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1、11广东医学院 20112012 学年第二学期研究生英语考试试卷 (A 卷)年级_ 专业_ 班级_姓名_ 学号_(You are required to finish the paper within 150 minutes)Part I. Listening Comprehension (15 points, one point for each)(注意:答案填在答题纸上)Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions

2、 or be required to complete the sentence according to what you have heard. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Questions 1 to 5 are based on Passage One. 1. What caused

3、 Helen Keller to become blind and deaf?A. She was born deaf and blind.B. A severe illness she suffered at a young age.C. She took the wrong medicine for a cold when she was very young.D. She was mistreated by a doctor when she was born.2. What made Helen Keller frustrated as a child?A. She had some

4、behavior problems.B. She was not happy that no one wanted to teach her.C. She found the ways of communication she had learned were ineffective.D. There were very few textbooks suitable for her.3. How did Anne Sullivan solve the problem of the childs disobedience?A. Living with child away from the fa

5、mily in a separate houseB. Spending days outdoors and getting close to nature.C. Teaching the child to learn words by touch.D. Being very sincere and honest to the child.4. How did Anne Sullivan teach Helen to learn her first meaningful word?A. By teaching her Braille that is specially designed for

6、the blind.B. By using finger spelling to name objects.C. By teaching Helen the finger-spell patterns through games.D. By letting Helen feel the water flowing while tapping the word in her hand repeatedly.5. Which of the following skills is NOT mentioned as one mastered by Helen?A. Using typewriter.

7、B. Singing songs.C. Knowing the manual alphabet. D. Speaking well enough in public.Questions 6 to 8 are based on Passage Two 6. Which activity did the two lovers enjoy most while they were together?A. Mountain climbing.B. Going around the small towns in Wales.22C. Shopping in the high streets in Wal

8、es.D. Going to the cinema.7. When did they become engaged?A. On 1 September 2000.B. On 9 November 2001.C. On 25 October 2002.D. On 19 October 2001.8. What conclusion do they draw from their experience?A. The best love can only be found on the internet.B. True love is always there and you need to tak

9、e it slow.C. Ones fate is predetermined by God.D. They are grateful to the internet chat rooms.Fill in the blanks and complete the following sentences according to Passage Two.9. We found love when we _ _ . The two of us had been _ and _ for many years, but now, through the internet, have found the

10、_.10. We both have so much love to give, and our love_.Questions 11 to 15 are based on Passage Three:11. What did the lady request the speaker to do with her daughter Jody one morning?A. To put her daughter in private classes.B. To enroll her daughter in less expensive classes.C. To see her daughter

11、 in a hospital.D. To enroll her daughter in a group course.12. What made the speaker agree to give Jody private training?A. The girls ugly looks.B. The mothers ill-judged expectations of the girl.C. The girls own determination.D. The speakers own image of the girl.13. What did Jody want to do at the

12、 end of the ten-week training?A. She wanted to enroll in professional group classes to learn photography.B. She wanted to become an actress.C. She wanted her mother to see she was not “ugly” any more.D. Jodys confidence soared and she wanted to be a teacher.Fill in the blanks and complete the follow

13、ing sentences according to Passage Three.14. My _ and _ took over before the meeting. Would Jody be _ _, or have _problems?15. By this time, her mother was willing to let her join the group course and her_.Part II. There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked

14、 A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence or choose the right answer according to the question addressed. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. (20 points, 1 point for each)331. “There he became the Phantom of Fine hall, a mute figure who scribbled strange

15、equations on blackboards in the mathematics building and searched for anxiously for secret messages in numbers.” may be rendered into: A. 在普林斯顿,他成了美丽的幽灵,一个默默无闻的人物,在教学楼的黑板上涂写奇奇怪怪的公式,急切地探索着数字间秘密的信息。B. 在普林斯顿,他成了美楼幽灵,一个默默无闻的身影,在教学楼的黑板上画着奇奇怪怪的公式,急切地摸索着数字间隐秘的信息。C. 在普林斯顿,他成了美楼幽灵,一个缄默无言的身影,在教学楼的黑板上涂写奇奇怪怪的公式,急切地探索着数字间隐秘的信息。D. 在普林斯顿,他成了美楼幽灵,一个默默无闻的人物,在教学楼的黑板上涂写奇奇怪怪的等式,热切地探索着数字间隐秘的信息。2. What can we infer from the sentence “John Nashs West Virginia roots are often invoked by people who knew him at Princeton or at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he taught for



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