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1、分类号 密 级U D C 编 号 1 0 5 2 0 硕 士 学 位 论 文烟台银行发展战略研究研究生姓名 :指导教师姓名、职称 :学位类别 : 在职攻读工商管理硕士学科专业 : 高级管理人员工商管理硕士研究方向 : 战 略 管 理入学时间 : 二一二年九月二一四年十月十日Development strategy research Yantai bankKongqingsenOctober 10, 20142摘要1摘 要改革开放 30 多年来,我国城市商业银行获得了快速性发展,逐步成长为金融体系的新生力量。但随着改革开放的不断深入,金融市场竞争愈加激烈,城市商业银行的发展又进入了一定的瓶颈阶段


3、善人才配置机制,形成严格的考核体系;细化管理,适度精准性的扩张;加快互联网金融开发,形成大数据掌控,加大新产品开发力度;强化风险管控,严格内控和信息披露方面管理。本文写作的目的是在烟台银行战略性发展的构建过程中,形成更为精准性的数据分析和研究,促进研究结论能够对烟台银行发展形成更为精准性的指导作用,以及能够对类似的城市商业银行发展形成全面性的借鉴意义。关键词:烟台银行 发展战略 措施Abstract1Abstract30 years of commercial banks in China achieved rapid development of reform and opening up,

4、 and to the commercial bank development in the fierce market competition has entered the bottleneck under the background of a certain stage. Look at the macro environment and micro environment has a promoting effect on the development of Yantai bank from the Bank of Yantai development point of view,

5、 at the same time, the rapid development of inferior Bank of certain factors also exist in the process, only in the process of comprehensive and positively construct, can promote the development of Bank of Yantai formed a strategic layout good.This paper from the Bank of Yantais basic development ba

6、ckground and history of literature, both at home and abroad were reviewed, extracted from the views of value. The current situation of Yantai bank in the process of development and the problems of existing conducted a comprehensive analysis on the strategic choice of the Bank of Yantai, the factors

7、are discussed. Finally proposes the implementation strategy to effectively enhance the banks development strategy in Yantai: the need to strengthen the market position and customer management strategy; business advantage in regional, can promote cross regional business, the Bank of Yantai talent fro

8、m the management point of view to improve the allocation of talent, and promote the formation of strict examination system, as well as moderately accurate expansion; the Bank of Yantai to the Internet financial development actively, the formation of large data control, and optimization of new produc

9、t development; Yantai bank in the risk management needs to strengthen internal control from the team, strict management and disclosure of information.The purpose of this paper is to construct the strategic development of the Bank of Yantai, the formation of more accurate data analysis and research,

10、promote the conclusion of the study to the Bank of Yantai developed more guidance precision, and can form a comprehensive reference for the similar development of city commercial bank.Keywords: Bank of Yantai development strategy measures目录目 录绪 论 1第一章 烟台银行发展环境分析7第一节 烟台银行发展宏观经济环境 7第二节 烟台银行发展微观环境 11第三节 烟台银行间区域竞争环境分析 15第二章 烟台银行内部条件分析18第一节 烟台银行发展现状 18第二节 烟台银行面临的形势和问题 19第三章 烟台银行发展战略选择23第一节 烟台银行发展的 SWOT 分析 23第二节 烟台银行战略选择原则和注意事项 25第三节 烟台银行的 SWOT 模型分析结论 26第四章 烟台银行发展战略实施对策 29第一节 强化市场定位和客户战略 29第二节 积极应对金融改革 30第三节 推进跨区域经营与优化人才结构 32第四节 加强 IT 建设与风险防范 35结论和展望40参考文献 41致 谢



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