China's Reform and Opening up and Its Efforts To Build Hard and Soft Powers

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《China's Reform and Opening up and Its Efforts To Build Hard and Soft Powers》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《China's Reform and Opening up and Its Efforts To Build Hard and Soft Powers(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ChinaS Reform and Opening up and Its Efforts T0 Build Hard and Soft Powers Dong Manyuan hinaS reform and opening up,hailed as a great revolution,has not only transformed the country and nation in a thorough way but also produced a significant influence internationallyIt has freed ChinaS material as

2、well as nonmaterial productive forces and enhanced substantially its hard and soft powers,thus lifting its position in the international arenaThe allround development of the people requires hard and soft powers with Chinese characteristics,and the building of hard and soft powers for peace and harmo

3、ny demands for continuous reform and opening up IStrategic Implications of Chinas Reform and Opening up In the past three decades of reforlTl and opening upChina and the Chinese people have indeed undergone historiC and tremen dous changes,which are mainly reflected in the following aspects First,Ch

4、ina has found the correct path of development and launched an alldirectional reform at home and opened itself to the outside world A semiclosed country with backward productive forces whose economy several times approached the Dong Manyuan is Senior Research Fellow at China Institute of Internationa

5、l Studies CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIESJanuaryFebruary 20 1 0 2 1 DongManyuan brink of collapse and whose people generally speaking led a poor 1ife before refclrm and opening up,China has since made frog leaping progress in its productive forces,its economy has embarked on the path of sustainable deve

6、lopemt,its ties with the world have become unprecedentedly closer,and its comprehen sive potentials have been effectively releasedAs a consequence, the peopleS living standards are fast approaching the level of moderate prosperityThe enormous changes have been acknowledged by the world and accepted

7、by a growing number of countriesChina is increasingly winning respect from the international community Second,the rapid cultural growth of the Chinese nation has given a new look to the national spirit and is advancing the sublimation of human civilizationEnormous progress has been made with regards

8、 to peopleS cultural life,freedom of thinking and life styleCit ens are cultivating lofty moral sentimentsThe concept of rule of law has developed from scratch and is growing from strengthen to strengthPeopleS sense of being masters of their own,sense of responsibility,and enthusiasm for creating sp

9、iritual and material wealth have al1 been enhancedFraternal unity,helping the weak and poor,honesty and faithfulness, inclusiveness and cooperation, equality and justice, and readiness to make sacririces are becoming the mainstream trends Pattiotism,collectivism,revolutionary heroism and internation

10、al lism are displaying their great spiritual force,and national COhesion is stronger than ever beforeThe essence of Chinese civilization that accords with the progressive trends of the WOrid is playing an increasingly significant rolePutting people first becomes the core concept of the whole society

11、The human rights of the 13 billion people have rapidly improvedPeopleS al1一round development has become the major destination for the countryS resources and the goal of the Chinese nation Reforrn and opening up are a revolution to save the nation at the primary stage of socialismIt is an arduous str

12、uggle for 22 CHINA INTERNATIONAL STUDIESJanuaryFebruary 20 1 0 China Reform and Opening up andIts Efforts to BuildHard and Soft Pou,ers survival and development Which the Chinese people are forced to wage, and hence there is no tuming back Re:form and openingup have broken the ice and opened the way

13、 for Chinas comprehensive progressIt has not only revamped the material and spiritual productivity of the Chinese nation and invigorated the Chinese civilization,but also exerted great strategic impact on world development and human progress,and hence it is of global significance。 1Reforill and open

14、ing up have straltened Chinas relations with the outside world and brought it into the global system and orderChina approaches the current global system and world order as a constructive participant,stakeholder,cooperator and reformerIn the process of 30 years of reform and opening up, China has str

15、ived to make and safeguard peace,seek develop ment and promote cooperation to create mutual benefits and winwin resultsChina has made the strategic decision to always follow the path of peaceful development and ioin hands with al1 other countries in building a harmonic world of lasting peace and com

16、mon prosperityThis strategic decision,which is imbued with courage and wisdom,fully accords with the interests of the Chinese nation for SUr访val and development as well as the common interests of the people all over the worldIn the past three decadesmany countries have abandoned their negative attitude toward China and shifted to pursue a friendly policy toward it as a result of its reforln and openingup 2ChinaS reform and


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