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1、Journal-Specific Submission Guidelines 1 Journal-Specific Submission Guidelines Please follow the guidelines when preparing your manuscript. Manuscripts that do not follow the guidelines will be sent back to the author(s) for the purpose of reformatting. Where Chinese characters are required, use th

2、e font: 細明體 (MingLiU). Do NOT shift the Chinese characters from traditional to simplified or vice versa. 1 Examples (same for rules and formulas) 1.1 Indentation, numbering and alignment Examples should NOT be indented. They should be displayed with their corresponding numbers in parentheses and app

3、ear on a separate line, preceded and followed by a blank line. For example: (1) I was planning to go to Beijing. In order to avoid the potential misalignment caused by Extensible Markup Language (XML), DO NOT align words, pinyin/transcription, and gloss in examples separated from the running text. I

4、f alignment is needed, present the example as a diagram. For details please refer to the instructions below. 1.1.1 Examples in Chinese Examples in Chinese, if occurring in the running text, should be presented in three consecutive layers: Chinese characters pinyin free translation; for example, 電腦 d

5、iannao computer, or 鑰匙 yaoshi key. Use italics for pinyin, single quotation marks to enclose the free translation and put punctuation after the closing quotation mark. When an example is mentioned more than once, either pinyin or the free translation can be used as long as the referent is consistent

6、 throughout the article. If the use of examples focuses on the discussion of the internal structure of phrases, clauses or sentences, please separate them from the running text. The separated examples should be presented in FOUR lines: the original language on the first line, followed by pinyin on t

7、he second, word-by-word or morpheme-by-morpheme translation on the third, and free translation in English typed in italics on the fourth. (Exception: an ungrammatical sentence, marked with an asterisk, is presented in the first three lines only, as shown in Example 7a below.) DO NOT align the words,

8、 pinyin and word-by-word/morpheme-by-morpheme translation. Emphasis should be marked in bold typeface rather than underlined. On the second and third lines, separate each word/morpheme with TWO underscores, which is exemplified as follows: Journal-Specific Submission Guidelines 2 (2) 這次休假小明不打算去夏威夷。

9、zhe_ci_xiujia_xiaoming_bu_dasuan_qu_xiaweiyi this_CL_break_Xiaoming_NEG_plan_go_Hawaii Xiaoming isnt going to Hawaii for his break this time. For a diagram to be presented as a separate example, only symbols with the status of words/phrases should be displayed in the pinyin and gloss, which is exemp

10、lified as Example 3 below: (3) VP AdvP Adv 尽快 VP Spec PRO V 解决 DP D 此 NP N 问题 jinkuai_PRO_jiejue_ci_wenti as-soon-as-possible_PRO_solve_this_problem solve this problem as soon as possible 1.1.2 Examples in languages without orthographies, and with orthographies other than Chinese, Germanic and Latin

11、 languages The format of the presentation of examples in Chinese applies to these examples, except that these examples are presented in three lines: the transcriptions/original languages on the first line, followed by word-by-word/morpheme-by-morpheme translation on the second, and free translation

12、in English in italics on the third. Symbols with the status of words/phrases should be copied and pasted in the gloss (e.g. tIO and tDO in Examples 5a and 5b respectively below). Emphasis should be marked in bold typeface rather than underlined. On the first and second lines, separate each word/morp

13、heme with TWO underscores, which is exemplified as follows: (4) Examples in languages without orthographies Tsou (Chang forthcoming) a. o.so_poa_iachi-a_haf-a-neni_to_paicx_o_yungku TR.RL-1SG.ERG_CAUS_oneself-TR_carry-TR-IA_OBL_PN_ABS_basket I let Paicx carry her own basket. b. o.so_poa_ote_haf-a-ne

14、ni_to_paicx_o_yungku TR.RL-1SG.ERG_CAUS_NEG_carry-TR-IA_OBL_PN_ABS_basket I did not let Moo to carry the basket. (5) Examples in languages with orthographies other than Chinese, Germanic and Latin languages Kinyarwanda (McGinnis 2001: 107, cited in Chang forthcoming) a. UmukobwaIO_a-ra-andik-ir-w-a_

15、tIO_brwa_nmuhungu girl_SP-PREs-write-APPL-PAS-ASP_tIO_letter_by.boy The girl is having the letter written for her by the boy. Journal-Specific Submission Guidelines 3 b. brwaDO_i-ra-andik-ir-w-a_umukobwa_tDO_nmuhungu letter_SP-PREs-write-APPL-PAS-ASP_girl_tDO_by.boy The letter is written for the gir

16、l by the boy. 1.2 Grouping and layers If an example includes related items, group them with lowercase letters followed by a period. The following presents examples created by the author(s). 1.2.1 English example by author(s) (6) a. I was planning to go to Beijing. b. I am planning to go to Beijing. 1.2.2 Chinese example by author(s) (7) a. *是花瓶打破的 shi_huapin


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