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1、山东烟台经济技术开发区高级中学 唐福珍,For Senior 1,15-16学年第30期总第628期,Human vs machine (P1),I. Warming up,How much do you know about the following things?1. AlphaGo 2. Go 3. 人机世纪大战4. DARPA,I. Warming up,Background information:1. AlphaGo: n. 一款围棋人工智能程序,由Google旗下DeepMind公司开发2. Go 围棋3. 人机世纪大战: 是指2016年由人工智能系统AlphaGo,挑战世界围

2、棋冠军李世石。根据日程安排,5盘棋分别于3月9日、10日、12日、13日和15日举行,即使一方率先取得3胜,也要下满5盘。最终,AlphaGo以4:1赢得这场“战争”。,DARPA: 是Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency的简称,译为美国国防部先进研究项目局。是美国国防部重大科技攻关项目的组织、协调、管理机构和军用高技术预研工作的技术管理部门,主要负责高新技术的研究、开发和应用。,I. Warming up,Look through the passage and decide what its main idea is.,II. Skimming

3、,AlphaGo outperformed Lee in the match and made the five-match score 4-1 in favor of AlphaGo.,III. Scanning,Read the passage again and answer the following questions.,1. What are the concerns about AI?2. What is The Economists opinion of AI?3. What is John Markoffs opinion?,Some people fear that AI

4、is harmful to the human race and the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.,1. What are the concerns about AI?,III. Scanning,Its not hard to get a computer program to remember and produce facts. Its hard to get computers to apply their knowledge to everyda

5、y situations.We have a long way to go before AIs capabilities truly begin to approach the human brain, despite how dominant the technology can be when focusing on a single task.,III. Scanning,2. What is The Economists opinion of AI?,III. Scanning,Researchers should build artificial intelligence that

6、 aims for intelligence augmentation (IA) in which computers make people more effective.Our fate is in our own hands. Since technology depends on the values of its creators, we can make human choices that use technology to improve the world.,3. What is John Markoffs opinion?,1. Or as The Economist pu

7、t it: “We have a long way to go before AI can truly begin to be similar to the human brain, even though the technology can be great when it has one task to do. ”,IV. Sentence structure,Read the sentence and pay attention to its structure.,该句中的as sb. put it 为as引导的非限制性定语从句,意为“正如某人所说”。 Just as Thomas E

8、dison put it, Genius is 99 percent perspiration and 1 percent inspiration.”,Read the passage again and finish the summary of the passage.AlphaGo, an artificial (人工的) intelligence (AI) machine built by Googles DeepMind, won its first match _ South Korean Go grandmaster Lee Sedol _ March 9. In the fol

9、lowing week, AlphaGo outperformed Lee in another three matches. That made the five-match score 4-1 _(胜出) AlphaGo.DARPA challenges were put to the test in the real world before, _ forced researchers to build robots that could walk up and down hills.Some people have been arguing that AI is _(harm) to

10、the human race. UK scientist Stephen Hawking warned that the _(develop) of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. And some fear that people are really on the verge of _(live) in the world shown in the Terminator sci-fi movies. But others think that it is hard for compute

11、rs to _ their knowledge _(应用) everyday situations. People have a long way _(go) before AIs capabilities (能力) truly begin to approach the human brain, despite how dominant the technology can be when _ (focus) on a single task. Since technology depends on the values of its creators, we can make human

12、_(choose) that use technology to improve the world. _ (最终), peoples fate is in our own hands.,V. Vocabulary,Read the passage again and finish the summary of the passage.AlphaGo, an artificial (人工的) intelligence (AI) machine built by Googles DeepMind, won its first match _ South Korean Go grandmaster

13、 Lee Sedol _ March 9. In the following week, AlphaGo outperformed Lee in another three matches. That made the five-match score 4-1 _(胜出) AlphaGo.DARPA challenges were put to the test in the real world before, _ forced researchers to build robots that could walk up and down hills.,V. Vocabulary,again

14、st,on,in favor of,which,Some people have been arguing that AI is _(harm) to the human race. UK scientist Stephen Hawking warned that the _(develop) of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. And some fear that people are really on the verge of _(live) in the world shown i

15、n the Terminator sci-fi movies.,V. vocabulary,harmful,development,living,But others think that it is hard for computers to _ their knowledge _(应用) everyday situations. People have a long way _(go) before AIs capabilities (能力) truly begin to approach the human brain, despite how dominant the technology can be when _ (focus) on a single task. Since technology depends on the values of its creators, we can make human _(choose) that use technology to improve the world. _ (最终), peoples fate is in our own hands.,V. vocabulary,apply,to,to go,focusing,choices,Ultimately,


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