the original meaning. How to control this problem has been a history question in translation history. From the former researches, it can be seen that during

12、 cross-cultural communication, many brilliant translators have concluded different ways of translation. And during Chinese-English translation, the most difficult thing is to transfer Chinese culture into English, due to the different ways of expressions and speaking and thinking habits. In Chinese-

13、English translation, sentence conversion is one of the efficient ways to deal with the culture and information problem. By using sentence conversion, the cultural 5information and meaning of the source language can be kept completely. There are many rules of sentence conversion, but the basic rule i

14、s that to state the meaning and culture information from the source language to the target language. Therefore, in this thesis, Chinese culture and English culture and the differences between these two cultures and languages are discussed. How to get good translation during Chinese-English translati

15、on is the main topic in this thesis. It is the authors hope that the ways of getting good translation in Chinese-English translation can help us in future studies, especially when facing the culture difference and communication between different cultures and languages. 62 Culture DifferencesThere ar

16、e many kinds of cultures in this world. Every culture is different from each other. It is the differences that make each culture as unique one on the earth. The differences differ from one culture to another. In the following, it is going to discuss the main differences that commonly seen in our daily life.2.1 SpaceThe western world has more conception on space then on place. The horizon far away is not only the bou



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