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1、德国独资斯都时装(上海)有限公司员工英语培训教案46算作The number of our fingers is ten.你双手手指的总数是10。The students of our department numbered in thehundreds.我们系的学生总共有几百人。stiker 贴纸stiker stik n. 粘附物,粘着的东西,固执的人,尖刺,有粘胶的图文标签A paper stiker is a kind of deorativestiker.纸制粘贴物是一种装饰用的胶粘物.intarsia 嵌花intarsia int n. 木造镶嵌细工intarsia pattern

2、 嵌花花纹intarsia fabri 嵌花织物intarsiaflat knittingmahine 嵌花横机intarsiaknittingmahine 嵌花针织机rib 罗纹rib rib n. 肋骨,肋状物 vt. 装肋于,用肋状物支撑 n. 嘲笑,开玩笑 vt. 嘲笑,开玩笑Ho man ribs does a man have?一个人有几条肋骨?It is not true that oman is made from mans rib; sheis reall made from his funn bone.女人并非真的以男人的肋骨来造成的; 其实,她是由男人的“笑骨”造成的。s

3、truture 结构struture str n. 结构,构造,建筑物 vt.构造,建造The to halves of the struture didnt marr up.该结构的两部分未配合好。High inds put great stress on the struture.大风作用於该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。gauge 针距gauge geid n. 测量标准,轨距,口径,直径,测量仪器 vt. 测量,估计,判断What does the sale, dial, gauge, et read?刻度尺、 刻度盘、 量规等显示的读数是多少?We must gauge the diam

4、eter of ire first.我们必须先测量电线的直径。arn ount 支数arn j:n n. 纱The pithed a arn about finding the jeels.他们编了一个找到宝石的故事,教案德国独资斯都时装(上海)有限公司员工英语培训教案46。The beggar spun a long arn about his misfortunes.那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。ount kaunt v. 计算,视为,依赖 n. 计数,总数 n. 伯爵(欧洲国家的贵族头衔)He is oung and inexperiened, but please do

5、not ountthat against him.他年轻又无经验,但请不要因此而小看他。Jane as ounted among the greatest daners of theentur.简被视为本世纪最伟大的舞蹈家之一。jaquard 提花jaquard d:d n. 提花机,提花织物Joseph Marie Jaquardis the Frenh inventor of the Jaquard loom that ouldautomatiall eave pliated patterns.tehnique 工艺tehnique tekni:k n. 技术,技巧,技能The tehni

6、que is still at the experimental stage.这项技术正处于实验阶段。He displaed a flaless tehnique in thepetition.他在竞赛中显示出了精湛的技艺。binding off 拷针binding n. (书籍的)封皮,镶边,(滑雪板的)皮靴固定装置 adj. 必须遵守的;有法律约束力的A short essa or treatise, usuall on a urrent topi, publishedithout a binding.活页文选小短文或专题论文,常关于一个流行的题目,出版时未经装订The agreement is binding on both parties.协议对双方具有约束力。defet 疵点defet difekt n. 缺点 vi. 背叛The ne ar had to be ithdran from the market beause of amehanial defet.那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场。The deteted no defet in the produt.他们没发现产品有任何问题。


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