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1、摘 要本设计通过对轻型车和悬架发展趋势的了解,主要介绍了悬架的定义及重要性,描述了悬架的作用和功能。主要阐述了独立悬架的类别和构造,尤其是详细的介绍了麦弗逊独立悬架的设计过程,本着满足车辆行驶平顺性的原则,设计了麦弗逊独立悬架的各个组成部分,并对其进行了校核。如横置板簧的设计和计算,横向稳定杆的设计,对导向机构进行了平顺性分析,横摆臂的长度计算和减震器的设计计算等。轻型车属于客车,然而随着轻型车越来越多的应用于商务通勤,城市物流等方面,人们对其平顺性的要求越来越高,因此以轻型车的悬架系统来设计轻型车悬架系统。轻型车悬架是一个较难达到完美要求的轻型车总成,这是因为悬架既要满足轻型车的舒适性要求,

2、又要满足其操纵稳定性的要求,而这两方面又是互相对立的。比如,为了取得良好的舒适性,需要大大缓冲轻型车的震动,这样弹簧就要设计得软些,但弹簧软了却容易使轻型车发生刹车“点头” 、加速“抬头”以及左右侧倾严重的不良倾向,不利于轻型车的转向,容易导致轻型车操纵不稳定等。怎样处理好这些方面的关系就摆在了我们设计人员的面前。因此要是能够设计出使这些方面都能达到一个和谐的悬架对越来越多的轻型车使用人员来说将会带来极大的好处。他们将会体会到优秀悬架带给他们的良好的舒适性,和安全的平顺性。希望本人的设计能够满足大家的要求。而本设计创造性的在麦弗逊悬架上使用横置板簧代替螺旋弹簧,以解决轻型车上弹簧刚度不足的问题

3、。本设计的图纸主要由计算机绘制完成,计算机编档、排版,打印出图及论文。还完成了一定量的英文翻译工作。 关键词:麦弗逊式独立悬架,悬架,轻型车悬架,横置板簧 麦弗逊悬架的结构设计共 39 页 第 1 页装订线ABSTRACTAccording to learning the kei and suspension development trend, the main design on the suspension of the definition and importance of a suspension described the role and functions primarily

4、 on the type of independent suspension and tectonic particularly detailed introduced Macpherson independent suspension design process, in the spirit of the exercise smoothly vehicles meet the principles of the design of the independent suspension Macpherson various components, and the degree of ther

5、e. If transversal leaf spring loaded design and calculation, horizontal designed to guide agencies conducted smoothly and analytical, Wang squatting length calculation and shock absorber design. The kei is belong to passenger car, but people regard its suspension as carriage suspension because of th

6、e kei widely applying to business commute and urban logistics, etc .Training is a perfect car for the car more difficult to achieve fuel, because it is necessary to meet the suspension of vehicle comfort, but also meet the requirements of the stability of its manipulation, and these two aspects are

7、mutually antagonistic. For example, in order to achieve good sexual comfort, require a significant buffer car shock, which is designed spring-loaded soft farther, but the spring-loaded soft but easy to vehicle braking occurred nod and accelerate the rise and so serious adverse trends, to the detrime

8、nt of the vehicle to easily lead to vehicle instability manipulation. How to handle the relationship between these areas before our designers have to face the problem .So if these meet the mission to design a harmonious suspension of a growing number of vehicles involved will bring great benefits. T

9、hey will understand their outstanding suspension to the comfort of a good, and safe smoothly. I hope the design can satisfy all requirements. It is creativity of the design that it uses transversal leaf spring instead the coil spring at the Macpherson type of independent, to solve the problem of kei

10、 that lateral rigidity.The design drawings completed mainly by computer mapping, computer archiving, typesetting, printing out maps and papers. Also completed a number of English translation work. KEY WORDS:Macpherson type of independent suspension, suspension,Kei suspension,Transversal leaf spring 麦弗逊悬架的结构设计共 39 页 第 2 页装订线目录摘 要 .1ABSTRACT.2第一章 绪论 .41.1 课题研究的背景和意义 .41.2 悬架的现状及发展方向 .51.2.1 悬架的现状 .51.2.2 悬架的发展趋势 .61.2.3 悬架的设计要求 .61.3 麦弗逊悬架概述 .71.4 麦弗逊悬架的应用现状与发展趋势 .8第二章 匹配车型选择 .9第三章 悬架的结构分析及选型 .103.1 悬架的分类 .103.1.1 非独立悬架优缺点 .113.1.2 独立悬架优缺点 .113.1.3 比较选型 .



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