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1、个人简历个人简历alulus, puter Prgraing (FRTRAN, BL, ASSEBLY, and BASI), puter arhiteture, algrith, aintenane, syste analysis, and se related urses in Aunting, Statistis, perating researh, Digital value analysis.Beginning at the send year f llege, I partiipated in a rk study prgra and as assigned t the puter

2、 enter f Far East Textile rp. as night-shift puter peratr, The puters I dealt ith ere D 3300 SS and IB 370-115 DS/VS syste. The ajr rk I h dne as the syste transferene f D 3300: SS t IB 370-115 DS/VS.In 1989, I as eplyed by hina Autbile rp. as a puter prgraer, and as infred t rk n the first f June.F

3、r the first six nths f y servie, I as in harge f the IB 31; DS/ VSE Syste peratin, and later n dealt ith persnnel / payrll and finaning syste prgraing rks. In the send year, I as prted t be a syste analyst fr persnnel/ payrll syste. In an attept t upgre the effiieny f puter data press and t siplify

4、users perating predures, I redesigned the hle rking syste and I suessfully transferred a Bath peratin fr riented syste t n-line syste. In the third year, I spent five nths in the develping f subsyste f finaning-aunting. N sner h I finished that syste than I as reassigned as a Subsyste Prgraer in har

5、ge f DS / VSE, IS, and VTA. At that psitin I have full respnsibility fr affairs f tehnial transitin, syste develpent, reruit training, and netrk uniatins. ith the elapse f tie and the auulatin f experienes, I a n failiar ith all f the ppular puter languages: FRTRAN, BL, ASSEBLY, and BASI. ther than

6、these languages, I have als learned and pratied in planning, designing, and analyzing f the flling puter appliatins: DL/ 1, Data Base, n-line (IS, BS), Data uniatin Netrk (AF/ VTA / NP), V, DS / VSE perating Syste: Persnnel / Payrll, Aunting Appliatin Syste and et. Fr these ahieveents I e a great de

7、al t hina Infratin Assiatin Sine I have taken alst every training urse they have ffered.ith the ever-inreasing level f y rk, I a feeling strngly that the theretial study and atual pratie are equally iprtant and dependent n eah ther. Thugh I persnally pssess any years f experienes in atual praties, t

8、here is alays need fr e t extend y existing theretial basis fr future researh. y lve fr puter sienes and y inquisitiveness h pushed e t apply fr yur gruate shl issin, and I have deided . shuld I be aepted by yu, I ill nentrate n the field f net-rk-data-uniatin, then ake a breakthrugh n y urrent ays

9、f thinking in puter related researh and develpent. Finally, I expet that I, yself, as ne eber f tdays rld f puter dain, I shuld strive t ffer y best prfessinal puter servie t ur siety.范例 2 电子工程毕业生个人简历y nae is Xie Dng. I as brn n August , 1965, in Hengyang, Hunan Prvine. In 1977 I gruated fr Harbin T

10、ehnial Institute here I ajred in eletrni engineering, and then I as assigned t rk in an eletrni apparatus fatry as a tehniian fr nine years. During this perid I gained se pratial experiene in designing and anufaturing several varieties f eletrni apparatus. In the fall f 1983, I as itted t the Depart

11、ent f atheatis, Zhejiang University as a gruate student. Six nths befre I tk the exainatins, I started t study higher algebra and analysis by yself in y leisure tie. Sine the enrllent I have pleted all the urses required by the gruate prgra, aking straight A bth in y undergruate and gruate urses. y

12、perfrane in the gruate seinars f Differential alulus and atheatial and Physial Frulas shs that I have gt a gd grasp f the fundaentals f atheatis.I have been studying English intensively fr six nths. I have attended an English lass taught by an Aerian prfessr. s. Kathy Sift, fr the ity University f N

13、e Yrk. Arding t her, ithin a fe eeks f y arrival abr, I shuld have n diffiulty either in funtining n a daily basis r in partiipating fully in gruate studies.Presently I a interested in applied atheatis and later I uld like t d researh in ntrl thery. If I a aepted as a gruate student. I plan t stay f

14、r 2-5 years pursuing a Ph.d. degree. I a sure I uld ake prgress in y future areer.范例 3 电机系毕业生个人简历AUTBIGRAPHI STATEENTy nae is Harry Lin. n ay , 1958, I as brn in Xinying, a little tn in Suthern Fujian. y father is a farer, planting bananas and pineapples, and y ther takes are f the huse. I have t br

15、thers and ne sister. Thugh nt ell-t-d, y parents have been able t prvide the hle faily ith suffiient eans t live deently and enjy all dern nvenienes.y early eduatin as reeived in y hetn, i.e. six years in priary shl and three years in junir iddle shl. After pleting nine years f fral eduatin in 1958.

16、 I ent t Xiaen and partiipated in the jint entrane exainatin fr five-year junir lleges. Frtunately, I as itted t the Departent f Eletrial Engineering at Xiaen Junir Engineering llege. I hse Eletrial Engineering as y ajr beause, n the ne hand , I liked Physis very uh; and n the ther hand, eletrial industry is a ajr setr f the eny f hina.The five years f intensive training ae t an end in June 1978 hen I reeived a dipla. And in July 1980. I as hired by Nan Ya plasti pany and have s


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