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1、题 目: 家用小汽车造型设计姓 名:班级学号:指导教师:摘 要佳木斯大学教务处 第 I 页摘 要随着人们生活水平的不断提高,科技的不断进步,人们对生活质量的要求也越来越高。衣食住行各方面的要求都越来越高。当今社会,在市场经济不断前进的同时,汽车制造商们也并未停歇不前,汽车在不断创新改变的同时,它也在日益的改变人类的生活,从原有“公车”的基础上,这些年来“私家车”也在慢慢的步入一些小康家庭,拥有一辆属于自己的车这已不在是国人漫长而又遥远的梦,拥有一辆属于自己的爱车,一可促使自己外出交通方便,二可展示自我的身份以及地位,随之而来的汽车旅行,汽车蜜月等等新新人类的创意,无疑则证明了在今后发展的社会国

2、人将会把汽车做为生活中的一个必须品。我们不得不认同,汽车在逐渐改变我们的生活,它正在一步一步的渗透我们周围,汽车的出现让短时间跨越大距离成为可能,近年来,我国已成功地举办过各种规模不等的国际与国内汽车展。首次“美女香车”的出现,马上为国人带来耳目一新的感受。国内商家看好这一形式,纷纷仿而效之。确实给展会增添了亮点,同时也给自己带来了效益。然而,正象中国第一次让模特穿上品牌服装在 T 型台上亮相一样,从“和者甚寡”到“群而和之” ,需要经历一个过程。而紧随美女香车后,汽车又一次为国人带来一项崭新的行业,用人来演绎汽车文化,使人与汽车达到和谐的统一,这也是国际汽车市场已经出现、正在发展、并已取得卓

3、有成效的手段、潮流与趋势。这便是车模,而随着人们在观念上早已跨越了过去对服装模特出现时的那种“矜持” ,人们对汽车模特也已经能用一种市场经济需要的目光来进行呼唤,这无疑说明了在国内汽车行业发展的今天我们也正在逐渐经历着与国际流行趋势进行接轨。这是一个以信息穿梭的时代,生活仿佛像一辆崭新的汽车奔跑在高速公路上,人们在四处的寻觅如何让汽车来改变自我的生活,越来越多的人将车慢慢变成人性化,以车为名,让生活便的更好,以生活为名,让车与人走的更近。汽车,作为一种人们日常生活中交通工具,它对我们的生活却能起到一个很重要的作用。今天,生活质量和生产技术的提高,汽车对于普通家庭己不再陌生,从汽车行业摘 要佳木

4、斯大学教务处 第 II 页的从业人员到普通消费者,从造车的人到使用的人,大家对汽车的关注和认知程度都在不断的提高。对于有着世界上 15 人口的中国,汽车有着大量的汽车市场前景。如何针对这 15 的人口设计一些适合他们审美观和价值观的车型是很值得探讨的。 中国汽车销售市场已经从政府、企事业单位采购为主体,转变为现在以个人、家庭用车为汽车市场的主体,中国的汽车市场正在变得更加多元化。设计符合中国国情的家庭用车,是一个摆在眼前的课题。 本文将通过对世界家用车发展趋势、造型情况的总结,和对国内家用车市场、家用车造型的分析,归纳并总结出“中国家用车多元化概念分类模型” ,并得出相应结论:即由于中国这个特

5、殊的国情所决定的家庭的多元性,导致在中国所谓的“家用车”不是特定的某一种车型,而是含盖广泛的一系列车型,因此对中国的家庭用车造型的探讨也应当依据不同家庭的要求来分别研究。本文这款新型家用小汽车应用了先进的仿生流线技术以及最人性化的设计,采用了先进的技术,启用了分层放置后备箱等新功能。轻松健康的生活是现代人们的向往,我相信每个家庭拥有这样一款汽车,美丽生活不再是梦!此外,相信由于这款汽车独特的设计使家用小汽车的市场得到了大幅度的提高,因此在汽车市场低弥的今天,它在家用汽车市场方面的贡献也将是突出的。关键词:家用小汽车;多功能;仿生流线外型;人性化设计 ;摘 要佳木斯大学教务处 第 III 页Ab

6、stractWith the continuous improvement of peoples living standards, Technological advances in the quality of life of people is also increasing demand. All aspects of daily life are increasingly demanding. Todays society, economy continues to advance in the market at the same time, manufacturers did n

7、ot dwell not, innovative change in the car at the same time, it is also increasingly the changes in human life, From the original bus on the basis of these years, private car is also slowly entering some well-off family, own a car of their own people is no longer in this long and distant dream, with

8、 one belonging to Their car, one can go to its convenient transportation, the two can show self-identity and status, followed by car travel, cars, etc. Xinxinrenlei honeymoon ideas, no doubt, proved that the future development of Chinese society will Will be living in the car as a necessary goods.We

9、 have to agree, in the car gradually changed our lives, it is step by step, the infiltration around us, the car appeared to straddle the gap a short period of time possible, in recent years, China has successfully organized various international scale ranging from And the domestic auto show. The fir

10、st beauty Heung Car the emergence and immediately brought refreshing to the peoples feelings. Domestic businesses optimistic about this form, and the validity of their imitation. Indeed added to the exhibition highlights, but also brought benefits to their own. However, just as Chinas first model to

11、 wear T-brand clothing in the same appearance on stage, and very few persons to group and the need to go through a process.And follow the beauty Heung Che, another car for the Chinese people bring a new industry, employing people to perform automobile culture, people and cars to achieve a harmonious

12、 unity, this is also the international auto market has emerged, are being developed and has achieved Effective means, and the tide and trends. This is the Cars, as people across the concept has long been a model of clothing in the past when the kind of Jinchi, people on the car model can also have a

13、 market economy in need of attention for calling, this is undoubtedly Help in the development of the domestic automotive industry today, we are gradually experiencing with the international trend for convergence摘 要佳木斯大学教务处 第 IV 页This is a shuttle to the information age, life seems like a brand new c

14、ar running on the highway, four people in the car to find how to change the self-life, more and more people will gradually become a vehicle of humanity, The name of the car so that life will be better to live under the pretext of cars and people go to the more recent.Cars, people in daily life as a

15、means of transport, its our lives able to play a very important role. Today, the quality of life and the improvement of production technology, for the average family car has not unfamiliar, from the automotive industry practitioners to ordinary consumers, from Zaoju people to use the people, everyone on the motor and cognitive level of concern are In the constantly improving. The world has a 1 / 5 the population of China, the car has a lot of the automotive market prospects. How to address this 1 / 5 of the population that


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