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1、1越 南 龙 江 工 业 园 基 本 情 况 介 绍Brief Introduction of Long Jiang Industrial Park in Vietnam一、 越南龙江工业园简介 I. Brief introduction 1. 项目投资主体、法律地位1. The investor and legal status of the project越南龙江工业园项目是由浙江前江投资管理有限责任公司(股东构成包括四川乾盛矿业有限公司、浙江协力皮革股份有限公司、海亮集团有限公司)投资开发的综合性工业园。Long Jiang Industrial Park is a comprehens

2、ive industrial park invested and developed by Zhejiang Qianjiang Investment Management Co., Ltd (whose composition of shareholders includes: Sichuan Qiansheng Mining Co., Ltd, Zhejiang Xieli Leather Joint-stock Co., Ltd. and Hailiang Group Co., Ltd). 园区自成立、建设以来一直得到越南政府及中国政府的大力支持。越南总理阮晋勇于 2007 年 6 月亲

3、自批准园区投资许可,并将龙江工业园列入越南政府 2006 至 2015 年期间优先工业园区规划。阮晋勇总理于 2010年 4 月份造访浙江省时表示越南政府将一如既往的支持发展龙江工业园,呼吁中国企业到越南投资,到龙江工业园投资建厂。6 月份,总理办公厅专门为龙江的外围交通及电力设施问题复函指示各责任单位协调解决。Since its establishment, Long Jiang Industrial Park has always been supported by the Vietnamese Government and Chinese Government. H.E. Mr. Ngu

4、yen Tan Dung, the Prime Minister of Vietnam, had approved the project in June, 2007, and included it into priority industrial park planning during 2006-2015 supported by the Vietnamese Government. When in April, 2010, H.E. Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung was visiting 2Zhejiang Province, he declared that the Vie

5、tnamese government would continue to support the development of Long Jiang Industrial Park and also called on Chinese enterprises to invest in Vietnam and locate their factories in Long Jiang Industrial Park. In June, the Ministers office specially replied to the problems on external traffic and ele

6、ctric facilities, directing relating parties to coordinate for solutions. 2011 年 10 月,越共总书访阮富仲访问中国会见温家宝总理时,双方提出要加强对龙江工业园的支持。 In October, 2011, when General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong was visiting China to meet with Premier Wen Jiabao, both si

7、des proposed to strengthen the support for Long Jiang Industrial Park.中国政府领导也对我们园区十分关心。中国商务部陈德铭部长、姜增伟、王和民副部长到访我们工业园区,并对鼓励我们的做好园区建设及招商工作,以加强中越两国的经贸关系。The leadership of the Chinese government also shows special concern about our industrial park. Chinese Minister of Commerce, Mr. Chen Deming, Deputy Mi

8、nisters Mr. Jiang Zengwei and Mr. Wang Hemin visited our industrial park and encouraged us to do a good job in developing the park to strengthen the economic and trading ties between China and Vietnam. 2. 园区地理位置及交通条件2. Location and traffic conditions of the industrial park园区所依托的胡志明市是传统的国际货物运输港口城市,货物

9、海运通达全球,十分便利。胡志明市还是中国-东盟的 2 小时经济圈空运中心,到3广州、香港、新加坡、曼谷、吉隆坡、雅加达、金边等中国-东盟国家的航班都在 2 个小时左右。Ho Chi Minh City, which the industrial park is relied on, is a traditional international port city, endowed with convenient advantage of global cargo shipping. In addition, it is the airfreight center of China-ASEAN

10、Two-Hour Economic Circle, with the flights arrival in about 2 hours from Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Phnom Penh, etc. 园区位于越南南部的九龙江平原,距胡志明市中心、国际机场及西贡港均约为 50 公里。陆路有高速公路、国道途经园区,与胡志明市区只需40 分钟车程。水路有内陆河道紧靠园区,货物可直达国际港。园区的对外交通条件十分便捷。The park is located in the Mekong Delt

11、a in southern Vietnam, about 50 km away from Ho Chi Minh City, International Airport and Saigon Port. For land transportation, there are express highway and national highway passing by the park, which allow only a 40min drive to Ho Chi Minh City. As for the waterway transportation, there are inland

12、waterways close to the park, beneficial to the goods direct access to the international ports. Therefore, the external traffic conditions of the park are quite convenient. 3. 园区总体规划情况3. General Planning of the park园区处于越南国家及前江省重点发展的东南经济圈的规划中。东南经济圈规划总面积 3620 公顷,是九龙江平原第一个大规模的以农业向工业产业转化为基础,以工业产业为依托发展工业新

13、都市的集工业园、政府行政中心、教育、商业、居住、娱乐为一体的大型新型经济圈,得到越南政府重点支持及关注。作为东南经济圈的第一个大型起动项目,龙江工业园得到了前江省政府的高度重视和支持。4The industrial park is part of the Southeast Economic Zone planned and to be well developed by the Vietnamese Center Government as well as the Local Government, Tien Giang Province. with a total planned area

14、 of 3620 hectares. The Southeast Economic Zone, acquiring strong supports from Vietnamese Government,will be the first New Industrial Urban developed on the base of economic structure transforming from agriculture to industry in Mekong Delta, integrated with industrial parks, government administrati

15、on, education, commerce, residents and entertainment.Being the first large startup project of Southeast Economic Zone, Long Jiang Industrial Park has been attached great importance and support from Tien Giang Provincial Government. 园区总体规划面积为 600 公顷,其中包括工业区 540 公顷和住宅服务区 60 公顷。The total planning area

16、of the park is 600 hectares, including 540 hectares of industrial zone and 60 hectares of residential service area. 工业区建设规划Construction planning of the industrial zone编号No.土地使用类型Land Function面积(公顷)Area (hectare)比例(%)Proportion (%)1 工业厂区用地Land of industrial plants 357.59 66.222功能配套工程用地Land for functional and auxiliary project13.37 2.483管理服务中心用地Land of management service center13.79 2.5554 绿化用地Landscape70.18 13.005 物流用地Logistics land20.94 3.886 交通用地Transportation land64.13 1



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