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1、岭南学校 20142015 学年度第二学期八年级期中考试试卷英语科考试时间:90 分钟 考试分值:120 分听力部分(25 分)一 听力理解 (本大题分为 A,B,C,D 四部分,共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,共 25分)A. 听句子,选择符合题意的图画回答问题(共 5 分)( )1. What do Tonys parents want him to do when he grows up?( ) 2.What did the girls mother buy for her yesterday?( ) 3. What will John do tomorrow?( ) 4. What d

2、oes the boy spend too much time doing every day?( ) 5. What does the boy ask the girl to look after for him?B. 听对话,回答每段对话后面的问题。 (共 10 分)听第一段对话回答第 6 小题。( ) 6. Whats the matter with Li Ping?A. She had a fever. B. She had a cold. C. She cut her finger.听第二段对话回答第 7 小题。( ) 7. Whats Linda doing now? A. Eat

3、ing an apple. B. Doing the housework. C. Watching TV.听第三段对话回答第 8 小题。( ) 8. How often does Sally chat online?A. Once a day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.听第四段对话回答第 9 小题。( ) 9. Where was the girl while John and Mike were fighting?A. In the library. B. In the classroom. C. At home.听第五段对话回答第 10 小题。( )

4、 10. What should the girl do first.A. Sweep the floor. B. Do the homework. C. Take out the rubbish.听第六段对话回答第 11-12 小题。( ) 11. What does David like?A. Playing golf. B. Playing tennis. C. Listening to music.( ) 12. What voluntary work can David do?A. Sing songs for the old. B. Cheer up the sick in the

5、 hospital.C. Clean up the city parks.听第七段对话回答第 13-15 小题。( ) 13. According to the radio, what will the weather be like tomorrow.A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy.( ) 14. What is the boy going to do tomorrow if it doesnt rain.A. Have a picnic. B. Stay at home. C. Go hiking.( ) 15. When will the girl have a

6、 test?A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Thursday. C. Next Friday.C. 听短文。选出一个能完成句子的最佳选项,短文听两遍。 (共 5 分)( ) 16. What does Patrick Moore do?A. A TV host. B. A TV star. C. A TV reporter.( ) 17. What was he interested in when he was eight?A. Listening to music. B. Watching stars. C. Watching movies.( ) 18. Who use

7、d to go with him to look at the sky?A. His father. B. His mother. C. His uncle.( ) 19. How long has his TV program lasted?A. For more than 40 years. B. For more than 15 years. C. For more than 50 years.( ) 20. Who does he think can achieve dreams?A. Someone. B. Anyone. C.No one.D. 听填信息。请根据所听到的内容,填写有

8、关信息。本题听两遍。 (共 5 分)Name JennyDate of birth (21) 3rd,1993.Country (22) Favourite subject (23) Favourite sport (24) Favourite food (25) 笔试部分二单项选择(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)( )26. -Youve dropped _ “s” in the word “grass”.21 教育名师原创作品-Oh, _ letter “s” should be doubled like this “grass”.A. a, a B. an, a C. a

9、n , the D. the, the21*cnjy*com( )27. Thanks _ sending me a special trained dog. It makes a big difference_my life.A. for;to B. to;for C. for;on D. to;on( )28.To my _, Mr Smith was also _to hear the _ news.A. surprised, surprise, surprising B. surprise, surprised, surprisingC. surprise, surprising, s

10、urprised D. surprise, surprise, surprising( )29. -Im very tired these days because of the coming exam.-Why not _music? It can make you _.A. listen to, relaxed B. to listen to, relaxed C. listening to, relax D. to listen to, to relax( )30.-I called you at 4:50 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered

11、.-Sorry, I _ with my friends at that time.A. swam B. swim C. was swimming D. will swim( )31.I cant play the piano, and _.A. neither can my sister B. my sister cant , too C. so can my sister D. neither my sister can( )32.People will never _ looking for the missing Flight MH370.【版权所有:21 教育】A. give up

12、B. give out C. give away D. give back( ) 33. I dont understand such a silly question in class yesterday.A. why did John ask B. why John asked C. why is John asking D. why John asks( ) 34. Three days later, the rainstorm in the end.A. die up B. died down C. dying up D. dying down( )35. Mother is cook

13、ing dinner _ father is reading newspaper.A.when B. before C. while D. ( )36.-What should I do, Mr Smith?-_ healthy , you should take more _.A. To keep, exercise B. Keeping, exercise C. Keep, exercise D. Having kept, exercises( )37. Did you find _ very interesting to be a volunteer.A. this B. its C.

14、it D. that( )38.We cant put off _ a plan.A. making B. to making C. to make D. make( )39. _ wonderful news report he wrote! All of us were satisfied with what he did.A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )40.There are quite a few old books on the shelf, but _ of them is useful to teenagers.A. both B. all C. neither D. none( )41.-Hurry up. There is only ten minutes left.-You _about it. The station is not far from here.A. dont need worry B. neednt to worry C. don



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