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1、第 1 页大学英文自我介绍模板大学英文自我介绍模板Hello,everone!M name is * is m English name,hih is also the name of m idol.I m a remended student from CCFLS,in hih I have studied for six ears.During the time I staed there,I ve learned a lot from the teahers ho I must thank sinerel.Another shool in m life is m famil.1990 i

2、tnessed me born in a happ famil.I as treated as the apple of m famil members ees sine hildhood.Genuineness,perseverane,onsientiouness,the urge for improvement are the haraters m famil gives me.Toda,but for their support,I ould not be this onfident.Man thanks to m famil.I love them all.I m an optimis

3、ti,energeti,outgoing,ative,humorous girl ith an amount of hobbies,suh as listening to musi and riting m blog.What deserves to be introdued is m blog on sina,hih takes me a lot of pains.It s ithout muh gaud deorations,but man artiles hih are reall orth reading.The ebsite address is here.Your prensene

4、 and guidane are requested.Unlike man other girls,I m quite good at sports.Simming,skating,basketball,volleball,badminton,table tennis and et. are m preferenes.In spite of m height,I have a 第 2 页good jumping apait.Due to this,I m the aptain of the female basketball team and the prinipal member of th

5、e female volleball team in our shool.In addition,I m fond of plaing hess.I ve got a silver medal hen I as a hild.Futhermore,I m a ver versatile girl.Piano and lariare m forte.The all get the ninth level.Besides,I m a good organizer and leader in the shool ativities.I organized man English speeh onte

6、st,also took a part in it and ranked among the best.Espeiall,I direted an English pla alled the sound of musi ,hih is a gorgeous suess,so that ever audiene spoke highl of it.I m ver proud of that.To onlude,I m sure I on t let ou don.I hope that ou an give me a hane to stud in *iamen Universit,hih is the shrine in m mind, and I ll give ou muh glor in return.That s all.Thank ou for our attention.


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