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1、本科毕业论文题目:巴南公路养护段边坡治理工程方案设计姓 名: 学 号: 20091001408院(系): 工 程 学 院 专 业: 工 程 地 质 指导教师: 职 称: 评 阅 人: 职 称: 摘要重庆市巴南区公路养护段东侧的边坡出现了大面积滑塌现象,塌落岩块总体积约400m3。若不及时整治,将严重威胁边坡上、下方建筑物和周边居民的安全。在工程中大量的挖方填方一方面引起岩土体的移动、变形和破坏,增加了地质脆弱带边坡的不稳定性,另一方面由于植被和地表土损失,自然植被恢复困难,如果对边坡不做处理,这些裸露边坡会为降水汇流的形成提供特定的边界条件和动力来源的同时,也是边坡坡面土体含水量降低、土质松散

2、,岩石风化碎裂从而发生坡面土体寝室、水土流失、山体坍塌、滑坡、河流阻塞、水污染等灾害,因此公路边坡的防护是公路工程建设中的重要组成部分。它既要保持边坡的整体稳定性,又要兼顾路容美化协调自然环境。本文主要研究内容:1.工程地质条件。边坡所处位置原始地形为斜坡,边坡已开挖成型,形成折线形边坡,坡脚高程 200.00201.52m,边坡坡角 5658 度。北侧边坡顶部高程 206.02220.68m;东侧边坡坡顶部随地形起伏而高低变化,高程220.68227.68m。2.水文地质条件。水文地质条件简单,地下水贫乏,在雨季时坡顶斜坡在大气降雨强度较大时有坡面流形成,部分会渗入浅部第四系覆盖层及岩体裂隙

3、中,形成裂隙水。3.地层岩性。该边坡位置基岩裸露,出露地层为侏罗系中统自流井组(J 2Z)页岩、砂质页岩及砂岩,产状陡,坡顶及坡底处分布有第四系人工素填土(Q 4ml) 、第四系坡残积层粉质粘土(Q 4dl+el) 、第四系崩积层块石(Q 4col) 。4.三维地质模型。东侧侧边坡为顺层的岩质边坡,第组裂隙产状 30356,倾向与边坡倾向接近,倾向与坡脚一致,倾角为 56,小于坡面倾角,故东面边坡破坏可简化为单平面滑动破坏模型。本文主要采用的措施与方法:1.调差资料。通过调查当地的水文地质与周边环境结合地勘资料及勘察人员所提供的边坡滑坡前后的的照片对该边坡有一个清晰的认识。2.理论分析。根据地

4、质勘查报告显示,北侧边坡第组裂隙产状 18562,倾向与边坡倾向一致,倾角为 62,大于坡面倾角 58,判断为基本稳定边坡;东侧边坡第组裂隙产状30356,倾向与边坡倾向接近,倾向与坡脚一致,倾角为 56,小于坡面倾角,判断为顺层滑坡。3.定量计算。通过调差资料与理论分析,以三维地质模型为理论基础进行稳定性分析。本文的主要研究成果:1.裂隙水压力是导致坡体垮塌的主要因素。2. 根据稳定性分析可知:当 =45.5时, =1 该边坡处于临界平衡状态 。3.通过提高安全系数后反算锚杆应提供的抗力,设计结果为在东侧剖面(3-3 剖面)设计采用 10 根锚杆,锚杆长为 5m,锚固段长度为 3.5m。关键

5、词:公路边坡 治理设计 平面滑动 预应力锚杆 裂隙水压力AbstractChongqing Banan district highway appears slope maintenance section on the eastern side of the emergence of large landslide, collapse of rock block total volume of about 400m3. Without timely rectification, it will be a serious threat to the slope below the buildin

6、g and the safety of surrounding residents. To cause and to move, on one hand large excavation in engineering the deformation of rock and soil and destroy , increased the instability of slope geological fragile zone, on the other hand, vegetation and surface soil loss, difficulty of natural vegetatio

7、n restoration, if the slope is not processed, these bare slope will provide boundary conditions and dynamic sources for specific the formation of precipitation concentration at the same time, is also the slope soil moisture content is reduced, loose soil, weathered broken rock resulting in slope soi

8、l erosion, bedroom, the collapse of the mountain, slope, river blocking, water pollution and other disasters, so the protection of highway slope is an important part of the construction of highway engineering. It should not only maintain the overall stability of the slope, but also beautify the coor

9、dination between the natural environment conditions.The main research contents of this paper: 1.engineering geological conditions. The location of the slope is the original terrain slope , slope excavation has been forming, forming zigzag slope, slope height of 200 201.52m, 56 58 degrees slope angle

10、. North slopes top elevation of 206.02 220.68m; the east slope top with topography and change of the height, elevation 220.68 227.68m. 2. hydrogeological conditions. The hydrogeological conditions is simple, groundwater is poor, the top during the rainy season when the slope in the atmospheric rainf

11、all intensity is larger when there are formed part of overland flow, shallow penetration of quaternary system overburden and rock fracture, formation water. 3.lithology. The slope position of exposed bedrock, the exposed strata in Jurassic middle Ziliujing formation (J2Z) sandy shale and shale, sand

12、stone, with steep slope, slope top and bottom distribution of Quaternary artificial soil (Q4ml), quaternary slope eluvium silty clay (Q4dl+el), quaternary colluvial layer stone (Q4col). 4.three-dimensional geological model. East Side Slope for bedding rock slope layer, the second group occurrence 30

13、3 angle 56 , inclination and slope tendency close, tend to agree with the toe of the slope, the dip angle is 56 , less than the slope angle, the east slope failure can be simplified to a single plane sliding failure model.Measures and methods used in this paper: 1.differential data. We can have a cl

14、ear understanding of the slope through the photos before and after local hydro-geological and surrounding environment combined with the data of geological exploration and survey personnel provided by the landslide investigation. 2.theoretical analysis. According to the report of geological survey sh

15、ows, on the north side slope in the first group occurrence 185 angle 62 , tend to agree with slope tendency, the dip angle is 62 , larger than the slope angle of 58 , judge for the basic stability of the slope; the second group of eastern slope fracture occurrence 303 angle 56 , inclination and slop

16、e inclination near, tend to agree with the toe of slope, the dip angle is 56 , less than the slope angle, judge for the bedding landslide. 3.quantitative calculation. By the difference analysis and theory, the 3D geological model as the theoretical basis for stability calculation.The main research results: 1.the fissure water pressure is the main factor to cause the slope c



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