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1、江苏大学硕士学位论文基于空穴初生的柴油机喷嘴内部流动研究姓名:黄云龙申请学位级别:硕士专业:工程热物理指导教师:何志霞20120610测试版本江苏大学硕士学位论文摘 要柴油机的燃油喷雾混合作为的燃烧的边界条件之一,直接影响柴油机的经济性、动力性和排放性。喷嘴作为柴油机燃油喷射系统的终端,对燃油雾化质量、油束与燃烧室的配合及喷油持续期的长短都有直接影响,进而影响缸内燃烧。燃油喷雾的形成、雾化过程及雾化质量除了受喷雾与其周围空气摩擦的影响外,更受到喷嘴内部流动湍流和空穴的影响。其中,空穴现象成为把喷嘴流动和喷雾行为联系起来的一种关键因素。所以非常有必要开展喷嘴内空穴流动研究。而喷嘴由于喷孔直径只有



4、基于动网格技术,开展多孔喷嘴内空穴流动瞬态特性研究,分析针阀运动对喷嘴内空穴流动的影响,得出针阀开启和关闭瞬间,喷嘴内空穴流动呈现不同的流动特性。测试版本基于空穴初生的柴油机喷嘴内部流动研究本研究可为柴油机燃油喷射系统结构优化及喷雾性能改善提供理论指导,同时为空穴这一特殊两相流问题的研究做出贡献,推动多相流学科的发展。关键词:柴油机,喷嘴,空穴流动,可视化试验,数值模拟测试版本江苏大学硕士学位论文ABSTRACT舡a b0吼da巧condition 0f diesclg硫comb哪tion,me diel Spray direc坶affects tlle economical efficien

5、cypowcr perfb咖锄Cc觚d emissio璐behavior 0f diele咖e皿e蛳ector no劢e is me te肌iIlal of diesel engine fIlelec豳n sys锄1,wIliChh勰觚iInportaIlt iIrIpact on the quali锣0f fIlel atom娩ation,the match of spray孤dconlbustion chamber stIucturc柚d the lengm of fIlelection durationFir试ly it砌uenccs也e cylinder combustion,11le

6、触砸on bet、7毗n fhel injcction jet觚d aIn_bientair af6ec坞the fo肌ation ofthe fIlel spraytlle prooe蟠0f at)mization and the quality oftlIe sprayMoreoVer,cavi诅tion and turbulencc insidc a diel injector no琵le play acritical role in pfiIIlar)r spray brea】【up and all subsequent development processesobVio惦ly,th

7、e C0ntrol of n02才e cavi僦on is the prerequisitc fof nle deVelopment 0feffident Mgll prcssure fuel询ection system舭ld the caVita_tion is the key factor t0 liIll【nozzle now aIld spray behaviorSo it is necessa巧t0 caur巧Out tlIe research 0n no盟lecavitating nowAs a reslllt 0f fi舱gcome仃y stnlJctIIre 0f iIljec

8、tor o曲Ce(pm order ofma嘶tu(1e),tligh injection prcssurc Qrea钯r m锄100MPa),la曙e Velod锣iIl 110zzleQreater m锄100n怕砌short injec曲n dur撕on(ms order of m删觚lc),tlle咖pha丑ow in no盟le is tligh turbIllence觚d complexThus,tl比rescarCh on cavitadonmech卸i锄is challeI培ing,botll meofetically锄d experimentallyIIl mis咖dy,ac

9、cording t0 thc research蛐domestic觚d 0verse弱,the impact facto瑙on mc no毖lei11卫忙rVita丘on n蕊ccmt are researChed臼Dm也e Visual娩ation experiInent approach觚dn眦erical siInulation邳IproachThe maill c0Iltem锄d illnov细e researc:h results of tllis stlJdy:(1)The nozzle Cavitation now vi鲫al娩ation me勰urement system iS

10、es衄blishedThe侧硎on pressure,bac蝤ro蛐d pressure觚d锄bient tcmperatlIrc c觚be con仃0llcdbad 0n the teSt demandThe test results show mat tI圮nozzle Cavitation now h弱asi印ificant砌uence on me subsequent spray developm锄tThe cavitation eme唱eIlIce觚d development zone is maillly at tIle t叩facc oftlle no冱leAs t11e o施c

11、e dip锄百edecreased,le distributions of caVi伽on stnlcture dhamcterisdCS afc Ve哆difbrent(2)ne siIl曲aLl C0mplete cavi伽on丑ow model 0f m仅tllrc mul卸h弱e now isdetenllined as ttle mamematic model fbr cavitation now simll:lationT1lis model hasbe髓Verified by me锄alysis and compaIison 0f experimental dataAccIDrd

12、ing t0 mediel nozzle llIlique intemal Stmctllrc and丑ow,thc com删0n method fof bubblem皿ber densi哆in caVitation model is proposedThe mediums for nuInerical siInlllationm测试版本基于空穴初生的柴油机喷嘴内部流动研究are water锄d diescl11le results show that whIm the nOw medium in the siIIlulation isdiesel,le siInlllation result

13、s have some deviation丽m eXpe咖em dataWtlile,whcntlle jEIow medi岫is waternley haVe ber consistency(3)BaSed on the caVitation n弱cent reSe雒ch,t量le efIIect of physical par锄etc硌ofnow medium 0n CaVitation stmcturc is stIldiedDraw t11e f研lo奶ng conclllsions:as t11eliquid bubble nudei m弱s仃枷on锄d injection iIlc

14、re弱ed,me cavi伽on phenomenon is0bVio惦;iI赋a0f liquid Viscosi哆is not benefit t0 tlle fumlcr grow of me VacIlole觚drestfain t11e deVelopment 0f cavitation;saturaced V a_por pre豁ure龃d surface tensionhave lime effect on nle cfitical cavitadon number iIl the舢nerical s妇uIa矗0nIIl me咖dy 0f tlle efect 0f fIlel

15、tempe枷re on cavitation,it is foulld ttlat tlle nowpe血m觚cc ofbiodieselis siInilar丽tIl diesel弱tlIe temperaturc heated叩50-60K(4)B硒ed on tlle dynamic鲥d te蛳que,me stIldy of the transient characteristicsof multi-no盟le CaVitation now锄d me觚alysis of the ef6ects of needle ValVe movcmemon廿le nozzle cavitation

16、 now is madeDraw a condusion,when me neeme valve isopen or do,也e now pr叩eny of me nozzleVitation is di伍brent111is study wnl pr0Vide meoreti(斌guid姐cc for stmctIlre叩tim沱ation of dieselfIlelection system aIld spray perfb衄aIlCe iIIIpfovememAt tlle same tiIne,it willmal【c a contrib砸on t0 the research of Ca_Vitation,wllieh is a special tw0 phanowproblcmAIld it will promote me deVelopmem 0f multiphase now disdpliIle1【ey words


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