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1、静心教书,潜心育人!华夏始,知为先;学之初,园丁伴。(一)昌平:It was Christmas. I was teaching in a small town where my twenty-seven third graders excitedly expected the great day of gift-giving in a couple of days. Each day the children produced some new 36 Christmas cards, handmade gifts, German bells and so on. Through it all

2、 she remained alone, 37 from far away. I wondered what would happen to this quiet child, once so happy, now suddenly so quiet. I hoped the festivities would please her. But nothing did. The students made the fried marbles (small balls, made of glass or stone) and competed with one another to bring t

3、he 38 ones. The day of gift-giving finally came. We cheered over our handiwork as the presents were 39 . All along, she sat quietly, watching. To see her smile, I had made a special bag for her. She opened it so slowly and carefully. I waited but she 40 . After school I sat down in a chair, hardly k

4、new what was happening, when she came to me with out-stretched hands, holding a small white box that looked a little old, as if it had been 41 many times by unknown, childish hands. She said nothing. “ For me? ” I asked. She said not a word, but42 her head. I took the box and carefully opened it. Th

5、ere inside, shining green, a fried marble hung from a golden chain. Then I looked into that eight-year-old 43 and saw the question in her dark brown eyes. 44 I knew she had made it for her mother, who had died just three weeks before and would never hold her or brush her hair or 45 her childish joys

6、 or sorrows. I meant 46 when I said in a low voice, “ Oh, Maria, it is so beautiful. Your mother would love it. ” Neither of us could stop the tears. She threw herself into my arms and we cried together. And for that moment I became her mother, for she had given me the greatest 47 of all: her trust

7、and love. 36. A. candles B. cakes C. wonders D. cheese 37. A. preparing B. playing C. searching D. watching 38. A. prettiest B. wisest C. heaviest D. cleverest 39. A. mentioned B. advised C. exchanged D. achieved 40. A. gave away B. threw away C. carried away D. turned away 41. A. afforded B. touche

8、d C disturbed D. realized 42. A. nodded B. raised C. lowered D. dropped 43. A. face B. hands C. hair D. head 44. A. Certainly B. Suddenly C. Generally D. Hopefully 45. A. appear B. enjoy C. share D. reply 46. A. her B. myself C. us D. it 47. A. joy B. promise C. gift D. wish 静心教书,潜心育人!华夏始,知为先;学之初,园丁

9、伴。静心教书,潜心育人!华夏始,知为先;学之初,园丁伴。(三)东城:It was windy and cold when a store owner was sticking a sign above his door that read “ Pets for Sale. ” Just as he expected, soon a little boy appeared at the sign. “ How much are you going to sell those dogs for? ” he asked.The store owner answered, “ Anywhere fro

10、m $30-$50. ” The little boy reached into his pocket and pulled out some change. “ I have $2.37; can I 36 them?” The store owner smiled, and then turned back and called. Five little dogs ran down toward 37 but one was falling behind. Immediately the little boy 38 it and said “ What s wrong with that

11、little dog?” The man explained that the little dog was born disabled, it would never be able to walk 39 . The little boy got really 40 and said “ That s the dog I want to buy! ”The man replied “ No, you don t want to buy that little dog. If you really want him, I ll give him to you. ” The little boy

12、 got quite 41 . He looked straight into the man s eyes, pointing his finger and said, “ I don t want you to give him to me. He is worth every 42 as much as the other dogs and I ll pay the 43 price. In fact, I ll give you $2.37 now and 50 cents every month 44 I have him paid for. ”The man said, “ You

13、 really don t want to buy this pet. He is never going to be able to run, jump and play like other dogs! ”On hearing this, the little boy reached down androlled up his trousers leg to show his left leg 45 by a big metal stick. He looked up at the man and said, “ Well, I don t run so well myself, and

14、the little dog will need someone who 46 . ”In life, it doesn t matter 47 you are, but whether someone appreciates you for what you are, accepts you and loves you unconditionally. 36 A look after B look at C pay for D depend on 37 A him B her C it D me 38 A received B ordered C. showed D noticed 39 A

15、 quickly B quietly C properly D politely 40 A encouraged B excited C worried D surprised 41 A sad B bored C angry D afraid 42 A bit B part C kind D one 43 A right B high C fair D full44 A after B until C since D although45 A invented B protected C provided D supported 46 A understands B respects C remembers D collects 47 A how B what C who D where 静心教书,潜心育人!华夏始,知为先;学之初,园丁伴。(四)海淀:One night, I wondered what it would be like if I only asked questions. I decided that no matter what anyone said to me the next day, I would reply only with 36 . I loved to read about scientists and their


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