For Madmen Only Price of Admission Your Mind

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1、For Madmen Only (Price of Admission: Your Mind)Talks given from 1/4/77 to 30/4/77Darshan Diary30 ChaptersYear published: 1979For Madmen Only (Price of Admission: Your Mind)Chapter #1Chapter title: None1 April 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu AuditoriumArchive code: 7704015ShortTitle: MADMEN01Audio: NoVideo: No

2、Prem kutera. It means a small shrine of love, a small hut of love, a small space for love. Prem means love and kutera means a small place. And thats all that a man needs to be fulfilled: if one can become a small shrine, nothing is lacking.The very phenomenon of love integrates you, and when love is

3、 missing, you start falling apart - it is the glue that keeps you together. In fact it is the glue that keeps the whole existence together; otherwise stars will fall apart, the trees will fall down, the earth will not care and no child will grow in a womb.It is love that keeps everything going, and

4、the misery of man is that he has forgotten the language of love. The reason why he has forgotten the language of love is: he has become too identified with reason.Nothing is wrong with reason but it has a tendency to monopolise; it clings to the whole of your being. Then feeling suffers - feeling is

5、 starved, and by and by you forget about feeling completely. So it goes on shrinking and shrinking and shrinking, and that dead feeling becomes a dead weight, that feeling becomes a dead heart.Then one can go on pulling oneself just somehow - it will always be somehow. There will be no charm, no mag

6、ic, because without love there is no magic in life, and there will be no poetry either; it will be prose, flat. Yes, it will have a grammar but it will not have a song in it. It will have a structure but it will not have substance in it.This calamity has become too much: as man has become more and m

7、ore capable of using reason, he tends to forget love, feeling, emotion, more and more.By becoming a sannyasin you are taking a risk, the risk of moving from reason to feeling and trying to bring a balance. When feeling and reason are balanced one is free. In that very balance is freedom, in that ver

8、y balance is equilibrium, tranquility, silence - otherwise one is lopsided.When the head is too much, and it is too much, it is very murderous. It does not allow anything which is not profitable, it doesnt allow it to exist. And all joy is profitless, all joy is just playfulness, it has no purpose.

9、Love is play, it has no purpose; so is dance, so is beauty. All that is significant for the heart is meaningless for the reason.So sannyas means a radical change, and in the beginning one has to put much investment into the heart so the balance is achieved. One has almost to lean too much towards th

10、e heart. One has to go to the other extreme to make the balance. By and by one comes into the middle, but in the beginning one has to go completely to the other pole because reason has dominated too much. Just by going into the middle, the domination will not stop.Thats why I say that sannyas is som

11、ething only for those people who are really courageous - for madmen only - because the price of admittance is nothing but your mind: the reason-dominated mind, the logic-dominated mind, the mathematically-dominated mind.When that is dropped prose is no more at the centre but poetry, purpose no more

12、at the centre but play; money no more at the centre but meditation, power no more at the centre but simplicity, non-possessiveness, a sheer joy of life, almost a madness.To become a sannyasin is to almost become mad as far as the world is concerned. So you are entering into madness. But that madness

13、 is the only sanity there is!Deva sarven. It means all is divine - deva means divine, sarven means all. And let this be your attitude, imbibe this attitude as deeply as possible. All is divine, so wherever you are looking you are looking at god, and whatsoever you touch, you touch god. Whether you l

14、ove or hate it makes no difference - it is god. In the friend, in the enemy, it is always the same.Imbibe this. Let it go deep into your heart so it becomes almost an atmosphere around you, so that you need not hold it, it is there! It takes a little time, mm? - first you have to allow it to sink in

15、.Touching a rock, remember it is divine - and the moment you remember, the quality of the touch will change immediately and you will be able to see it and feel it. The rock will start responding in a different way. When you look at the tree remember that all is divine, and you will see that the tree

16、 is different because your vision is different, because your eyes are different, because you are different.You are your world, so when you change your attitude you change the very world in which you exist. We cannot change the world - thats what the politician has been trying to do, down the ages, and he has failed utterly.The only way to change the world is the way of religion: change your vision, and suddenly you live in a different world.We dont live in t



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