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1、(2009四川省成都市高三第三次诊断性检测) 请根据下表中的提示,以“Kitchenthe Most Important Room in the House”为题写一篇英语短文。 注意:1.词数120左右,短文的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数); 2.短文要有恰当的结尾,并可根据表中的提示适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,Kitchenthe Most Important Room in the House Every room in the house is important for its specific function.However,there is one room,Kitchent

2、he Most Important Room in the HouseEvery room in the house is important for its specific function.However,there is one room that we cant go withoutkitchen,because the kitchen is the most important center of the life of the household.First,different kinds of food can be prepared in the kitchen and th

3、e kitchen is a warm and pleasant place,where the family get together to enjoy the meals happily at the kitchen table.,Second,most of the family conversations can also take place in the kitchen,where the family members chat and exchange various kinds of information.Besides,whenever one feels hungry,h

4、e or she can find something to eat in the kitchen,where the food is always in full store.,All in all,the most important room in the house,and my personal favorite,is the kitchen,for it represents the center of the house as well as the family.,.高频单词点击用所给单词的正确形式填空1.The(erupt)of volcano makes many peop

5、le lose their lives.,答案:eruption,2.He wants to change his(appoint)from Monday to Wednesday.,答案:appointment,3.We like our work to be justly(evaluate).,答案:evaluated,4.After 3 days marching,I was(absolute)starving.,答案: absolutely,5.As both a(novel)and a university lecturer, she is too busy.,答案:novelist

6、,6.When its(fog)the trains are late more often than not.,答案:foggy,7.His unnatural manner made her feel(comfort).,答案:uncomfortable,8.This wounded soldier was(conscious)from his loss of blood.,答案:unconscious,9.We waited for news with a growing sense of(anxious).,答案:anxiety,10.She shows little(apprecia

7、te)of good music.,答案:appreciation,.重点短语回顾1. 全部焚毁,burn to the ground,2. 前往,make ones way,3. 匆匆看一遍,glance through,4. 由到不等,vary from.to.,5. 被任命为,be appointed as,6. 因而焦虑,be anxious about,7. 被埋在废墟下,be buried under the ruins,8. 有的天赋,have a gift for,.常用佳句必备1.Have you ever considered how weak humans are com

8、pared with a volcano,hurricane or earthquake?,信息提取 compare to/with和比起来。,例句仿写人们喜欢把他与他孪生弟弟相比。People like to his twin brother.,答案:compare him with,2.It is said that this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.,信息提取 It is said that.据说。,例句仿写据说,他的名字在那城市颇有影

9、响力。 his name carries great weight in the city.,答案:It is said that,3.破解疑难句,.交际用语必背 情感(Emotions)1.The children very by the pantomime. 孩子们看了童话剧非常兴奋。,excited,2.I didnt mention it because I upsetting him. 我没有提起那件事,因为我怕他心烦意乱.,was afraid of,3.The little boy by the fierce dog. 那个小孩被恶狗吓坏了。,was frightened,wer

10、e,4.I about the children when they didnt come back home from school. 孩子们放学后没有回家,我非常担心。,was anxious,5.I wont until I know shes safe. 我只有在知道她平安无事之后,才会感到高兴。,be happy,appoint vt.任命;委派,(1) appoint sb.to a post 派某人任某职appoint sb.as/to be. 任命某人为appoint sb.to do sth. 委派某人做某事appoint a time/place for sth./to d

11、o sth. 约定时间/地点干某事(2) appointment n. 任命;约会make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会,Shes been appointed as sales director/to the post of sales director.她被任命为销售部经理。A committee to investigate these complains.已任命一个委员会调查这些投诉。I have an at 1030 with the doctor.我同医生约定在1030来看病。,was appointed,appointment,Teaching ye

12、ar after year,he gradually much experience.A.calculated B.accumulatedC.abandoned D.appointed,解析:考查动词词义辨析。calculate计算,核算;accumulate积累,存储,蓄积;abandon抛弃(地位等),离弃(家园),断绝(念头等),戒除(恶习等);appoint委派,任命。,答案:B,suit n.一套外衣;套装vt.适合;使适宜,The seven oclock train will suit us very well.七点钟那一班火车对我们很合适。,suit sth.to sth. 使

13、某物适合于另一事物be suited for/to. 适合be suitable for sb./sth. 适合于某人/某物be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事,He and his wife are well suited each other.他和他妻子十分般配。The house for a large family.这所房子确实不适合大家庭居住。,to,is not really suitable,suit,match,fit,(1)suit多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位、场合等。(2)match多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。(3)fit多指大小、形状的合适。,


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