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1、Lesson 3 For or Against Keeping Pets? 一、 课文分析 (Lesson Analysis)(一)课文地位 (Lesson Position)1、本课是 Unit 3 的第三课。本课重点通过学生间对于是否养宠物这一问题的辩论,总结出养宠物的有利与不利之处,并能学会谈论。建议教师在学生熟练掌握课文的基础上,引导他们在日常的学习生活中如何就某些社会问题去进行辩论。2、本课的重点和难点是宾语从句。在学生学习了第二课以 that, if 引导的宾语从句的基础上再来学习以疑问词(wh-words)引导的宾语从句应该说有一定的基础。以疑问词(wh-words)引导的宾语从

2、句既是本课的重点,也是本课的难点。宾语从句是整个初中语法教学中相当重要的内容,学生们必须理解它,掌握它。教师必须注意通过情景创设去训练与之有关的内容,不要纯碎为教语法而教语法,从而使学生在情景中比较熟练地掌握宾语从句,并能运用自如。(二) 课文目标 (Lesson Target)1、能谈论有关宠物的话题。2、能教会学生如何进行辩论。3、能使学生掌握以疑问词(wh-words)引导的宾语从句。 4、引导学生关注社会问题,正确看待养宠物的利弊关系,构建一个人和动物和谐相处的美好世界。(三)课文重点 (Lesson focus)1、关键词汇:From the text: feel lonely, k

3、eep sb. company, keep sth. as a pet, keep pets, walk a dog, have heart trouble, be in danger, have a debate, argue, donate, encourage, make noise, in favour of, a research, in sbs opinion, whats more.(必须熟练掌握这些词汇,因为这与本课话题有着密切的联系)From the reading: treatas, raise animals, part of the family, in earthqu

4、akes, a drowning boy, in the ruins, attack, brave, save, find, die, celebrated, in honour of, jump off, hand commands, World Trade Center, the most celebrated.Additional words and expressions: puppy, kitten, as busy as a peacock,as strong as a horse, milk a cow, spread disease, poisonous.掌握用以进行辩论的短语

5、 :In my opinion,-Im for-/ Im in favour of-Im against-Let me give the reasons./ The following are my reasons.Whats more,- / Besides,- First,-Secondly,-Thirdly,-Finally,-Thats why-/ So-2、语言功能:1) We argued about whether we should encourage people to keep pets.(以 whether/if 引导的宾语从句) 2) But from the deba

6、te, we learned why people keep pets and what problems there may be with pets.(以疑问词 wh-words 引导的宾语从句)3、语法要点:前一课已学习了以 that, if 引导的宾语从句,本课是在前一课的基础上学习以疑问词(wh-words)引导的宾语从句。教师在本课中系统地进行教授,举一反三。二、 教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容 教学实施建议 教学资源参考Discovering Language在语法教学时,应多为学生创设情景,让他们在活动中探索规律,激发学生的探究,创新精神。教师应精讲学生多

7、练,反复使用,反复操练。通过信息量的不断增加,让学生自己发现、归纳语法现象、语法规律,建立一种适合他们的语言习惯。详见:【链接 1】1教材 P1142. 教材 P115, P1173. 练习册 P66New Words and Tuning in帮助学生扫除单词的障碍,在此基础上能比较熟练地掌握文本的内容。在教学的过程中做到词不离句,句不离篇。 详见:【链接 2】1教材 P111, P1212演示文稿Text 课文是本课学习的核心内容。通过课文的学 1 教材 P112习,让学生进一步加深单词、句型以及宾语从句的理解并能运用。详见:【链接 3】2. 教材 P113Developing Skill

8、s(Speaking ReadingWriting)1.课文所学内容的一个拓展:学生进行辩论Should People Keep Pets?”。 详见:【链接 4】2.完成课本的一篇阅读材料以及补充课外的一篇阅读材料,以此逐步提高学生的阅读能力。详见:【链接 5】3. 学写一篇小短文,培养学生的写作能力。详见:【链接 6】1 教材 P1192 教材 P117-1183 SSP 补充材料【链接 1】(1) 教师创设情景:播放学生们喜闻乐见的动画狮子王(The Lion King)的画面,欣赏其中的主题曲“今晚你感受到爱了吗” ,然后提出问题:I want to know what animal

9、you like best; I also want to know what animal you dislike best 引入所要谈论的语法话题宾语从句。(2) 复习 Unit 3 Lesson 2 所学的以 that, if/whether 引导的宾语从句,并让学生从文中找出相应的例子, 总结其语法规律。 Doctors have learned that(该连接词可省略) walking a dog is good exercise. We argued about whether we should encourage people to keep pets.(whether 常和

10、 or not 连用,而 or not 不能紧跟在 if 后) (3) 两人一组朗读课文 P114 的例句,结合课前的预习(事先安排学生预习课本 P175 关于由 wh-引导的宾语从句) ,让学生自己找出疑问词(wh-words)引导的宾语从句的语法现象,教师予以总结。 (注意:主句与从句时态的一致性;从句必须用陈述句的语序)Judge whether the two sentences are“T” or “F” He wants to know how can he get to the Science Museum. He wanted to know how he can get to

11、 the Science Museum. (4)操练运用: 课文 P115 ( Pair work. Repeat your partners sentences. 建议将 Developing Skills Ex1 挪到前面来教,可能效果会好些) 配套练习册 P66(Change the underlined parts into the object clause 动词不定式改为宾语从句)Id like to know when to set outId like to know when we shall set out. 课文 P117(Work in pairs and discus

12、s which animal you like and dislike after the model。建议将 Developing Skills Ex4 挪到前面来教,可能效果会好些)friendly, lovely, clever, cute, pretty, easy to take care of, funny, good for, quiet, dirty, dangerous, noisy, terribleDialogue 1A: Do you like dogs?B: Yes. I am for keeping a dog as a pet. In my opinion, do

13、gs are clever and friendly.Dialogue 2 A: Do you like mice?B: No. I am against keeping a mouse as a pet. In my opinion, mice are dirty and terrible.说明:语法的教学要避免枯燥无味,因而教师需要给学生创设生动的情景以唤起学习的兴趣与求知欲。同时在教学之前让学生通过预习可以更好更快地掌握知识,在这过程中可以培养他们自主学习的能力。【链接 2】词汇教学应灵活多样。在创设情景、教师在引导的过程中让学生来描述图片、谈论图片从而引出单词与句型(可采用有效小组合作

14、学习的方式) ,在了解单词与句型的基础上可以为下面文本的学习埋下伏笔。(使用 Tuning in 中的五幅图片以及 PPT 演示文稿中所提供的图片材料) 结合图片,教师可用以下问题启发学生,引出新单词1. What are the students doing?(引出 debate)2. How many groups are there? (引出 side)3. Do the students on the two sides have the same opinion about keeping pets? (引出 in favour of 和 against)4. The old man is alone at home. How does he feel? (引出 lonely)5. What does he want the cat to do? (引出 keep him company) 6. Why is the man lying on the roadside? (引出 heart trouble)7. Why does the woman want to call 120? (引出 in danger)8What are the women doing? (引出 walk a dog) 通过单词、词组英语


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