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1、F62R 型 MP3 音乐播放器的电路设计内容摘要:F62R MP3以中央处理器(解码芯片)为核心,由程序存储器、FLASH 闪存、电源控制电路、DA 转换、音频输入输出、USB 接口电路和 OLED显示电路等部分构成。 工作原理是解码芯片将歌曲文件从存储体(闪存芯片或微硬盘等介质)中读取出来,对信号进行解码;解码后的数字音频信号通过数模转换器转换成模拟音频信号;然后把还原的模拟音频信号放大并通过低通滤波器滤波后输出给耳机。本设计采用凌阳的 SPCA755解码芯片,该芯片集成了DSP、AD 转换,USB 驱动等功能,比一般用单片机和单独的 DSP芯片的设计,外围电路简化了很多, 体积更小;更重

2、要的是对于音乐文件解码处理的功能也集成到了芯片内部,完全由硬件来完成,不用考虑复杂的多媒体处理以及编解码算法的开发,这就大大节约了成本。同时该产品还具有 LINE-IN的功能,便于拷贝其他 MP3上的文件。F62R MP3是集收音、录音、复读、视频播放等多种功能于一身的新一代 MP3,具有体积小、便于携带、功耗低和不易损坏等优点,最重要的是压缩比高,音质较好,制作简单,性价比较高。关键词:F62R MP3 解码芯片 程序存储器 FLASH 闪存芯片 音乐播放器The Hardware Design OF F62R MP3 PlayerAbstract: F62R MP3 regards cen

3、tral processing unit (Decode chip) as the core, which is consist of procedure memory, FLASH memory, power control circuit, D/A change, audio frequency input and export, USB interface circuit and OLED reveal circuit ,etc. Operation principle : decode chip read and get song file form storing body (fla

4、shing memory chip or little hard disk ,etc. medium ) at first; decode the signal; Digital audio frequency signal decode, through count mould converter change analog audio frequency signal; Amplify and export analog audio frequency signal that reduce to the phone behind the low put through low filter

5、 finally. The Design , we adopt Sunplus SPCA755 decode chip originally, integrated DSP, A/D change, USB drivers and so on for the function, compared with generally using the one-chip computer and single DSP chip design principle, the peripheral circuit simplifies much, the volume can be smaller; The

6、 more important thing is , integrate get chip to music file function punished to decode, totally finished by the hardware, neednt consider the complicated multimedia is dealt with , the development of the compiled code algorithm, this has saved the cost greatly . This product also has a function of

7、LINE-IN at the same time, it is easy to copy the file form other MP3.F62R MP3 often collects the radio , recorder , replies reading , many kinds of functions that the video is broadcast ,etc. in one suit, small and easy to carry, low power dissipation, such advantages as difficult physics is damaged

8、 , the most important thing is , compress than high , the tone quality is better , making is simple, the price is relatively low.Key Words : F62R MP3 Decode chip procedure memory FLASH memory Music Player and so on.目 录一、引言 .1(一) MP3 的诞生 .1(二)MP3 的发展简史 .1(三)MP3 的发展前景 .2二、MP3 的分类 .3(一) 闪存 MP3.3(二) 硬盘 MP3.3三、MP3 音频压缩格式简介和相互转换 .3(一) MP3 音频压缩格式 .31. WAV 格式 .32. MP3(CBR、VBR、ABR)格式 .43. WMA 格式 .4(二) 音频压缩 格式的转换 .41. WAVMP3 .42. MP3WAV .5四、电路系统设计 .5(一) F62R MP3 工作原理和系统框图 .5五、各单元电路的设计 .5(一)主芯片(解 码芯片)的选择 .



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