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1、舟山海洋经济产业发展路径研究Research on the development path of Zhoushan marine economy industryI摘要21 世纪,资源已经成为各个国家竞相争夺的重要领域,随着人口的增长,人均资源拥有量锐减,特别是陆地资源的日渐紧缺和陆地环境承载压力逐渐加大。于是占地球表面积 71%的海洋理所当然成为人类探索的重要领域。开发、利用海洋资源,从陆地经济时代转向海洋经济时代已经成为众多沿海国家的战略选择。浙江省拥有漫长的海岸线以及众多的岛屿资源,是我国重要的海洋省份之一,舟山群岛则是重要代表。2011 年 6 月,舟山群岛新区成为继上海浦东新区、天

2、津滨海新区和重庆两江新区之后的第四个国家级新区,同时也是第一个以海洋经济为主题的国家战略新区。作为国家首个群岛新区,舟山理应现行先试,探索出一条适合自身的海洋经济产业发展路径。本文以舟山为视角,从海洋经济产业发展的相关概念出发,阐述了舟山海洋经济产业发展面临的机遇与挑战,同时也分析了其现状及存在的问题,而后在三产结构、港口、对外贸易、渔业和旅游业 5 个方面,选取三产结构、货物吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量、进口总额、出口总额、渔业产值、水产品产量、旅游收入和接待游客人次等 9 项指标数据,比较分析舟山同大连、青岛、宁波、厦门和深圳这 5 个较为发达的沿海计划单列市竞争力,并且对香港、日本和美国的海洋经

3、济产业发展进行定性分析,从而选择出舟山海洋经济产业发展的路径:在整体战略选择上大力推进岛陆一体化,促进岛陆联动,走循环经济道路,探索可持续发展新路径;在具体产业布局上选择和优化主导产业,构建合理产业体系,优化升级传统产业,大力发展新兴产业;在扶持政策支持上抓住国家海洋经济产业发展战略建设的机遇,从制度上拓宽海洋产业融资渠道,制定引进海洋高科技人才战略。通过文章的研究,力求能够为舟山海洋经济产业的发展起到一定的推动作用,也为我国海洋经济产业的整体发展提供参考。关键词:舟山;海洋经济;产业发展IIAbstractIn the 21st century, the resource has becom

4、e various countries competing for an important field, with the growth of population, per capita resources have plummeted, especially land resources increasingly scarce land and environment bearing pressure gradually increase. So the 71% of the earths surface area is the important area of human explo

5、ration. Development and utilization of marine resources, from the era of the land economy to the era of marine economy has become a strategic choice for many coastal countries. Zhejiang province has a long coastline and numerous island resources, is one of the important marine provinces of China, Zh

6、oushan is an important representative of the. In June 2011, the Zhoushan Islands become following the Shanghai Pudong New Area, Tianjin Binhai New Area and Chongqing Liangjiang New Area after the fourth national district, is also the first marine economy as the theme of national strategic area. As t

7、he countrys first Islands District, Zhoushan should the existing first try, to explore a suitable own marine economic industrial development path.The Zhoushan perspective, starting from the concept of industrial development of marine economy, expounds the Zhoushan marine economy industry development

8、 is facing opportunities and challenges, and also analyzed the current situation and existing problems. And in the tertiary structure, port, foreign trade, fisheries and tourism five aspects, select three production structure, cargo throughput, container throughput, total imports, exports and fisher

9、y output value, aquatic product yield, tourism income and tourists and other nine index data, comparative analysis of Zhoushan with Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen and Shenzhen this five more developed coastal city specifically designated in the state plan competitiveness and to Hong Kong, Japan and

10、 the United States Marine Economic Industrial Development qualitative analysis. In order to select the Zhoushan Marine Economic Industrial Development Path: in the overall strategic choice and vigorously promote the integration of island and mainland, promote the linkage between island land, take th

11、e road of circular economy, explore a new path of sustainable development; in the IIIspecific layout of the industry selection and optimization of leading industry and build a reasonable industrial system, optimize and upgrade traditional industries, develop new industries; seize the opportunity of

12、the national marine economy industry development strategy of building on the supporting policy support, broaden the financing channel of the marine industry from the system formulated introduction of marine high-tech talent strategy. Through the research of this paper, it can be able to promote the

13、development of marine economy in Zhoushan, and also provide a reference for the development of Chinas marine economy.Keyword:Zhoushan ;marine economy industry;Industrial Development1目 录1绪论 .41.1研究背景与意义 .41.2研究内容与方法 .41.3研究创新与不足 .52相关理论概述 .62.1相关概念 .62.1.1海洋经济 .62.1.2海洋产业 .72.2相关理论 .82.2.1海洋可持续发展理论 .82.2.2海洋产业结构理论 .92.2.3海洋区域经济发展理论 .103舟山海洋经济产业发展现状及存在的问题 .113.1舟山海洋经济产业发展的基础条件 .113.1.1自然资源条件 .113.1.2社会经济条件 .133.2舟山海洋经济产业发展的机遇与挑战 .153.2.1舟山海洋经济产业发展的机遇 .153.2.2舟山海洋经济产业发展的挑战 .


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