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1、1,疯狂英语 - 我的第一本音标书主讲:郭萍(Grace),2,前导:认识26个英文字母和48个国际音标,Part 1: 认识26个字母并了解其发音,5个元音,21个辅音。Part 2: 认识48个国际音标,20个元音(12个单元音,8个双元音),28个辅音(其中有10对兄弟 - 一清一浊,8个单个辅音);知道什么是音标以及音标的符号。音标的作用:相当于汉语中的拼音,方便识字。,3,A aei B bbi: C csi: D ddi: E ei: F fefG gd3i: H heit I iai J jd3ei K kkei L lel M mem N nen O ou P ppi: Q q

2、kju: R r: S ses T tti: U uju: V vvi: W wdblju: X xeks Y ywai Z zzi:zed,Part 1 - 认识26个英文字母及其发音,4,Part 2 - 认识48个国际音标,单元音(12个):/i:/ / /e/ / /:/ / / /:/ / /u:/ /:/ / 双元音(8个) :/e/ / /a/ /a/ / / /e/ /辅音(10对20个:清浊):/p/,5,Unit 1a: & ,a:,发音方法从汉语拼音“a”出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位和口型。舌部略抬,气流从口腔流出,振动声带,同时发声部位靠后,发a:音。a:是长音,发音长

3、度是短音的两倍。发音代言人:car ka:,常见发音字母及字母组合,6,Unit 1a: & ,发音方法从汉语拼音“a”出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位和口型。舌部略抬,同时将口型缩小(比微笑时的口型略大一点)。使极为短促的气流从口腔中冲出,微振声带,发音。发音代言人:duckdk常见发音字母及字母组合,7,Unit 1a: & ,发音操练a: glassgla:s thumbmguitargta: gloveglvparkpa:k sunsnclasskla:s floodfldstarsta: cutkt,8,Unit 1a: & ,以句识音He parkedpa:kt his carka:

4、in front of the barba: at lastla:st.Mr.Smith was looking for his glassesgla:sis in the darkda:k classroomkla:srum.Mr.Charlessonsn loveslvz Mary very muchmt.,9,Unit 1a: & ,寓学于乐Twinkle Twinkle Little StarTwinkle twinkle little star, Then you show your little light,how I wonder what you are.twinkle twi

5、nkle all the night.Up above the world so high,Twinkle twinkle little star,like a diamond in the sky.how I wonder what you are.Twinkle twinkle little star,how I wonder what you are.When the blazing sun is gone,when he nothing shines upon.,10,Unit 2u: & u,u:,发音方法从汉语拼音“u”出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位。使双唇趋于圆形,并向后略缩(与汉

6、语拼音的“u”音相比较而言)。气流从口腔冲出,振动声带发u:音。u:是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。发音代言人:shoeu:常见发音字母及字母组合,11,Unit 2u: & u,u,发音方法从汉语拼音“u”出发,并保持正确的舌高、舌位。使双唇趋于圆形,开口略大于u: 音,并向后略缩(与汉语拼音的“u”音相比较而言)。极为短促的气流从口腔冲出,微振声带发u音。发音代言人:bookbuk常见发音字母及字母组合,12,Unit 2u: & u,发音操练u: uruderu:d footfutnoodlenu:dl pushpusoupsu:p fullfulfoodfu:d wolfwulflose

7、lu:z womanwumn,13,Unit 2u: & u,以句识音The wolfwulf is lookingluki for its foodfu:d.Whohu: knows the truthtru:?The womanwumn is lookingluki at the bookshelfbukelf.Lukelu:k choosestu:ziz a pair of blueblu: shoesu:z.,14,Unit 2u: & u,寓学于乐Cuckoo ClockMy uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.He pop

8、s out of his little house and always sings this rhyme.Cuckoo, cuckoo,the cuckoo said its two oclock.Hes telling us the time.My uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.He pops out of his little house and always sings this rhyme.Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,the cuckoo said its three oclock.Hes telli

9、ng us the time.,15,Unit 2u: & u,My uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.He pops out of his little house and always sings this rhyme.Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,the cuckoo said its four oclock.Hes telling us the time.My uncle has a cuckoo clock to tell us of the time.He pops out of his

10、little house and always sings this rhyme.Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, the cuckoo said its twelve oclock.Hes telling us the time.Hes telling us the time.,16,Unit 3i: & i,i:,发音方法从汉语拼音“i”出发,舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌部放平。嘴角向后缩,使双唇呈扁平状(或呈微笑的口型)。气流从口腔中流出,振

11、动声带发i:音。i:是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。发音代言人:beefbi:f常见发音字母及字母组合,17,Unit 3i: & i,i,发音方法从汉语拼音“i”出发,舌尖轻抵下齿龈,舌部放平。嘴角向后缩,使双唇略扁。极为短促的气流从口腔冲出,微振声带发i音。发音代言人:beefbi:f常见发音字母及字母组合,18,Unit 3i: & i,发音操练i: icheapti:p lidlidreceiverisi:v sitsitpolicepli:s liplipbeachbi:t pocketpkitthiefi:f donkeydki,19,Unit 3i: & i,以句识音Jimdim

12、isiz inin the picturepikt.Missmis Smithsmi isiz a prettypriti woman.Do you seesi the sleepingsli:p sheepi:p?,20,Unit 3i: & i,寓学于乐The KeyDid you see what he put in his pocket?I think it is the key.If it is the key to the inn,I wish hed give it to me.Repeat,21,Unit 4: & ,:,发音方法从汉语拼音“e”出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。双

13、唇略扁,舌尖靠近下齿,但不紧贴。一股气流从口腔中流出,振动声带,去掉声调,发:音。:是长音,发音长度是短音的两倍。发音代言人:skirtsk:t常见发音字母及字母组合,22,Unit 4: & ,发音方法从汉语拼音“e”出发,以获得正确的舌高、舌位。双唇略扁,使嘴微张,舌尖靠近下齿龈,但不紧贴。一股气流从口腔中冲出,微振声带,发音。发音代言人:visitorvizit常见发音字母及字母组合,23,Unit 4: & ,发音操练: birdb:d metermi:tchurcht:t tractortrktworkerw:k sugarugheardh:d amendmendfertilef:t

14、ail policepli:s,24,Unit 4: & ,以句识音We will have learnedl:nd five hundred English new wordsw:dz by the end of this termt:m.The new teachersti:tz werew very nervousn:vs at firstf:st.Three years agogu, Peterspi:tz eldereld sistersist was a doctord kt.The old tree is five metersmi:tz higherhai than that wall.Peterspi:tz brotherbr usually reads newspapersnju:speipz on Saturdaystdi afternoona:ftnu:n.,



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