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1、2014-2015 学年度第一学期第一次单元检测初二英语试题(卷)题号 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI 总分得分I、找出划线部分的读音不同与其他的一个选项。 (5 分)( )1、A、high B、twice C、time D、habit( )2、A、meat B、dr eam C、hea d D、l eave( )3、A、ba lance B、ball C、always D、all( )4、A、lau gh B、right C、high D、si ght( )5、A、know B、how C、tomorrow D、growII、下面每组单词划线部分共有几种读

2、音,请写出读音种类的代号(5分)A、一种 B、两种 C、三种 D、四种( )1、A、move B、some C、kilo D、worry( )2、A、car B、farm C、hard D、far( )3、A、by B、family C、year D、usually( )4、A、hearing B、great C、dream D、head( )5、A、match B、past C、station D、natureIII、选择正确答案,补全单词(5 分)( )1、mi te A、ne B、ni C、nu D、na( )2、in net A、tor B、ter C、tur D、tar( )3、m

3、th A、ou B、oa C、au D、ur( )4、fam s A、er B、ir C、ou D、or( )5、 ment A、no B、ca C、ke D、moIV、词形转换(5 分)1、two (次数) 2、ill (名词) 3、always (反义词 4、different (名词) 5、interview (名词) 6、west (形容词) 7、little (比较级) 8、foot(复数) 9、balance (形容词) 10、sore (同义词) V、词组互译(10 分)1、垃圾食品 2、吃中药 3、平衡的饮食习惯 4、看牙医 5、喉咙痛 6、传统中医 7、度长假 8、前往(某地

4、) 9、decide on doing sth 10、in an European country VI、用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(10 分)1、Im sorry (hear)that he is ill.2、Is it difficult for her (answer) the question? 3、You should (practice) it every day (improve) your Zzz x English .4、He (exercise.5、5、She always (do) her honework in the evening.VII、单项选择(20 分)(

5、 )1、I often go fishing weekends.A、on B、at C、in D、for( )2、Drinking milk is good your health. A、to B、for C、on D、at( )3、 do you do sports?- Sometimes.A、How long B、How many times C、How often D、How soon( )4、Would you like ?A、go swimming B、to go swimming C、go to swim D、swim( )5、We have housework to do tod

6、ay.A、much too B、many C、too much D、a lot( )6、She often goes to school bike.A、for B、by C、to D、in( )7、He is leaving Lanzhou tomorrow.A、for B、in C、to D、from( )8、Are you late for school?A、yes,never B、No,often C、yes,hardly D、yes,sometimes( )9、We should hot tea honey.A、to drink ,with B、drink,with C、drink,h

7、ave D、drinking,has( )10、 of the students do their homework every day.A、More B、Many C、Much D、Most( )11、That like a good idea.A、seem B、be C、sounds D、listens( )12、Can you come to my party?A、yes, I can B、No, I cant C、Im happy D、Sure( )13、Today, I have lots of to do.A、different something B、something diff

8、erentC、some diffrernt D、some diffrernt thing( )14、The cat in the tree.学校 学号 班级 姓名 A、maybe B、may C、may be D、may is( )15、Can you go to the mall this week? A、I can B、I cant C、Sure,Id love to D、Great,I cant( )16、He doesnt have any because he is ninety years old.A、toothes B、tooths C、teeths D、teeth( )17、T

9、he books is . Many students are in it.A、interesting,interesting B、interested,interestedC、interesting,interested D、interested,interesting( )18、Jim enjoys the violin.A、play B、playing C、plays D、to play( )19、I have two sisters.One is a nurse,and is a teacher.A、the other B、another C、other D、others( )20、T

10、here are vegetables in the basket.Lets go and buy them.A、a few B、a little C、few D、littleVIII、句式转换(10 分)1、She usually reads English once a day. (对划线部分提问)2、Is there anything wrong with you? (同义句) 3、Staying healthy is important for you. (同义句) 4、He has a toothache. (否定句) 5、My grandma needs to see a dent

11、ist. (一般疑问句)IX、翻译句子(10 分)1、蔬菜和水果对我们的身体有好处。2、我有点头痛,我得去看医生。3、这次他想做一些很重要的事情。4、你多久喝一次牛奶。5、你打算和谁一块去香港?X、阅读理解(10 分)There is an old English saying.It tells us that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning.Then we shall be healthy.We shall also be rich and clever.This is true.The body(身体) mus

12、t have enough sleep to be healthy.Children of young age should have ten hourssleep every night.Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work well and they may not be healthy.The body also needs exercise.Walking,running,jumping and playing games are all exercise.Exercise keeps the body s

13、trong.Exercise also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. It is very important.Our blood moves to all parts of our body.The head also needs blood.Exercise helps us to think better.( )1、If we want to be healthy,we must .A、eat more B、sleep moreC、play more D、go to bed early and get up early(


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