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1、 呼吸杂志2010年4月第3o卷第7期 Int ! !,垒 rj! ! : ! :! LF中EOS、淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞等炎症细胞 敫量,与其他两治疗组相比较差异具有统计学意 :P005)。表明EOs 为聚集存在II 一5依赖及非依赖两种机制。Anti一 5 Ab联合AntiII 一13 Ab治疗哮喘小鼠,可阻断 起EOS增多的IL一5依赖性机制和IL一5非依赖性 制,联合治疗不但可以抑制肺部EOS浸润,还可 洚低气道高反应性,改善肺功能,减轻哮喘症状, 勾今后哮喘治疗提供新的思路。 参 考 文 献 53 6 7 82 9 Umetsu DTMc Intire JJ,Akbari O,et a

2、1Asthma:an r10 epidemic of dysregulated immunityNat Immunol,2002,3: 71572O Inoue H,Fukuyama S,Matsumoto K,et a1Role of endogenous inhibitors of cytokine signaling in allergic asthmaCurr Med Chem,2007,14:181189 Hahn C,Teufel M,Herz U,et a1Inhibition of the IL一4II 一13 receptor system prevents allergic

3、 sensitization without affecting established allergy in a mouse model for allergic asthmaJ Allergy Clin Immunol,2003,ll1:1361-1369 Crosby JR,Shen HH。Borchers MT,et a1Ectopic expression ofI 5 identifies an additiona1CD4(+)T cell mechanism of airway eosinophil recruitmentAm J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Phy

4、siol,2002,282:L99一I 1O8 11 12 Oddera S,Silvestri M,Balho A,et a1Airway eosinophilic inflammation, epithelial damage, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with mildmoderate,stable asthmaAllergy,】996,5l:1O0 107 Mattes J,Foster PSRegulation of eosinophil migration and Th2 cell function by II 一

5、5 and eotaxinCurr Drug Fargets Inflamm Allergy,2003,2:169-1 74 Hamelmann EGelfand EWRole of II 一5 in the development of allergen induced airway hyperresponsiveness Int Arch Allergy Immunol,1999,l2O:8 16 Stirling RG,van Rensen EI ,Barnes PJ,et a1Interleukin 5 induces CD34(+)eosinophil progenitor mobi

6、lization and eosinophil CCR3 expression in asthmaAm J Respir Crit Care Med,2001,】64(8 Pt】):1403一l409 Inoue H,Fukuyama S,Matsnmoto K,et a1Role of endogenous inhibitors of cytokine signaling in allergic asthmaCurr Med Chem,2007,14:181189 Kellner J,Gamarra F,We1sch U,et a1II 一13Ralpha2 reverses the eff

7、ects of II,1 3 and II 一4 on bronchial reactivity and acetylcholineinduced Ca+signalingInt Arch Allergy Immuno1,2007,142:199-2l0 Syed F。Panettieri RA Jr,Tliba 0,et a1The effect of IL一1 3 and II,13R130Q,a naturally occurring IL 13 polymorphism, on the gene expression of human airway smooth muscle cell

8、s Respir Res,2005,6:9 Andrews AL,Nasir T,Bucchieri F,et a1II 一13 receptor alpha 2:a regulator of II 一1 3 and 11-4 signal transduetion in primary human fibroblastsJ Allergy Clin Immunol,2006,1 18:858 865 (收稿日期:2009一l210) 哮喘药物治疗学(中文翻译版) 简讯 由美国Mayo临床医学院JamesTI i教授编著的哮喘药物治疗学重点 讲述了哮喘的药物治疗。该书在对哮喘全方位药物治疗原则

9、进行回顾的同 时,还对哮喘药物的药理学和临床应用进行了系统阐述,提供了主要针对门诊 患者的最佳哮喘药物治疗的可行性方案;对比了哮喘药物的几个国际化方案; 通过对文献的回顾,分析了一些已得到确认的免疫抑制剂和免疫调节剂;探讨 了急诊、住院和ICU中哮喘的药物治疗;为本书撰文的国际知名学者还就已发 表的实践指南、治疗计划、药理药效学及临床进行阐述。以期为哮喘的治疗和 预防提供最为权威也是最新的参考资料。 定价19800元。邮购联系人:温晓萍 6401976l Email:reedprofmailsciencep 城根北街16号科学出版社医学中心温晓萍 名、册数、联系电话、是否要发票等) 电话:01064034601 传真:010一 com地址:100717北京市东黄 (请在汇款附言注明您购书的书



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