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1、Basic Word List English - French A-D a,f une a,m un able, capable capable about(circa) environ above au-dessus abroad l tranger absent absent accept accepter accident accident,m across, through travers actor acteur,actrice actually,indeed vrai dire address adresse adult adulte,m advice conseil,m aft

2、er apr s after that apr s ?a afternoon apr s-midi afterwards apr s again de nouveau against contre age age ago il y a agree consentir aim but,m air air,m airplane avion,m airport a roport,m alarm clock r veille-matin,m alcohol alcool,m all tous,toutes,tout almost presque alone seul,seule alongside l

3、e long de already d ja also, too aussi although bien que always toujours among entre amuse amuser and et and so on etc tera and so on(abbr.) etc. angry fach ,fach e animal animal,m ankle cheville,f another un autre,une autre answer r ponse,f ant fourmi,m appetite app tit,m apple pomme,f apricot apri

4、cot,m April avril arm bras,m armchair fauteuil,m army arm e,f around of autour de arrival arriv e,f arrive arriver art art,m artist artiste,m,f as(what) comme as(when) quand aside cot ask(beg) - prier ask(question) - demander at last finalement at least au moins at most au maximum at the same time a

5、u m me temps at(place) at(time) attempt essai August ao?t aunt tante,f author auteur automobile auto,m autumn automne,m average (noun) moyenne,f avoid viter awake r veiller,se away(gone) parti,partie baby b bback retour back dos,m bacon lard bad mauvais,mauvaise badly mal bag sac,m baggage bagage,f

6、bake cuire baker boulanger,m bakery boulangerie,f balcony balcon,m ball ballon,m banana banane,f bank banque,f bank note billet de banque,m bar bar,m barley orge,m basement cave,f basket corbeille,f bath bain,m bathroom salle de bain,f be tre be called appeler,s be valid valide beach plage,f bean ha

7、ricot,m bear ours,m beard barbe,f beautiful beau,belle because parce que bed lit bedroom chambre coucher,f bee abeille,f beef boeuf,m beefsteak entrec?te,f beer bi re,f before avant begin commencer beginning d but,m behind derri re believe croire believe,faith croyance,f,foi,f bell cloche,f bell (do

8、or) sonnerie,f below au-dessous belt ceinture,f best le meilleur,meilleure bet pari,m better meilleur better(adverb) mieux between entre beverage boisson,f bicycle bicyclette,f big grand,grande bill addition,f bird oiseau,m birthday anniversaire,m biscuit biscuit,m bitter amer,am re black noir,noire

9、 blanket couverture,f blind aveugle blood sang,m blouse blouse,f blue bleu boat bateau,m body corps,m boil cuire bone os,m book livre,m bookshop librairie,f boring ennuyeux both tous les deux bottle bouteille,f bowl bol,m box bo?te,f boy gar?on,m brain cerveau,m brake frein,m bread pain,m break romp

10、re breakfast petit d jeuner,m breast poitrine,f bridge pont,m bring apporter broom balai,m brother fr re,m brown brun brush brosse,f building difice,m burn br?ler burn,light allumer bus autobus,m business affaires,les but mais butcher boucher,m butter beurre,f butterfly papillon,m button bouton,m bu

11、y acheter by chance par accident by heart par coeur by the way propos by(a person) par cabbage chou,m caf caf ,m cake gateau,m calf veau,m call appeler can pouvoir candle chandelle,f car voiture,f card carte,f careful prudent carpet tapis,m carrot carotte,f carry porter case, instance cas,m cashier

12、caissier,m castle chateau,m cat chat,chatte catch attraper cathedral cath drale,f cattle b tail,m cauliflower chou-fleur,m cause raison.f cellar cave,f center centre,m century si cle,m certainly bien s?r chair chaise,f change changement change,ex- changer cheap bien march check examiner cheek joue,f

13、 cheese fromage,m cherry cerise,f chest poitrine,f chicken poulet,m child enfant,m chin menton,m chocolate chocolat,m choose choisir christmas no?l church glise,f cigarette cigarette,f city ville,f clean propre clear clair client client,m clock(tower) horloge,f clock,watch montre,f close proche clot

14、hes v tements,les cloud nuage,m coat manteau,m coffee caf .m cold froid collar col,m color couleur,f comb peigne,f come venir come back revenir company compagnie,f compare comparer comrade camarade,m connection connection,f consider consid rer considerable consid rable continue continuer cook cuir c

15、ook cuisinier,m cord corde,f corner coin,m correct correct cost co?ter count calculer country pays,m couple pair,m cousin cousin,m cow vache,f cream cr me,f crime crime,m crown couronne,f cry, weep pleurer cucumber concombre,m cup tasse,f cupboard armoire,m curtain rideau,m customs douane,f cut coup

16、er daddy papa,m dance danser danger danger,m dangerous dangereux dark obscur date date,f daughter fille,f day jour,m dead mort deaf sourd dear cher,ch re December d cembre decide d cider deep profond degree degr ,m demand demande,f demand demander dentist dentiste,m depart, leave partir departure d part,m desert d sert,m dessert dessert,m dictionary dictionnaire,m die mo



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