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1、小学英语教师求职信第一篇:小学英语教师求职信good morning good afternoon everone here. m name is xxx. and m english name isjenn.i graduated from feng ang universit, and majored in tt.though m major is not english, m level of english is fine. i have been an english teaher for about to ears, m students love me ver muh. i ho

2、ose our shool, beause i ant to give mself more developing field in m teahing areer. m hobbies are singdane,learn english .i hope ou ill give me this preious hane. thank ou! 1、 good morning, m name is xx, it is reall a great honor to have this opportunit for a intervie, i ould like to anser hatever o

3、u ma raise, and i hope i an make a good performane toda, eventuall enroll in this primar shool. 2、 no i ill introdue mself briefl,i am xx ears old,born in xx provine ,and i am urruentl a xxxx.m major is xxx.in the past 4 ears,i spend most of m time but also in harge of them. thanks to suh experiene,

4、 i learned ho to use a prehensible a to explain pliated problem, and develop superior interpersonal skills beteen teaher and students and among olleagues.i plan to use m emploment in the english teahing field and make good use of hat i have learnt about english. to be a teaher is m dream throughout

5、the first 21 ears.enlosed is a resume that provides more details about m bakground. i am ver exited b an opportunit suh as the one ou advertised. though i am in short of experiene in some speial field, i am read to seize the hane to test mself. i am1oung, energeti and eager to learn something ne and

6、 hallengeable, i am illing to stud harder than others, and absorb others strengths to make up for m shortings. i sinerel hope i ould do a favor to our shool.ma ou and our shool a more promising and prosperous future!sinerel,lilappliantenlosure: resume第三篇:英语教师求职信英语教师求职信英文版 dear dr. anderson,mrli quan

7、 ho has just returned to hina from our universit informed that ou are onsidering the possibilit of offering a hinese language ourse to our students in the next XXdemi ear and ma have an opening for a teaher of the hinese language. i am ver muh interested in suh a position. i have been teahing hinese

8、 literature and position at ollege level sine80. in the past three ears, i have orked in summer programs, teahing the hinese language and ulture to students from english-speaking ourtries. as a result, i got to kno ell the mon problems of these students and ho to adapt teahing to ahieve the best res

9、ults. ith ears of intensive english training, i have no diffiult onduting lasses in english and feel queit fortable orking ith amerian students. i ill be available after februar 201Xplease fell free to ontat me if ou ish more information. thank ou ver muh for our onsideration and i look forard to he

10、aring from ou. sinerel ours, shi qi 英语教师求职信中文版安德森博士:从刚从贵校返回的李全先生处,德知贵校正在考虑下学年给贵校学生开设中文课,或可有一中文教师之空缺。本人对此职颇有兴趣。 从 1980年起,本人一直在高校讲授中国文学与写作课程。过去三年中,我曾主讲暑期课程,向来自英语国家的学生教授中国语言与文化。因此,我对外国学生常见的学习困难非常熟知,并能设法改进教授方法以取得最佳效果。 积数年对英语的勤奋学习,我能毫无困难地用英语讲课,并能与美国学生轻松相处。 本人201X年 2月后即可到任。如需本人其他情况请随时来函。谢谢你的考虑并期盼回音。 第四篇:英语教师的求职信模板尊敬的校领导:首先,向您辛勤的工作致以深深的敬意!同时也。


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