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1、1分钟英语演讲范文1、beautbeaut usuall refers to hat appeals to the ee. a nie and ell built girl is regarded as beautiful. a bunh of vigorous floers are also onsidered as beautiful. a splendid aterfall ing don from a mountain is as ell looked on as beautiful.beaut also refers to hat appeals to the mind. the v

2、irtue of the hinese nation-industr and braver are taken as beautiful, beause it helped to produe suh a magnifient ulture in the orld. einsteins theor of relativit is also pereived as beautiful, for it explains man natural phenomena so perfetl.beaut is around us. if ou keep an ee or pa some attention

3、, it is never diffiult to find something beautiful somehere about ou. onderful natural spots, historial relis,fine arts, splendid buildings, and kind people are just a fe inhes XX.2、beauteverone is attrated b beaut and beaut is poerful. but hat is true beaut? perhaps ou an get the anser from the fol

4、loing stor.this morning i ent to the market to bu some vegetables ith m parents. on the a e all highl praised a oung man in estern- lothes and leather shoes ho as riding b. but he rode so fast that he knoked an old lad don arelessl.instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode XX quikl.

5、 e ere all ver angr ith the oung man. to our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forard at one, helped the lad up and took her home. e all praised the girl.from this e kno e annot judge a person b his appearane. a person ho is dressed beautifull ma not have a beautiful soul. onl a person ho has a beautiful soul is reall beautiful.


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