英语演讲教程-Asking and Answering Questions

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《英语演讲教程-Asking and Answering Questions》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语演讲教程-Asking and Answering Questions(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语演讲教程:Asking and Answering QuestionsSo, lets thro it open to questions。 lass=MsoNormalNo I d like to anser an questions, if ou have an。 lass=MsoNormalNo I am read to anser our questions, if an。 lass=MsoNormalId be glad to tr and anser an questions。 lass=MsoNormalAre there an questions? lass=MsoNorm

2、alAn questions?II。 Raising QuestionsSignaling Your Intention to Ask a Questionlass=MsoNormalI ant to ask Dr。 bi a question。 lass=MsoNormalI have a guest ion for Dr。 Anderson。 lass=MsoNormalMr。 Smith, I have a question to ask ou。 lass=MsoNormalThere is a question Id like to ask Prof。 Li。 lass=MsoNorm

3、alA question for Mr。 Liu。 lass=MsoNormalOne question, Dr。 Wei。 lass=MsoNormalCould I ask ou a question, Prof。 Li? lass=MsoNormalMa I venture to ask Prof。 Zhang a question?Expressing Your Attitude lass=MsoNormalBefore asking our question, ou an express our positive attitude or make a ment on the spea

4、kers presentation。 For example, lass=MsoNormalDr。 Johnson, I as fasinated b our desription of our stud, but hat ill happen if。 lass=MsoNormalMr。 Li, ou did splendid ork! Just one question。Asking the Speifi Question lass=MsoNormalYou mentioned ver briefl that ou used to experiments that ere the same。

5、 lass=MsoNormalWould ou please elaborate on that point? lass=MsoNormalWould ou be so kind as to give me more information about the method of our experiment? lass=MsoNormalWould ou tell me the reason h ou set suh a high temperature? lass=MsoNormalComprehensive Samples lass=MsoNormalDr。 Wang, Id like

6、to raise one question。 First, ma I sa ho muh I enjoed talk。 But, ma I ask, do ou have experiene ith the ne method? lass=MsoNormalCongratulations, Dr。 Li。 I ant help but admire our ahievement。 But I ant to kno hats our attitude toard abuse of antibiotis? lass=MsoNormalId like to ongratulate Mr。 Liu o

7、n a ver interesting presentation。 lass=MsoNormalMa I ask ou a question? Ho does subjetive evaluation differ from objetive evaluation? lass=MsoNormalFirst, Id like to sa our researh is ver interesting。 Ma I ask to questions? Do ou see an relation beteen igarette smoking and pepti ulers? And hat advan

8、tage do ou expet b using this approah?III。 Response to QuestionsAsking for Repetitionlass=MsoNormalPardon, I ouldnt hear hat ou said。 lass=MsoNormalI beg our pardon, I didnt ath hat ou said。 lass=MsoNormalIm sorr I forgot our first question。 Would ou be so kind as to sa it again? lass=MsoNormalIm no

9、t quite surge hat our question is。 lass=MsoNormalI didnt quite get the last point of our question。 lass=MsoNormalYou mean, there ma be some mistake in the alulation? lass=MsoNormalAre ou referring to the signifiane of the differene? lass=MsoNormalAre ou suggesting that the temperature might have aff

10、eted the results? lass=MsoNormalIf I understand ou orretl, ou are saingasking。 lass=MsoNormalI didnt quite ath that。 lass=MsoNormalCould ou go over that again? lass=MsoNormalIm not sure hat oure getting at。Weling the Question lass=MsoNormalWele the question b saing thank ou or menting on it saing Th

11、ats a good question or Thats a hallenging question。 lass=MsoNormalThis is a ver good question。 lass=MsoNormalThank ou for that question。 lass=MsoNormalIm glad this question has been brought up- lass=MsoNormalI appreiate that question。 lass=MsoNormalThis is a hard question。 lass=MsoNormalThis is an i

12、nteresting question。 lass=MsoNormalThis is a big question。 lass=MsoNormalId be delighted to anser our question。 lass=MsoNormalIll tr to anser this question ver briefl。 lass=MsoNormalIn anser to our question, I ould sa that。 lass=MsoNormalI an onl provide a partial anser to that question。 lass=MsoNor

13、malLet me tr to anser our questions one b one。 lass=MsoNormalM anser to our first question is。 lass=MsoNormalMa I anser our seond juestion first? lass=MsoNormalI have onl a partial anser to our question。 lass=MsoNormalThank ou for that question。 This is a hallenging question and Im afraid I an onl p

14、rovide a partial anser to it。 Ana, Ill tr m best to anser it。Repeating or Paraphrasing the Question lass=MsoNormalQuestioner: Have ou tried it on human bodies? lass=MsoNormalPresenter: This gentleman ould like to kno hether e have tried this on human bodies。Responding to Diffiult or Challenging Ques

15、tion lass=MsoNormalQuestion: So hat happens if the ne budget isnt approved? lass=MsoNormalAnser : Weve spent to months preparing the ne budget。 Its a good budget and ere onfident ell get approval to put it into pratie。 lass=MsoNormalAnser : There is too muh supposition in the question for me to give

16、 a sound anser。 lass=MsoNormalThe folloing are some other examples of ansers to hallenging questions: lass=MsoNormalPerhaps in another ear or so e an anser that question, beause these studies are no in progress。 lass=MsoNormalWe are no orking on this problem and, if ou agree, Ill anser our question in a fe eeks。 lass=MsoNormalThe onl anser I an give at present is to ait a fe more e


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