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1、Chapter OneMemory,Group work: Lets have a competition.Look at the word list for a minute, then tell the others how many of them you can remember? Write them down.,Group work:Look at the pictures for a minute, then tell the others how many of them you can remember? What is there in each picture?,Pict

2、ure 1,Picture 2,Picture 3,Picture 5,Picture 6,Dinosaus,Picture 7,Picture 8,Picture 4,Vocabulary,Find out the words in the word list according to the pictures.,garage,shadow,hawker,ankle,queue,elderly,injure,link,charity,astronauts,spider,car crash,disasters,millionaire,count from 1 to 10,He is amaze

3、d.,apoligize,excuse,guessing work,Do you know the meaning of the following words ?,1. a building for keeping a car in2. darkness caused by something3 someone who carries goods from place to place and tries to sell them4. the joint between your foot and your leg5. a line of people 6. old or becoming

4、old7. to cause physical harm to sb. a relationship between two things9. a small creature with 8 legs which makes net works,garage,shadow,hawker,ankle,queue,elderly,injure,link,spider,10. someone who works or travels in a spaceship11. a violent accident involving one or more vehicles12. a reason that

5、 you give to explain why you are doing something13. to say sorry that youve done something wrong14. an organization that collects money or goods to help the poor15. to experience physical or mental pain,astronaut,crash,excuse,apologize,charity,suffer,16. a sudden event such as a flood a storm or a a

6、ccident17. to say numbers in their correct order18. extremely surprised19. someone who is very rich and has at least a million pounds or dollars,disaster,count,amazed,millionaire,20. ability to remember things21. put things into your memory; learn exactly 22 reasonable; practical , and able to judge

7、 things 23. at a later time24. simplest; necessary and important 25. to make things better26. a way of doing something27. impressive; sudden and often surprising; exciting,memory,memorize,sensible,afterwards,basic,improve,method,dramatic,Reading,Want to know more about memory?Read the articles.,Skim

8、ming,Find the facts,True or False,1 As you get older, your memory gets better.2 In Joyces article, a man lost his wife after an accident. 3 Making picture in your mind helps you remember things.4 The picture in your mind must be sensible and clever.5 A man in China can remember everyones telephone n

9、umber.6 Tony use3d a book to help himself with his article.7 Our memory gets better if something bad happens to us.,F,F,T,F,F,T,F,Questions,Can you tell me what memories do we have?,Yeah. We have: 1.short-term memory.2. Long-term memory,Article One,If we lose our short-term memory what will happen?,

10、We forget things happening recently.,Article One,3. What happened to a man ?4. What was his memory like after the accident?,He had an accident and injured his brain.,He could not remember anything for longer than a few minutes.,Article Two,5. What is one of the basic ways to improve your memory?6. W

11、hat is a link method?,To use the link method.,Article Three,If you want to memorize something, you can make a picture in your mind.,7. Give examples to show some amazing memories ?,Gong Yangling from Herbin could memorize more than 15,000 telephone numbers.An Englishman remembered the correct order

12、of 1,820 playing cardsafter seeing them just one time.,Article Four,8. What is our memory connected with?9. Why can 98% of old people in the USA remember where there when they heard about the death of President John F. Kennedy?,It is connected with our feelings.,Article Five,Because it was dramatic.

13、,Deeper understanding,Find the meaning,1 All green plants have the same _ needs: food, water and sunlight.2 Ann:What is it like to be an astronaut? Don:I dont know, but I _ its exciting.3 The British and French governments have built a long tunnel to _ France & UK.4 I was very sorry to hear about th

14、e _ of your grandmother.,C 1,basic,imagine,connect,death,5 Ron:I had an accident this morning. I fell down some stairs and landed on my head. Joe:Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I hope you dont _ _ _!6 Cindy:My cousin is trying to lose some weight. Hes using the “see-food” _ _, but its not very success

15、ful. Bessy:You mean, seafood, like fish and crabs? Cindy:No, see-food. If he sees food, he eats it!,C 1,lose your memory,link method,For your homework tonight, I want you to _ the names of all the planets in the correct order. 2. Last nights game between United and City had a(n) _ ending.3. The teacher said, “ Your marks are too low. If you want to _ , you must work much harder!”4. The small plane crashed near an airport in France yesterday. The crash killed three people and _ twelve others.,



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