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1、兰州工业高等专科学校毕业论文 摘 要I摘 要本次毕业设计的题目是110/35/10KV 变电站电气部分初步设计 。根据设计的要求,在设计的过程中,根据变电站的地理环境、容量和各回路数确定变电站电气主接线和站用电接线,并选择各变压器的型号;进行参数计算、画等值网络图,并计算各电压等级侧的短路电流,列出短路电流结果表;计算回路持续工作电流、选择各种高压电气设备,并根据相关技术条件和短路电流计算结果表校验各高压设备。随着科学技术的发展,网络技术的普及,数字化技术成为当今科学技术发展的前沿,变电站数字化对进一步提升变电站综合自动化水平将起到极大促进作用,是未来变电站建设的发展方向。基于这种发展的需求,

2、该变电站采用 EDCS-6200 型 110kV 变 电 站 综合 自 动 化 。 利用数字化技术来解决目前综合自动化变电站存在的问题已成为可能。本变电站就是利用数字化技术使变电站的信息采集、传输、处理、输出过程全部数字化,并使通信网络化、模型和通信协议统一化、设备智能化、运行管理自动化。 通过本次设计,学习了设计的基本方法,巩固三年以来学过的知识,培养独立分析问题的能力,而且加深对变电站的全面了解。 关键词 主接线,短路电流,电气设备,主变保护,配电装置, EDCS-6200兰州工业高等专科学校毕业论文 AbstractIAbstractThis graduation project top

3、ic is: 110/35/10KV Transformer substation Electricity Part Preliminary design.According to the design request, in the design process, according to the transformer substation geographical environment, the capacity and various return routes number determined the transformer substation electricity host

4、 wiring and the station use electricity the wiring, and chooses various transformers the model; Carries on the parameter computation, the picture equivalent network chart, and calculates various voltages rank side the short-circuit current, lists the short-circuit current result table; Calculates th

5、e return route continually operating current, chooses each kind of high pressure electrical equipment, and verifies various high pressure unit according to the correlation engineering factor and the short-circuit current computed result table. Along with the science and technology development, the n

6、etworking popularization,the digitized technology will become now the science and technology development the front, the transformer substation digitization to further promotes the transformer substation synthesis automation level to get up to the limit the big promoter action, is the future transfor

7、mer substation construction development direction.Based on this kind of development demand, this transformer substation uses EDCS-6200 the 110kV transformer substation synthesis automation.Solves at present using the digitized technology to synthesize the automated transformer substation existence t

8、he question possibly to become.This transformer substation is causes the transformer substation using the digitized technology information gathering, the transmission, processing, the output process to digitize completely, and causes the correspondence network, the model and communication protocol u

9、nitizing, the equipment intellectualization, the movement management automation. Through this design, has studied the design essential method, since the consolidated four years have studied the knowledge, raises the independent analysis question ability, moreover deepens to the transformer substatio

10、n comprehensive understanding. Key words Main wiring, Short-circuit current, Electrical equipment, The host changes the protection, Power distribution equipment,EDCS-6200兰州工业高等专科学校毕业论文 目 录 II目 录绪论 .1第 1 章 变电站电气主接线设计及主变压器的选择 .11.1 主接线的设计原则和要求 .11.1.1 主接线的设计原则 .11.1.2 主接线设计的基本要求 .11.2 主接线的设计 .21.2.1 设

11、计步骤 .21.2.2 初步方案设计 .21.2.3 最优方案确定 .31.3 主变压器的选择 .41.3.1 主变压器台数的选择 .41.3.2 主变压器型式的选择 .41.3.3 主变压器容量的选择 .51.3.4 主变压器型号的选择 .51.4 站用变压器的选择 .51.4.1 站用变压器的选择的基本原则 .51.4.3 站用变压器型号的选择 .6第 2 章 短路电流计算 .72.1 短路计算的目的、规定与步骤 .72.1.1 短路电流计算的目的 .72.1.2 短路计算的一般规定 .72.1.3 计算步骤 .72.2 变压器的参数计算及短路点的确定 .82.2.1 变压器参数的计算 .82.2.2 短路点的确定 .82.3 各短路点的短路计算 .92.3.1 短路点 d-1 的短路计算(110KV 母线) .92.3.2 短路点 d-2 的短路计算(35KV 母线) .92.3.3 短路点 d-3 的短路计算(10KV 母线) .102.3.4 短路点 d-4 的短路计算 .102.4 绘制短路电流计算结果表 .11第 3 章 电气设备选择与校验 .1



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