AATCC 188-2008 家用洗涤中耐次氯酸钠漂白色牢度

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1、342 TM 188-2008 AATCC Technical Manual/2009Developed in 2000 by AATCC CommitteeRA60; editorially revised and reaffirmed2001, 2008; reaffirmed 2002; revised2003; editorially revised 2004.1. Purpose and Scope1.1 This test method is used to deter-mine the colorfastness to sodium hy-pochlorite bleach, c

2、ommonly called“chlorine bleach,” in home laundering oftextiles which are expected to withstandfrequent laundering.1.2 Results of this test method may beused in combination with other testing forestablishing care instructions (see 5.1, 9.6and 12.8).1.3 If a chlorine bleach contains ingre-dients other

3、 than the sodium hypochlo-rite, it is the total effect of these chemi-cals on the color change that is beingevaluated.1.4 This test method is designed forhome laundering devices. An acceleratedcolorfastness test simulating multiple homelaundering (including those with sodiumhypochlorite) is describe

4、d in Test Method61, Colorfastness to Laundering: Acceler-ated. There is no known correlation be-tween those sections of Method 61 and thismethod.2. Principle2.1 Specimens are laundered under ap-propriate conditions of temperature, de-tergent solution, chlorine bleach solutionand abrasive action for

5、five home laun-dering cycles. The laundered specimensare evaluated for color change.3. Terminology3.1 bleach, n.in home laundering, aproduct that will clean, whiten, brightenand aid in the removal of soils and stainsfrom textile materials by oxidation that isinclusive of chlorine and non-chlorinepro

6、ducts.3.2 care instructions, n.in textiles, aseries of directions describing which carepractices should refurbish a product with-out adverse effects and warning of thosecare practices expected to have a harmfuleffect (see 12.1).3.3 colorfastness, n.the resistance ofa material to change in any of its

7、 colorcharacteristics, to transfer of its colo-rant(s) to adjacent materials or both, as aresult of the exposure of the material toany environment that might be encoun-tered during the processing, testing, stor-age or use of the materials.3.4 laundering, n.of textile materi-als, a process intended t

8、o remove soiland/or stains by treatment (washing) withan aqueous detergent solution and nor-mally including subsequent rinsing, ex-tracting and drying.3.5 sodium hypochlorite bleach, n.4-6% solution of sodium hypochlorite(NaOCl), pH 9.8-12.8, commonly called“chlorine bleach.”4. Safety PrecautionsNOT

9、E: These safety precautions arefor information purposes only. The pre-cautions are ancillary to the testing proce-dures and are not intended to be all inclu-sive. It is the users responsibility to usesafe and proper techniques in handlingmaterials in this test method. Manufac-turers MUST be consulte

10、d for specificdetails such as material safety data sheetsand other manufacturers recommenda-tions. All OSHA standards and rulesmust also be consulted and followed.4.1 Good laboratory practices shouldbe followed. Wear safety glasses in alllaboratory areas.4.2 Manufacturers safety recommen-dations sho

11、uld be followed when operat-ing laboratory testing equipment.4.3 The 1993 AATCC Standard Refer-ence Detergent may cause irritation. Careshould be taken to prevent exposure toskin and eyes.4.4 All chemicals should be handledwith care.4.5 In preparing, dispensing and han-dling bleach and detergent, us

12、e chemicalgoggles or face shield, impervious glovesand an impervious apron.4.6 If concentrated sulfuric acid is di-luted to prepare the 10% acid (see 14.8.1and 14.8.3), use chemical goggles or faceshield, impervious gloves and an imper-vious apron. Concentrated acids shouldbe handled only in an adeq

13、uately venti-lated hood. CAUTION: Always add acidto water.4.7 An eyewash/safety shower shouldbe located nearby and an organic vaporrespirator should be available for emer-gency use.4.8 Exposure to chemicals used in thisprocedure must be controlled at or belowlevels set by governmental authorities(e.

14、g., Occupational Safety and HealthAdministrations OSHA permissibleexposure limits PEL as found in 29CFR 1910.1000 amended January 1,1989). In addition, the American Congressof Governmental Industrial Hygienist(ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values (TLVs)comprised of time weighted averages(TLV-TWA), short te

15、rm exposure limits(TLV-STEL) and ceiling limits (TLV-C)are recommended as a general guide forair contaminant exposure which shouldbe met (see 14.1).5. Uses and Limitations5.1 Specimens may be tested usingthese procedures, but without sodium hy-pochlorite bleach, to determine the effectof laundering

16、with water and/or water anddetergent alone (see 9.6 and 12.8). To testfor colorfastness to non-chlorine bleach,see AATCC Method 172, Colorfastnessto Powdered Non-Chlorine Bleach inHome Laundering (see 14.2).6. Apparatus and Materials (see 14.3)6.1 Automatic washing machine (see14.4).6.2 Automatic tumble dryer (see 14.5).6.3 Conditioning/drying racks withpull-out screens or perforated shelves(see 14.6).6.4 Ballast of 920 920 mm ( 30 mm)hemmed pieces of cloth. Choose one ofthe foll



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