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1、http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 MBA 全国联考英语语法复习:形容词、副词比较级一、等比句句型下面这种句型主要表示人或物的性质、特征等方面有某些近似或相等:主语+谓语+as+形容词/副词+as+比较对象We have accomplished as much in the past three years as would have been taken ten years in the past.句子中两个 as 作用不同 , 前一个 as 是副词, 含“如此”的意思; 后

2、一个 as 是连词, 表示“比”或“如同”的意义。下面这种句型的意思是“不比多”或“不少于”:主语+谓语+no more/less+形容词/ 副词比较级+than+被比对象是表达“相等”或“近似”的一种说法。例如:She is no less diligent than her class mates.二、比较级句型比较级句型用于表示两个人或事物之间的差别。它包括两个方面: 一是优等比较, 即“甲胜于乙”; 一是次等比较 , 即“甲不及乙” 。主+谓语+形容词/副词比较级+(名词)+被比对象或: 主语+谓语+more/less+形容词/副词+than+ 被比对象Facts speak loud

3、er than eloquence.The new edition of the dictionary is more expensive than the old one.“否定的同等级较”也用于表示两个人或事物之间的差别。例如:John doesnt work so hard as Henry.提示在英语中习惯上修饰比较级的副词不多,主要有 much,far,even,still 表示“得多”和“更”的意思。http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 三、最高级句型最高级句型用于表示

4、某一事物在一定范围内最突出或某一动作达到最高程度的句子。一般要有一个表示范围的词组。the+形容词/副词最高级+(名词)+范围词1. Jane is the tallest girl in the department of public relations.2. Of all the students, Beth works hardest.注: 引导范围的介词, 如果为同一范畴用 of, 如例 2; 否则用 in, 如例 1。否定词+比较级该名型的原意思是“再没有比更”, 也表示“最”的概念。There is nothing in the world more potent and mor

5、e impotent than words.四、The the结构该名型表示“越, 越” 。The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.五、少数形容词比较级不用连词 thansuperior (优于), inferior (低于), senior(年长于), junior(年幼于)等级之后用 to, 而不用than。His strength is superior to mine.My knowledge is inferior to his.Bob is two years senior to me.鲍伯比我大两岁He is

6、 junior to me by two years.他比我小两岁。六、一些表示两者之间有所比较和选择和句型Better to do well than to say well.说得好不如做得好。I would rather join you in research work than go on holiday to the seaside.http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 我宁愿和你们一起参加科研工作, 而不愿到海滨去度假。I prefer to work rather t

7、han sit idle.我宁愿工作, 也不愿闲坐着。He would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals.他宁愿辞职, 也不愿参与那样不诚实的买卖。I prefer the quiet countryside to the noisy cities.我喜欢安静的乡村胜过喧闹的城市。Exercises 10 Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence:1. His salary as a driver is much higher _.A.

8、than a teacher B. than that of a teacherC. that of a teacher D. than those of a teacher2. _all the poems I have read recntly, Thomas Hardys The Darkling Thrust seems the most relevant to our times.A. Of B. AmongC. In D. About3. To the best of my knowledge, the climate in Arizona is better year-round

9、_.A. than any other state B. than other statesC. than in any other state D. than is any other state4. Questioning the quality of the air they breathe becomes less important than_ about the next paycheck.A. having questioned B. questioningC. to have questioned D. question5. He _ live in the country t

10、han in the city.http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 A. Would B. likes toC. would rather D. had better6. The culture and customs of America are more like _ of England than of any other country.A. thatC. which7. Dried foods take up less room and weigh _ than the

11、 same food packed in cans, and they do not need to be stored in special condition.A. few B. fewerC. little D. less8. But she would rather stay at home alone than _to Janes gossip.A. to listen B. listeningC. listen D. listened9. The new method for refining aluminum was _ that it became practical for

12、many purposes, one of the first of which was for makingpots and pans.A. so more cheaperC. so many cheaper10. _living things are linked together as intimately than bees and flowers.A. Fewer B. FewC. Little D. Less11. To clarify the circumstances thoroughly requires _taken thus far.A. more specific me

13、asures than haveB. more specific measures than have beenhttp:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 http:/ MBA/MPA/MPACC 备考 QQ 群 91269484 C. more specific measures than hasD. more specific measures than has been12. With regarding to this model of color TV sets, the home-made ones are by no means _ those m

14、ade in Japan.A. less inferior to B. less inferior thanC. inferior than D. inferior to13. The socialist system will demonstrate absolute superiority _ capitalism in the field of production.A. on B. overC. of D. than14. I should have known better than _ him my bottom price at that time.A. show B. show

15、nC. showing D. to show15. Radio, television and press _of conveying news and information.A. are the most three common meansB. are the most common three meansC. are the three most common meansD. are three the most common means16. We often advise him not to drink more wine _is good for his health.A. as B. thatC. but


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