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1、国际文化节开幕式主持词开业主持词学校国际文化节开幕式主持词八面鼓声起主持人在场中央站定,鼓声停声音响。一、嘉宾进场:程子健:鼓声飘飞与风起舞,容不得束缚。诚聚,这是育华的生命涵养吴静漪:鼓声凝结与心交汇,容不得羁绊。诚聚,这是文化的魅力所至程子健:精诚所至王周阳:Sinerit moves the earth.吴静漪:聚享育华林朝依:Jo brings us together. Distinguished guests王周阳:Dear teahers and fello students合:大家上午好!吴静漪:文化节举办至今已 8年,我们一直于追寻中展现精致真诚每一届文化节梦想实现的历程即是一

2、段千山万水走遍的彰显程子健:文化节今年已经8 岁,我们一直于巅峰之上亦稳步前行每一届文化节超越自我的记录都有不同肤色相知相守的秉持吴静漪:精诚所至古老相传的信条林朝依:As the saing goes: The mon faith brings us together.程子健:你,我和他们,将在这里共同演绎聚享育华的传奇吴、程合:欢迎我们的新老朋友的到来王周阳:You and I ill share the feast.Letsquo;s extend arm ele to our old and ne friends!顺序:香港、淳安、新加坡、日本、韩国、印度、德国、外宾、内宾程子健:有请

3、谬雪芳副校长和香港启思中学林朝依:No letsquo;s ele VICE Prinipal Wanita Mou and Hong Kong CreativeSeondar Shool程子健:请允许我们表达最诚挚的欢迎林朝依:Please allo us to onve the most sinere greetings to them程子健:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声感谢他们的到来!林朝依:More arm applause, please !吴静漪:有请廖前明校长 和淳安汾口中学 的师生王周阳:Letsquo;s ele priniple Liao Qianming and .teahe

4、rs and students from Chunsquo;an Fenkou middle shool吴静漪:请允许我们表达最诚挚的欢迎王周阳:Please allo us to onve the most sinere greetings to them吴静漪:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!王周阳:More arm applause, please !程子健:有请李开森主任和 新加坡华侨中学以及华中寄宿学校的师生林朝依:No letsquo;s ele Mr.Lee kai sim and teahers from Ha Chong Institution, and Ha Cho

5、ng Boarding Shool程子健:请允许我们表达最诚挚的欢迎林朝依:Please allo us to onve the most sinere greetings to them程子健:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声感谢他们的到来!林朝依:More arm applause, please !程子健:有请日本石田邦明校长和日本静冈中学的师生林朝依:No letsquo;s ele prinipal 石田邦明 and teahers from Shizuoka Shool, Japan?程子健:请允许我们表达最诚挚的欢迎林朝依:Please allo us to onve the most

6、sinere greetings to them程子健:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声感谢他们的到来!林朝依:More arm applause, please !吴静漪:欢迎我们的朋友 鄭基元校长和韩国米拉多高级学校王周阳:No letsquo;s ele our ne friends, Prinipal Jung Ki Weon and Miraldure Shool,Republi of Korea吴静漪:请允许我们向他们表达最诚挚的欢迎王周阳:Please allo us to onve the most sinere greetings to them.吴静漪:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声欢迎

7、他们的到来!王周阳:More arm applause, please !程子健:欢迎Ms. Seema Bhatnagar 校长和印度德里斋浦尔公学林朝依:Letsquo;s ele priniple Ms. Seema Bhatnagar from Delhi Publi Shool Jaipur,India.程子健:请允许我们向他们表达最诚挚的欢迎林朝依:Please allo us to extend our armest ele to them.程子健:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的来访!林朝依:One more applause to ele them.吴静漪:欢迎Dr. Ra

8、mer Ulrih 校长和德国拉特瑙高级中学王周阳:Wele priniple Dr. Ramer Ulrih and friends fromGerman.吴静漪:请允许我们向他们表达最诚挚的欢迎王周阳:Letsquo;s have a arm applause for them.吴静漪:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的来访!王周阳:One more applause for their visit.程子健:欢迎来自新西兰林菲尔德中学新加坡华中国际学校香港汉基国际学校澳大利亚威斯敏斯特学校西澳大利亚驻华政府办公室洛杉矶安大略基督教会学校欧盟教育基金会的外宾们林朝伊:Letsquo;s ex

9、tend arm ele to our guests from abroad.程子健:请允许我们向他们表达最诚挚的欢迎林朝伊:Letsquo;s have a arm applause for them.程子健:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的来访!林朝伊:One more applause for their visit.吴静漪:欢迎天津 42 中、上海曹杨二中,泰顺、磐安、丽水教育系统的领导及兄弟学校王周阳:Letsquo;s ele our domesti guests!吴静漪:请允许我们向他们表达最诚挚的欢迎王周阳:Letsquo;s have a arm applause for

10、them.吴静漪:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的来访!王周阳:One more applause for their visit.程子健:出席本届文化节开幕式的嘉宾还有:杭州市教育局宣传处张志龙处长翠苑中学 校领导和彭副校长十三中 汪建红校长求是教育集团 郑仁东校长十五中 计国勇校长 汪秀婷副校长西湖小学教育集团 章献明校长绿城教育投资有限公司 俞震平副总经理绿城教育投资有限公司国际部 俞水根主任绿城教育投资有限公司后勤公司 曹伟民总经理绿城幼儿园总园 费玉香园长绿城育华小学 冯程校长绿城足球学校 杨剑校长吴静漪:也请允许我代表文化节组委会对所有来参加文化节的家长;所有为本届文化节倾情付出

11、的的人员表示最衷心的感谢!谢谢!林朝依:On behalf of ulture festival mittee, I ould like to express our gratitude to all the parents present, thank ou for our partiipation, thank ou for our ontributions.二、仪式吴静漪:汗水与鲜花,光荣与梦想。传统节日的耳濡目染,渐渐汇聚育华的文化意涵。王周阳:Seat and seet, glor and dream. Inflened b hat e onstantl see and hear,

12、e graduall form the ultural impliation of our shool.程子健:我们用微笑与拥抱对话,用舞蹈与歌声交流让四方的情意在这里荡漾,让世界的旗帜在这里飘扬林朝依:We talk ith smiles and hugs, muniate ith songs and danes.升旗手国旗队行进。程子健:升旗仪式现在开始,请全体起立!林朝依:The flag-raising eremon begins no, all rise, please!程子健:面向国旗林朝依:For the national flag.程子健:升国旗,奏国歌。林朝依:Raise n

13、ational flag and pla national anthem!程子健:礼毕 ,请就座。林朝依:No, please be seated.程子健:有请校学生会主席第八届文化节组委会执行主席蒋钰琳同学为本届文化节致辞林朝依:letsquo;s invite Jiang Yulin, hairman of the Studentssquo; union and exeutive hairman of the 8thulture festival mittee, to present a speeh.吴静漪:下面欢迎 先生为本届文化节致辞王周阳:No, here es ,Exeutive

14、General Manager of Greenton Holding Compan to present a speeh程子健:文化节剪彩仪式现在开始。王周阳:The folloing is the ribbon-utting eremon of the 8th International Cultural Festival .程子健:彩球准备程子健:首先有请我们的来宾代表。王周阳 Letsquo;s ele our guests.嘉宾在走到位的过程中说下面的话吴静漪:我们用不同肤色的手剪断天涯、剪断阻隔,在文化交融的里程碑上刻下精诚所至的名字。林朝依:We use hands of dif

15、ferent olors to ut the geographial distanes and barriers. And arve Faith and Sinerit into the milestone of ultural blending.嘉宾对牢站定后程子健:请嘉宾剪彩吴静漪:让红色的气球承载梦想,在天涯咫尺的世界里飞翔。王周阳:The red balloons ill fl in the sk arring our mon dream .程子健:今天聚集在一起的人们,怀揣着共同的心愿,让我们一路欢声笑语,聚享育华。林朝依:Toda, ith the same faith, e ge

16、t together. Letsquo;s enjo ever minute, ma ou all have heerful laughter.三、表演不用主持词,直接表演1. 击掌互动,乐队表演 军队进行曲结束程子健:管弦乐演绎的清新自然、色彩斑斓是我们文化节构筑的永恒色彩。吴静漪:当然我们可以用另一种跳跃的步伐演绎:在你的温柔翅膀之下,一切人类成兄弟。3.吴静漪:我们一路向前,为路上的那个梦,踏着现代的步伐感受青春年少的无邪与梦想。王周阳:Perusing our dreams, e head toards our destination, keeping pae ith the times, feeling the innoent and promising outh.程子健:我们回望远古,为心中的那个魂,沿着历史的声音品读厚重国粹的的记忆与传统林朝依:Looking bak, e honor the soul in the bottom of our heart,


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