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1、西城中学 2016 年八年级英语检测题时间:100 分钟 命题人:闫长田 教师寄语:勤能补拙,笨鸟先飞一,答语匹配。并将番号填入题后横线。(6 分)问题1 What are you doing on vacation?2 How often does she exercise ?3 Whats the matter with you ?4 When was he born ?5 Did you see any sharks ?6 Can you come to my party on Sunday ?答语A I have a sore back B Once a week C Im going

2、 hiking in the mountains D Sorry , I have to study for my chemistry test.E No, I didnt . I saw some dolphinsF He was born in 1975.1_ 2_ 3_4_ 5_ 6_二, 单项选择(20 分)( )1 We saw _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant was from AfricaA. a; The B. the; An C. an; The( )2. It _her three weeks to study lessons.A. Spe

3、nds B. cost C takes( )3.My mother wants me _ some milk every day.A drink B to drink C drinking ( )4The two students_ late yesterday.A. were all B. both were C were both( )5. What often makes you_ ? A. laugh B laughing C to laugh( )6A: _ does he swim? B:He swims twice a week.A. How long B How old C.

4、How often( )7.You shouldnt eat_ for 24 hours.A. everything B anything C something( )8. He is _ young _ me.A. so. that B. as ,as C. so, as ( )9.A: Im sorry, I am late. B: _ 1. A. Thats good B. It doesnt matter C. Thank you ( )10._was the weather? A. What B: How C. When ( )11_my next day _ , I didn t

5、want to go there .A. On; on; B. On; off, C. In, off; ( )12 My daughter was born _ the evening of October 3 , 1995.A in B on C at ( )13 . Who is _ Kate, Lily or Lucy ?A.friendly B friendliest C the friendliest ( )14 A: Where are you working ? B:_. Maybe shanghai or Beijing.A Thats a good idea B Im no

6、t sure yet C I dont know( )15 Yao Ming is _taller than Pan Changjiang.A much B too C very ( )16 A: _ do you get to school ? B: I walk A What B How C where( )17 Her mother enjoys _English music .A play B to play C playing( )18 We need three _ for fruit salad.A cup of honey B cups of honeys C cups of

7、honey ( )19 What are Sally going to be when she _ up ?A grow B grows C growing( )20 Peel the two bananas , then _.A cut it up B cut them up C cut up them三、完形填空(10 分)December 21st is my grandmas birthday. Im going back to my hometown (家乡) 1 my parents. Yesterday evening our family 2 the gift for my g

8、randma.“ 3 can we buy for my grandmas birthday?” I asked.“We can buy her a big coat ,” said my mother.“My sister 4 me yesterday. She said she wolud like to buy clothes for my mother,” said Father.“We can buy her a big 5 and some vegetables.” I said.“My brother, your uncle, told me he prepared(准备了) t

9、he birthday 6 .” my father said to me.“Can we buy something 7 ?” asked my father.We thought hard . At last I shouted, “I know. We can buy 8 some Wahaha!”“Wahaha?” asked my father. “Why?” “Grandma is 9 . She lost some of her _10_. If we buy her some Wahaha, shes going to drink it and get all the calc

10、ium(钙) she needs.”( )1. A. and B. with C. for ( )2. A. looked for B. talked about C. found ( )3. A. Where B How C What( )4. A. called B. took C. said( )5. A. pear B.milk C. cake( )6. A. coat B. dinner C.gift ( )7. A another B other C . else( )8 A. she B. hers C. her( )9A.young B. old C. tall( )10 A

11、tooth B toothes C teeth 四,阅读理解(30 分)AA man has a cat. He likes her very much. At mealtime the cat sits at the table with him. The man eats with a knife and a fork(叉子), but the cat eats from her dish. Sometimes, when she finishes her dish, her master(主人) is going to give her a bit of his food. He sha

12、res(分享) his meal with her. One day the cat is not at the table at mealtime.“Ah! Where is my cat?” asks the man.His wife says, “Cant you eat without her?”So the meal begins without the cat. Before lunch ,the cat runs into the room and jumps into the chair quickly. She has two mice(老鼠) in her mouth, and before anyone can stop her, she drops(扔下) one into her own dish, and the other into her masters dish.“Dear me!” cries the woman, “A mouse is in your dish!”“Keep quiet !” says her husband. “This shows that sh



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