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1、语法专项突破,语法专项五介词和介词短语,介词的用法1表示时间的介词(词组)表示时间的介词(词组)主要有:about,after,at,before,between,by,during,for,in,on,over,since,through,till,to,until,up to,from.to等。,知识必备,(1)at,on,in表示时间的用法区别一般来说,at表示时间点,常用来表示时刻,如果一段时间按时间点对待也用at。如:at 2:30,at dawn/noon/night/dusk/sunrise/sunset/breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper,at this

2、/that time,at the beginning of this centuryat也可以表示节假日。如:at Easter,at Christmason表示一天或某一天的一部分。如:on Monday,on September 26,on Monday morning,on Friday evening,in表示少于一天或多于一天的时间段。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening,in a week,in three days,in May,in spring,in 2011,in my childhood注:morning,afternoon,evenin

3、g,night这些名词如果有一个表示具体某一天的名词作定语时,介词不用in或at,而应该用on。如:on Thursday evening,on a cold winter morning,on the afternoon of April 8,on the night of his return,(2)by,during,for,till,until表示时间的用法区别by表示时间点,表示“不迟于,到时候为止”的意思。如:By the end of last month,they had finished all their tasks.到上月底他们就完成了所有的工作。during可以表示一段

4、持续的时间,也可以表示这段持续时间中的某一点或一刻,视具体情况而定。如:,During the summer vacation,they visited many places of interest.暑假期间他们参观了很多名胜古迹。for也表示一段时间,后面接具体的时间单位,后面的名词常常用复数。如:I have been working here for five years.我在这儿已经工作五年了。She lived there for ten years.她在那儿生活了十年。,till与until也可以表示一段时间。一般来说,till在肯定句中与持续动词连用,until则用在否定句中,

5、与瞬间动词连用。如:Although the lecture was very boring,he stayed till the end of it.虽然讲座很枯燥,他还是一直待到结束。I didnt leave until eleven oclock.我十一点才走。注:“not.until”句型的中文表达是“直到才”。,2表示地点、位置和方向的介词(词组)表示地点、位置和方向的介词(词组)主要有:about,above,across,along,amid,among,at,away from,before,behind,below,beneath,beside,between,beyond

6、,by,down,from,in,in front of,inside,into,near,next to,off,on,onto,on top of,out of,outside,over,past,through,to,toward,under,up,up to等。如:,We are now heading for the seashore.我们现在朝海边走去。The farmers are having a rest under the tree.农夫们在树下休息。The woman next to/beside Maggie is our new English teacher.玛吉旁

7、边那位女士是我们新来的英语老师。,He is jumping off the wall.他正从墙上往下跳。There is a garden in front of the house.房子前面有一个花园。,3表示原因的介词表示原因的介词(词组)主要有:for,from,of,through,with,because of,due to,owing to,for fear of,on account of,out of,thanks to(多用于褒义)等。如:He was shivering with cold.他冷得发抖。He received several scholarships be

8、cause of his academic and artistic ability.因为他在学术和艺术方面的才能拿到了几份奖学金。,On account of his knowledge of the mountainous country,he was appointed our guide.由于他对这一带山区很熟悉,他被任命作我们的向导。Thanks to your generous donation(捐款),we can rebuild our laboratory.多亏了你慷慨解囊,我们才可以重建实验室。,4表示工具、方式、手段的介词(词组)表示工具、方式、手段的介词(词组)主要有:

9、by,on,with,without,by means of,like,in等。如:He came here by bus.他是乘坐公共汽车到这里的。He came here on foot.他步行来到这里。,5表示目的的介词(词组)表示目的的介词(词组)主要有:for,on,to,for the purpose of,for the sake of,in honor of等。如:Lets drink to the health of our respected foreign guests.让我们为我们尊敬的外国朋友的健康而干杯。,He bought a house in the count

10、ry for the sake of his wifes health.为了他妻子的健康,他在乡村买了一栋房子。We shall give a dinner in honor of the retired professors.我们将设宴招待那些退休教授。,6表示结果的介词表示结果的介词主要有:into,to等。如:He frightened the boy into telling the truth.他吓得那个男孩说出了真相。I wondered why she tore the letter into (to) pieces.我不明白她为什么把信撕碎了。To my surprise,I

11、found him still waiting there when we were back.令我吃惊的是,我们回来时我发现他还在那儿等着。,7表示对象的介词表示对象的介词主要有:at,for,to等。如:This letter is for you.这封信是给你的。,8表示条件的介词(词组)表示条件的介词(词组)主要有:without,but for,in case of,in the event of等。如:Without/But for your help,we would have been late.要不是你帮忙,我们就迟到了。,In case of fire,telephone

12、the fire brigade.要是发生火灾,给消防队打电话。In the event of his death,his son will inherit his money.假如他死了,他儿子将继承他的财产。,9表示对比的介词表示对比的介词(词组)主要有:against,to,in comparison with,in contrast to (with)等。如:Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky.红旗在蓝天的衬托下显得格外鲜艳。The result of the match was 5 points to 3.比赛的结果是5

13、比3。,In contrast with (to) your belief that we shall fail,I know we shall succeed.你认为我们会失败;相反,我想我们会成功的。Living here is cheap in comparison with Shanghai.同上海相比,在这儿生活便宜些。,10表示度量的介词表示度量的介词主要有:at,by,for等。如:He rented a house 15 feet by 20 feet.他租了一间长15英尺宽20英尺的房子。The car runs at 110 kilometres an hour.这辆车以每

14、小时110千米的速度行驶。I bought all the books for 2,000 dollars.我以2,000美元的价格买下这所有的书。(for表示总的钱数),11表示让步的介词表示让步的介词(词组)主要有:despite(in spite of),for all ones.,with all ones.,regardless of等。如:He went to school despite (in spite of)his illness.尽管他在生病,他还是上学去了。I will carry out my plan,regardless of the consequences.不

15、管后果如何,我都要实施我的计划。,12表示相关的介词(词组)表示相关的介词(词组)主要有:about,of,on,regarding,as for/to,as regards,in connection with,with/in regard to,with respect to,in terms of/in.terms等。如:I have no complaints with/in regard to his work.就他的工作而言,我没有什么可埋怨的。,In termsof money/In money terms he is quite rich,but not in terms of

16、 happiness.就金钱而言,他很富有,但他并不幸福。,13表示排除的介词(词组)表示排除的介词(词组)主要有:but,except,except for,with the exception of,besides,apart from,other than(除了之外)等。如:We go to work every day but/except Sunday.除了星期天我们每天都上班。Apart from the cost,the hat doesnt suit me.除了价格因素外,这顶帽子也不适合我。,14表示材料的介词(词组)表示工具和材料的介词(词组)主要有:from,with,of,out of等。如:This bridge is made of stone.这座桥是用石头修的。Bread is made from floor.面包是用面粉做的。,


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