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1、+第四十四篇 Defending the Theory理论of Evolution进化 Still Seems NeededJudith S. Weis , a biology professor who serves as president of the American Institute of Biological Sciences AIBS is leading a nationwide effort to defend the theory of evolution.Weis leads the effort in the face of what the institute vi

2、ews as opposition 强烈反对and indifference不重视 from school boards and govemment entitiesentity 实体The Institute believes that the teaching of evolution in America is being diminished by the teaching of creationism神创论 as well as by an overall lack of teaching Darwins theory in high school.Theres nothing th

3、at requires schools to teach evolution. Sometimes teachers in high schools just leave it out. However, from the point of view of biologists, evolution is the central theory of biology upon which everything is base, said Weis; Unfortunately不幸的 , teaching evolution has become a political政治的 issue in导致

4、many parts of the country and AIBS, as a representative of biologists ,wanted to be a major force speaking out in favor 赞成 of its teaching.Weis said the institute is working together with the American Geological Institute and the National Association(社团) of Biology Teachers and its 80-plus member or

5、ganizations to address the political and legislative(立法的)threats to teaching evolution. In states hallenging its teaching , the institute responds by sending letters to school boards and state legislatures(立法机关), by providing(提供) testimony(证词) at public meetings and by notifying(通知)members and affil

6、iated(加入) organizations. AIBS , with more than 80 member societies and 250 ,000 members, has established(建立) an e-mail system enabling scientists and teachers in each state , and member societies , to keep each other informed(通知)about threats(威胁)to the teaching of evolution.Darwins theory of evoluti

7、on holds that living things change and adapt to their environment and that present-day species including human beings are descended(继承)from earlier species through modification(修改)by natural selection. The theory has been accepted byscientists for nearly l00 years,Weis said, and has been refined , e

8、xtended(延伸)and strengthened(加强)over the years by findings in paleontology (古生物学)and developmental(进化的) biology.Discoveries in genetics(遗传学) , molecular(分子的) biology and genomics(基因组学) - all of which provide significant(重要的)benefits for human health - would not be possible without the underlying know

9、ledge of evolution. And , Weis adds , modem molecular biology and genomics have increased our understanding of how evolution works. Nonetheless(虽然如此), evolution remains(仍然是) a politically , if not scientifically , controversial(有争议的)issue(问题) .Weis said that this year alone,seven states have had eit

10、her local or statewide efforts to water down the teaching of evolution , or balance it with the teaching of creationism - a religious belief that different species were created separately by a higher power, suh as God. Rarely does anyone now use the word creationism , because that s too obvious , W

11、eis said. The current terminology is intelligent design . 练习:l. According to the first paragraph , which of the following statements about the theory of evolution is true?A Government entities support AIBSs effort to defend the theory of evolution.B School boards oppose AIBSs effort to defend the th

12、eory of evolution.C AIBS and school boards advocate the teaching of the theory of evolution .D The theory of evolution and that of creationism co-exist peacefully in schools.2. Which one of the following is NOT the reason for an overall lack of teaching Darwin s theory?A Teaching of creationism dimi

13、nishes teaching of evolution.B Teachers are not required to teach Darwins theory.C Teachers often leave out the teaching of evolution.D Darwin s theory is denied as the central theory of biology.3. AIBS is composed(组成) ofA more than 80 societies and 250 ,000 members.B 250 ,000 biologisis.C 80 member

14、 organizations.D more than 250 ,000 members and 80 member societies.4. According to Weis in the 5paragraph,the theory of evolutionA is fundamental to the development of modem genetics , molecular biology and genomics.B is a political issue.C is based on genetics , molecular biology and genomics.D ha

15、s increased our understanding of human health.5. Why do people replace the term creationism with the term intelligent design nowadays?A Because intelligent design represents the modified theory of evolution.B Because they believe God created different species.C Because the term creationism is unscie

16、ntific.D Because the term creationism is too direct.第四十四篇捍卫进化论仍有必要美国生物科学研究所主席 JudithS.Weis 正发动全国的力量来捍卫 进化论。研究所看到了来自学校董事会和政府部门的反对和冷漠,尽管如此,Weis 仍带领大家为捍卫进化论而努力。研究所认为美国的进化论教育由于神创论教育和高中完全缺少达尔文理论的讲授而减少。没有命令要求学校教授进化论。高中老师有时就忽略了它。然而,从生物学家的角度来看,进化论是生物学的中心理论,是万物存在的基础,Weis 说,不幸的是,在美国许多地方和美国生物科学院,讲授进化论成了一个政治事件,作为生物学家的代表,我想为进化论教育而疾呼。Weis 说生物科学院正和美国地质研究所、国家生物教师联合会及其 80 多个成员组织合作来对抗来自政治上和法律上的关于教授进化论的威胁。在国内,面对进化论教育的挑战,生物科学院


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