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1、1一到五年级知识点概况一年级上册学生知识掌握情况调查序号 知识考点( 主要是句型,注重听,说,认读) 掌握单词情况 课文主要内容Unit1 Greetings 句型 : Im.morning afternoon同学之间学会问候Unit2 My classmates 句型 :Give me a .pleasebook ruler pencilrubber请求别人做某事,强调注意冠词 a Module1Getting to know you Unit3 My fac 句型 :This is.Touch .leye mouth facenose ear 识别五官Unit1 My abilities句

2、型 :I CanWh - question: What can you do ?dance read sing draw 能与不能 的表达Unit 2 My family句型 :He /she/ my He/ She is. Wh - question :Who is he she?grandfather grandmother fathe r mother,me 认识家谱Module2Me my family and friendsUnit 3 My friends 句型 :He /She is .I can .fat thin tall short 用高矮胖瘦描述自己 及他人Unit 1

3、In the classroomNumber :one- sixWh - question: How many.?one two three four five six 学习数词Unit 2 In the fruit shop Wh - question How many.? apple pear peach orange 能够询问某物的数量并回答Module3Places and activitiesUnit3 In the restaurant 句型 :Can I help you?May I have .,please?hamburger pizza cake pie学会日常交际口语提供

4、帮助或请求他人帮助Module4 Unit 1 On the farm chick duck cow pig 学习常见动物2句型 :What is this /that?It is . I am.Imperatives: Draw cut stickUnit 2 In the zoo句型 :Is this .? Is that.?Wh - question What is this /that?It is a/an .bear tiger monkey pandaThe natural worldUnit 3 In the park Wh - question: What is this /t

5、hat?What colour is it?red blue yellow green 能够描述物体的颜色13一年级下册学生知识掌握情况调查序号 知识考点( 主要是句型,注重听,说,认读) 掌握单词情况 备注Unit1 Look and see数词:One- ten Wh - questionWhat do you see? I see a /an .What colour is it?frog rabbit bee bird 识别图片上的动物Unit 2 Listen and hear句型 :.Wh - questionWhat do you hear? I hear.sheep hen d

6、og cat 根据声音识别动物Module1Using my five sencesUnit 3 Taste and smell句型 :.Smell . It is nice Taste. YummyTouch your nose .rice soup egg noodles 学会日常表达Unit1 Toys I like 句型 : I like. Its.ball doll bicycle kite 能够表达情感Module2My favourite things Unit2 Food I like 句型 :I like.Do you like .? Yes , I do .No , I d

7、ontjelly ice cream sweet biscuit 询问别人的喜好3Unit3 Drinks I like 句型 :I like Wh - questionWhat do you like ?Drink.cola juice milk water 表达情感Unit1SeasonIn spring in summer句型 :Srmmer is .warm hot spring summer 用形容词描述季节Unit2Weather 句型 :Its .I like .Wh - questionHow is the weather?Lets go to the beachsunny c

8、loudy rainy windy 用形容词描述天气Module3Things around us Unit3 Clothes句型 :I like . I need .Wh - questionWhat do you need?T- shirt dress shorts blouse 能够回答询问所需的衣服Unit1 Activies 代词:I you he she 句型 :I/She /He can. Wh - questionWhat can you/ he /she do ?ride skip play fly 能力的表答,询问他 人能做某事Unit2 New Years Days句型

9、:I like .gift card firework 学会制作卡片Module4 Things we doUnit3 Story time 句型 :Here comes .I am the .Where is .?farmer boy wolf 表演小故事二年级上册学生知识掌握情况调查模块 单元知识考点(以句型为主,注重听说读) 要求掌握词汇 课文主要内容Module1Getting to Unit 1 hello代词:I evening night 问候语4句型 :Im .Unit 2 Im Danny冠词:a 代词:I ,you 句型 :Im a . You are.Wh-questio

10、n: Who am I .?boy girl big small 描述他人及自 己know youUnit 3 A new classmate 代词:I you Yes /No question : Are you .? Yes, Im . No , Im .seven eight nine ten接上一单元话题主要练习一般疑问句的表达Unit 1 I can swim 句型 :I can t.Yes /No question : Can you .? Yes, I can . No ,Run write Swim fly学习 can 的句型Unit2 That is my family 代词

11、:She / he My /yourYes /No question :Is he /she .?Yes ,he /she is . No , he /she isnt.Wh-question: Who is he /she .young old 学会询问介绍 他人Module2Me my family and friendsUnit 3 My hair is short 代词:my your 句型 :My /Your .is /are.Hair head facebig small short long 通过所给句型及词语描述自己及他人Unit 1 In the childrens gard

12、en句型 :I can Wh-questions: What can you see?What colou is it? I t is .slide swing seesaw认读儿童活动的一些设备例如滑滑梯Unit 2 In my room介词:in on at 定冠词:The 重点句型:Put .in /on the .bag box desk chair听懂指令性的句子Module3Places and activitiesUnit 3 In the kitchen介词:in on under 句型 :Give me ., pleaseWh-question: How many .?The

13、re be : There is / are .bowl platespoon chopsticks学习一些餐具掌握主要句型Module4The natural Unit 1 In the sky 不定冠词:the 句型 :Its .Yes /No question : Can you see .? sun moon star认识大自然学习 can 的句型,巩固复习 How many.? 句型5Yes, Ican .No, Icant.How many.?Unit2 In the forest代词:me 句型 :Im It is I like It likes.fox hippo meat g

14、rass 了解动物的饮 食worldUnit3 In the street句型 :It is What is this ?Dont . Draw Colour Cut.flowers treepick climb学习祈使句,了解一些标语的意思二年级下册学生知识掌握情况调查模块 单元知识考点(以句型为主,注重听说读) 要求掌握词汇 课文主要内 容Unit 1 What can you see? 句型 :.What can you see?I can see. Wh-questionWhat colour is /are .?It is /They are .white purple Pink o

15、range brown black学习颜色的单词并用所学单词描述看到的物体,Unit 2 Touch and feelYes /No question :Is it.?Yes , it is /No,it isntDo you like it ? Yes.Wh-question: What is it ? It is .watch bag soft hard rough smooth通过感触觉用形容词描述物体Module1Using my five sencesUnit 3 What can you hear ?句型 :I can hear.情态动词:can / cant.Wh-question: What can you hear?train bus car vanBicycle ship通过声音辩别交通工具Unit 1 Things I like doing句型 :I like .Wh-question What do you like doing?Run skate hop shipride a bicycle表达情感 喜欢做什么Module2My favourite


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