2014-2015学年九年级英语上册 Unit 6 TV programmes Task课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、Task,Unit 6,TV programmes,To learn to make a outline before writingTo learn to create a drama script,P90A,Millie is writing a TV drama script for a competition. Read through the first half of her outline and answer the questions.,1. Who was the story about?2. Who lived in Hill building?3. Why did Sa

2、rah send a message to the twins?4. What did the twins do at once?5. What did the twins see?6. What happened to the twins?,Answers:,1. Who was the story about? The twins, Justin and Luke.2. Who lived in Hill building? Their friend Sarah.3. Why did Sarah send a message to the twins? She was asking for

3、 help. There were some burglars in Hill Building.,4. What did the twins do at once? They called the police.5. What did the twins see? They saw three men in police uniforms coming out of the building with guns in their hands.6. What happened to the twins? They were pushed into a minibus, but they tri

4、ed to use a knife to open the back door of the minibus.,P90A,Millie is writing the first half of the story. Help her complete it.,Answers:,1. at home 2. help 3. burglars 4. police 5. ran 6. police uniforms 7. guns 8. minibus 9. knife,Read the story loudly.,1. Create a story according to youve learnt above.2. Review this unit.3. Preview unit 7.,Homework,



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